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Everything posted by DFWAJG


    Raw Eggs

    more than salmonella, you have to worry about campalobacter.
  2. these things are scary. I know what you mean. Back when I lived in So California, I was always frightened when driving. Those people are the most dangerous drivers I've experienced anywhere. I've seen people in the left hand lane, on a four or five lane highway, exit without ever looking to the right. I can't tell you how many people I have had drive what seems to be inches from my rear while at speeds over 70mph. There are so many weavers, I'm surprised there aren't baskets for sale along the highways. If I ever move back there, I'll be taking a course to train for the indy 500.
  3. From Smithsonian magazine. This month in history.. 130 years ago Maine teenager Chester Greenwood patents "ear mufflers" March 13, 1877. Greenwood, whose large ears make for uncomfortable ice skating, enlists his grandmother to cover connected wire loops with fur. The factory he starts wil produce 400,000 earmuffs a year. Greenwood secures over 100 patents before his death in 1937.
  4. Americans love chains! I don't know why. Personally, I like the mom & pop places. I loved living in Portland, Oregon. There are coffee shops everywhere, and coffee depots in front of coffee shops. In the Northwest district alone, if you visited a new coffee shop every Sunday, you couldn't visit them all in a year's time. Starbucks is nasty. they burn their beans. But I do like the chocolate covered coffee beans.
  5. try some alpha-hydroxy products on the spot. they help heal the skin quickly. don't pop them. It causes scarring and gets the mirror dirty.
  6. Whenever I've been pulled over, I do the following: 1. apologize profusely 2. ask him If he thinks this place is a safe place to pull over or ask him to come to the passenger side so I don't have to worry about his getting hit. 3. Put on my lipstick and smile real pretty-like 4. somehow weave in the conversation that I'm a doctor. Works everytime! I was doing 75 in a 50 in Oregon, No ticket.
  7. The initial study that promoted fluride was a poor one. A dentist compared two cities, one of which had more fluride in the water than the other city. The city with the higher fluride content had fewer people with cavitites. He contributed this due to the fluride. And it stuck.


    alright, you aren't helping.
  9. Thanks you guys. He was the man who originally inspired me to jump, although it was 20 years later that I first jumped.
  10. rolling on the floor in laughter The farts really stink after PC has hunted and eaten small animals. When I first got her, she would steal my underwear from the dirty laundry pile and carry them with her. Dogs also love used kotex pads and tampons. They're just like children.
  11. You aren't alone here. Two weeks ago I jumped at SD san fran. The trip to altitude was breathtaking. The sun was setting on the ocean and the Coastal range was snow capped. How I wish I had more time in the air. Today I jumped at Davis. Instead of a sit fly, I did a solo belly. I sucked in the view! Snow capped mountains to the north and to the east, the ocean just visable. I was told you can see the golden gate from altitude on a clear day. I opened high so that I could continue to enjoy it under canopy. Even before skydiving, I used to get very sappy over the ocean. I've made some of my best life decisions at the ocean!
  12. Fluride is a toxin, and although it is safe in small quantities, start to add up the amount you have used by the time you are 30 and you've accumulated quite a bit of toxins. For some people with skin conditions, fluride can make it worse. For instance, I have peri-oral dermatitis, a skin condition kind of like acne. It is thought to be worsened by fluride. since I stopped using fluridated toothpaste, I stopped breaking out.
  13. It is toxic, and althought consumed in small quantities, not a problem. But take the amount consumed say 30 years, and you have a cumunlative effect. Now you have a toxic substance in your body. Gravityjunky, tell your guest to use baking soda. It's all natural, non-toxic, and an excellent toothpaste for your teeth.
  14. DFWAJG


    I always download directions whenever I go anywhere, but often, the end point of the directions are wrong (happens more often with google maps than with yahoo maps) I want to get one of those personal map devices for the car. I looked at the Garmin website, but WOW, I have no clue which one I would need. Who out there has one of these contraptions and can give me some advice on them?
  15. Did anyone know a skydiver by the name Jim O'brian, from Philadelphia? He was a weather man for action news and had his own show called Prime Time.
  16. DFWAJG


    It may suck to be in the humidity, but it sure makes packing a lot easier. especially a new canopy.
  17. I was in New Orleans for a girlfriends wedding. A bunch of us went to the french quarter the night afterwards for some drinks. Two of us went searching for a bathroom as the ones in the bar were full. We found a bathroom. Our friend found a corner outside, peed right in front of a cop. They arrested him and about 7 others who peed on the street. All the guys were carried away by the paddy wagon. $700 later, we got Greg out in time for his flight home. Funny thing is, walking on the sidewalks in the French Quarter was like walking in a mindfield...of dog shit! The stuff is everywhere. No one there apparently ever heard of doggy bags.
  18. DFWAJG

    What made you

    What made you first start skydiving?
  19. this is interesting question. I was perplexed about this one myself. When I reached my first anniversary, the uspa sent me a new card that showed I had been in the sport for two.
  20. DFWAJG


    Is the growth on the side of the ball, or the ball sack? is it coming from the skin? or do you notice a lump?
  21. DFWAJG

    Our new baby

    you are such....a girl! I kinda like that in a guy.
  22. How could anyone not notice the fragrance of the air when the air went in & out?
  23. I wonder if you were even diagnosed correctly. Asperger's kids are referred to as "little professors." they typically have deficiencies in social interaction and may or may not have sterotypies or repetitive behavior. But people with Asperger's aren't retarded. They generally have a normal IQ and have normal language development. But anyhoo, do what you love baby.