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Everything posted by Ironmanjay

  1. Oh yeah good times last night with all of your dancing friends. I like the other coasties too. SOo SAD your moving we were just getting off to a good friendship. Ill just have to visit you in D.C Fozz you should make it out tomorrow Ill be there we can do some 3 way RW (since kelly doesnt Free fly
  2. Glad to hear you got to jump!!!!! :8:3 I had an awesome weekend at Am boogie. I volunteered Friday out there, I picked up most of those who landed out and made sure everyone had safe landings. I did Lots of 3 and 4 way sitflying and an awesome sunset tracking dive on saturday. First skyvan and otter jump. First dock while sit flying!!!!
  3. Shoot I normally would but Ive already got plans. Ill be out at skydance on friday for sure.....
  4. Quoteabout 6 years 2 years for assoc degree in science 2 years for assoc degreein nursing 1/2 yr for additional pre reqs 1 1/2yrs for the BSN THis sounds like the path Im on, I dont want the "woulda shoulda couldas" so Im getting it done in my 20's
  5. I would stay away from that paticular area, Stockton Modesto and so forth. It doesnt have the best rep for being a "safe" place and the summers suck there too But like someone had said Discovery Bay is really nice, there are some nicer cities closer to sacramento also that I would look into. Elkgrove, Galt and maybe even Lodi....
  6. That would be my advice to..... Dont forget to back roll it too to even everything out
  7. I just got a fusion 190 loaded at 1.1:1 and I have put 30 or so jumps on it. From my inexperienced perspective it is a really easy canopy to learn on. I have no complaints it flys real smooth and docile in the air and it has a strong flair. It took me 10 jumps to find the "sweet" spot in it but now I stand up every landing with ease.
  8. 0:8:0 A bunch of sit fly jumps, finally got a stable enough sit to stay relative to someone !!!!! And one awesome 10 way tracking jump
  9. Jump # 25 broken ankle. I took 11 weeks off
  10. Its been my experience with anything and especially skydiving that you get what you pay for......
  11. WOW 6 our of 36!!!!!! Your my hero J/K Shoot next time I would shoot for top 5 then once you get that top 3 for sure. You kicked ass good job and it sounds like a fun weekend of jumping and a TRI
  12. Action air sports at skydance in Davis. THey have some gear on hand. Look up Skydance on the DZ list and they will have a phone number
  13. Yeah talk to skybytch she cant jump because here neck is sooo messed up. And yes I have had a sore neck from hard a opening...
  14. 0:6:0 Getting more comfortable in my sit.... turned 9 pts on a two way (first time doing that!!) and had a couple of unsuccessful belly jumps
  15. GO to the Drop Zone where you did your tandem and they should have some student programs that will help you get started in the sport. Probably AFF(Accelerated free fall) or possibly a S/L(static line) program. They will give you the low down on skydiving....
  16. Thanks for the tips My goals are to be safe and have fun.... I would like to learn to freefly better. Also being so new to the sport everything needs improvement(exits, freeflying, canopy flying, landings) Im just wondering everyones opinion because at the moment I could go spend 500 $ on 1 hr of tunnel time or 500$ on 26 skydives, thats what Im contemplating
  17. To add to that: SPILT'EM WIDE CUT'EM DEEEPPP
  18. So what advice would you give myself and countzero who are really new to the sport. Obviously we want to get better at the discipline we choose but if money is an issue (which it always is) where would it be best spent. On the entire skydiving experience or honing in on skills in the tunnel???
  19. Hmmm Ive got a paper due on thursday that I have to get done. Soooo I was thinking friday would be better. Ill be out at skydance from morning to sunset.....
  20. Ill second that REALLY MAD, too windy at skydance too
  21. YOOOO whats up cali cuz, WELCOME. I jump out at skydance in davis but I will be making a trip out to byron soon. Oh rememeber to smile and have fun, your jumping out of a plane for cryin out loud, it doesn't get much better then that
  22. I like sex a lot!!!!! But I use skydiving as a supplement when I dont get the sex
  23. Oh...I noticed. Had a few naughty thoughts about wanting to play with the barbells, but...I actually restrained my comments last night. LOL
  24. Gravity girl and skysprite; you girls look awesome GREAT JOB!!!! And your all ready to show it off for the summer