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Everything posted by Ironmanjay

  1. Ill second that!!! A couple of times Ive thought Ive ripped one of them out I snagged them so hard.
  2. Now someone should post about other piercings I wanna see the "Other" piercings
  3. Ive got straight barbells. Thats what Ive had since I got them 2 years ago, I like having them. It just hurts a hell of a lot when you snag them on somethin. I love nipple piercings on girls too, it looks super hot.
  4. :5:0 Had lots of fun with everybody that I jumped with but just a little frustrated. I feel like a baby, at that stage where I'm crawling half way decent but then when I try and stand I fall right away. I just get mad at myself because I want to have all the skills to do what I want. But all in all it was a blast
  5. This is flight one's web site. Also heres Brians Germaines schedule. Ive heard good things about him and his flight coarse....
  6. Coaching and learning how to PLF will save ya
  7. Coming off of a broken ankle at 25 jumps from landing wrong I know how you feel. Walking through our fears is not the easiest thing to do but for me I just have to walk through whatever Im afraid of and its usually not as bad as I think . NOW Im not too good of a skydiver to PLF, I had the "OH I can stand up every landing no problem" attitude and sometimes I cant, so it took me breaking my ankle to be humbled enough to know if I dont feel comfortable landing on my feet I PLF. SO my advice learn how to PLF and use it!!
  8. Yo here we go
  9. 0:0:0 (Crying.....a lot) SHITTY weather and work :(
  10. lol, play by the rules Iron! hhhmmm why do they call you Ironman? Ahhhh yeah DuH (light bulb flickering on) I got it[cool Ironman is just an old bodybuilding nickname I had (see attached pic). No more serious bodybuilding, switched that up for the skydiving.
  11. Quote Roll Call: Feeblemind Fozz Johnsw71 Monkycndo Smilie Ironman Count me in sounds like kool learning experience
  12. LOL to add an unusual one there is a gun shooting range right next to the experienced jumpers landing area, and they're shooting their guns all day long Other then that, power lines, ditches, buildings etc etc
  13. Ha looks like you made the best out of our break, your lucky alls I did was work I didnt even get any jumps in I was working so much
  14. I just bought a rig from a guy on here and it went perfect. We did a few emails then a few phone calls and he was willing to send it to my rigger so I could try it on and look at it and to get it checked out. I liked the rig, I paided him and he called my rigger telling him I had paid for it and BAM its mine. Couldnt of gone any smoother Now in your situation I would try and get a phone number call him ask him whatever questions you have. Then if it sounds like something you want then see if he will use your rigger as a middle man. Also you say the main and the reserve are bigger then what the manufacturer suggests. Yeah that is a big deal because thats what the manufacturer says is safe to put in there, so question the guy about that. Also you can always call any manufacturer, from my experience they have always been a Big help Good luck and rememvber there is always going to be more rigs for sale if you dont get this one.
  15. First off welcome and congrats on completing the S/L program. Hey thats cool your making a smart decision on behalf of your own safety and life to stop skydiving...... I did the S/L program out in lodi about 6 months ago and it went really good for me. My only suggestion might be to go to some other DZ's because they are all run differently. I personally like the "feel" Ive gotten at Skydance in Davis so that is my new Home. THey have taught me some safety precautions that I just didnt learn at lodi. That is one of the first and foremost things I and we all need if we want to continue skydiving. SAFETY. So thats just what has worked for me. BLUE SKY
  16. I personally like the "feel" of skydance better then lodi. I made my first few jumps at skydance this weekend and everyone there was really nice and friendly and really safety conscious. I did my student training out at lodi and like someone had already mentioned your kinda on your own out there as far as safety goes but they are cheaper per jump ticket.
  17. Regardless if Im jumping or not yoga is the a really good way that I like to stretch out and its also pretty theraputic for the mind too
  18. Yeah I already broke my ankle from that exact problem. SO tell your friend it is possible!! I didnt understand it when my instructor told me the winds up high were coming out of the north. He told me not to drift too far south so I didnt but when I went to land I was down wind and I was moving fast. I tried to stand it up instead of PLF and broke the left ankle. Thankfully I didnt need surgery and the healing went well. A hard lesson learned for sure but it definitely made me obsess over canopy control, canopy saftey and landing procedures and having a landing plan before I get onto the plan so something good came out of it.
  19. Well I couldnt really tell you about the gunner or mindwrap but I just got an all-sport and I dont have any complaints. I picked the all sport for one it was a newer design and two you have the option of a camera mount. Its a lot quieter then the protech I was wearing and the head linning and inner ear flaps are removable and they have a secure place for an audible on each side. I like it
  20. I don't know if there are any other college students coming up on finals or midterms?? FUCKIN-A. All I've been doing the last 3 days is studying. No jumping, no fun, just nose to book. Man this better pay off. I'm totally jonesing for a jump too, it was perfect weather in northern california this weekend too Well I got keep my nose to the grindstone and get back to it Later