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Everything posted by jtnesbitt

  1. WTF are you talking about? SPEAK CLEAR. I didnt misquote you, you said a larger camera would also have snagged, that is what i addressed. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  2. I cant find it at the moment but someone recently posted a cartoon about someone intentionally not speaking clear then acting all smug when they get their chance to clarify and say what they should have said in the first place. I really wish i could find it because it is very fitting here. Its a combination of experience and snag. It's BOTH. You seem to only want to argue one or the other. No one here is siding with you except Sangi. (For all we know you are Sangi.) Stop trolling. We are having a serious grown up discussion about people dying. Go troll in the speakers corner or bonfire. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  3. Really? So if it would have been a larger camera inside a box with rounded edges and a slick surface then what would have snagged the bridle? These PCs are MUCH bigger and have a lot of drag. Really? I think you are dead wrong. On both counts. I've already addressed the camera issue, as far as experience goes....well....i am certainly more experienced now that I have learned about this fatality, so now I am better prepared. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  4. This is a really scary situation. There are multiple people in this very thread including myself who regularly freefall 270ft with gopros on our heads, feet, and wrists. If it snagged...well....we'd have one shot if we were fast to clear it, and its no guarantee even then. The problem is the mentality combined with the snag hazard. Its so small people dont think about it and THAT is when the snag hazard is a problem. Buffy knew what she was doing...and we still had this tragic ending. The REALLY scary part is almost every new base jumper now has a gopro strapped to themselves to capture the moment. I really hope we dont see a repeat of this at Bridge Day. Anyone that has been can tell you BD has some of the ugliest, nastiest, and scariest base deployments. I'e seen bridles around heads, between legs, around arms, pretty much everywhere. It's scary to think how many of those people are showing up with gopros this year. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  5. Wow, the comments under that article are even more ignorant than the ones in this forum "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  6. +1 Shah, you really know what to say to get everyone's panties in a bunch, and you do it so effortlessly, that's awesome bro! Oh, I'm totally being serious. The only reason I get on dz.com to to stir up shit and see everyone with their mega wedgies. Thanks for the laughs. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  7. Anything less than a 5 second delay on a nonbandit load at that object is a waste of altitude. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  8. Funny. It's a typo. And it was made by the place that runs the billboard, not the school. Don't let them off the hook that easy, I place billboards for clients all the time. A LOT of people messed up for this to happen. First, the designer spelled it wrong, then when he proofed it he missed it, then whoever proofed his work before going to the client missed it, then the client missed it when they proofed it, then the AE's for the outdoor company missed it, then the production team for the outdoor company missed it, then the AE missed it again when they took pics to show the client it was in fact up, then the client missed it again when they proofed the pics. There could be more, or less steps, but thats the typical process for these things. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  9. 1) They've been mentioned a lot but the forts are really cool and there are several around. 2) Someone else already mentioned Ripleys which is interesting. 3) St. John's street has some neat shopping and is fun. 4) Anastasia Island has a pretty cool PutPut course. 5) The Restaurants are AWESOME. Check out the Gypsy Cab and the Conch House for sure. 6) Deep Sea Fishing "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  10. Even thats outdated, this past year base exits on a unicycle is all the rage :P "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  11. Yeah, that's just here. My noob experience over at RockClimbing was very nice. I admitted i had zero climbing experience but was interested and I was welcomed pretty whole heartedly. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  12. Except that it is illegal to fly a parachute in a National Park, which sucks. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  13. Might want to try the sister site www.rockclimbing.com "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  14. OK...i gotta ask... Did Sangi send you that PM? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  15. Keep in mind that the meaning you put behind certain things might be different in different parts of the country. When i first started working where I do now i HATED getting calls from NY, Miami, and Boca. I felt like I was being talked down to and brow beaten. However, now i just remind myself "hey...thats how they talk and do business." I gotta talk fast and push right back or else they will loose confidence and i will loose the sale. On the other end, when i talk to clients in other parts of the country I have to slow down and be WAY extra nice otherwise they think i am a fast talking salesman trying to pull one over. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  16. Are we still talking about a keyboard? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  17. I had a Bridezilla about a month or two ago (I DJ/MC weddings) request that specific version. Fortunately I gave it a nice intro on the mic to cover my ass "blah blah blah...this is a very special version of a popular song picked out especially by (insert brides name)" Pretty much killed the dancefloor instantly. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  18. You arent a snob, but it also doesnt make sense to get upset over it. Indoor skydiving is a marketing ploy. Thats all it is. Obviously its not skydiving and everyone knows that. Getting upset over this would be like getting upset over a marketing tactic by a skydiving manufacturer implying their gear made panites drop. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  19. It sounded to be more like a "You better think twice next time..." open kind of statement. This type of a statement *might* cause a criminal to think twice before committing a crime, whereas a statement like "burglary is bad mmmkay" is likely not to do shit. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  20. Every canopy is different. Period. You can have two of the same canopy, but they are still different. This is especially true if you are shopping used. If you are trying to find a deal and find a cheap Mojo with 900 jumps then I can understand how someone would say not to take it to terminal. On the other hand there are also some new base canopies that I wouldnt jump out of an aircraft such as the new 5 cell vtecs. Before anyone starts arguing I also wouldnt take that canopy on a terminal base jump, there is no point. So, even though everyone has been answering your question, to get the best answer, we need more info. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  21. I know I had a little TOO much fun at the boogie. Cant wait for next year. BTW, has anyone seen my bourbon? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  22. Crap...i just saw you already have a helmet called Halo. I think calling the revolve Halo would be more fitting, looks just like the helmet from the game. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  23. You guys should totally call it the Halo helmet. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  24. Stress? Anxiety? TMJ? Allergies? Sinus? Blood pressure? It could be any number of things so its a good idea you are seeing a doctor. I once had a headache last 3 weeks due to some TMJ issues. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  25. My course was a blast. Someone i learned fast in the course and when working with students is never to make assumptions. Even if your evaluator/student should already know or be able to perform something that was covered before the cat you are doing, have them repeat it and explain it back to you to make sure they have it right. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero