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Everything posted by pbwing

  1. Are you fucking serious!!! So the people of Poland, France and Holland didn't have any of their liberties or freedoms taken away when they were invaded by Nazi Germany?? Really????
  2. That's about what I figured you'd say... Time to up the meds Cliff...
  3. Hey Cliff, Veteran's Day is coming up in a couple days. Make sure you take time to thank a veteran... Because without them, you wouldn't be able to spew your vial hate. You see, they did fight for your freedom.
  4. Yeah, most of mine would have been under 126s with a wing loading of 1.4ish...
  5. cause they're not spending the money on the subsidized housing so they can spend it on their cars NEXT STOP!!! SPEAKERS CORNER!!
  6. Here's a question... What is the speed of a downplane. I'm guessing it isn't enough to fire off an ADD, but I've been in 100+ downplanes but no one ever had an ADD.
  7. That was brilliant..... *poke
  8. Not good... Name of the attacker that was killed was just released... Major Malik Nadal Hasan
  9. So does that mean the Joint Resolution has to have the title "Declaration of War" or it's not valid?
  10. oh. i thought you were cooking with aluminium pots again...
  11. I'd be interested in hearing your response to wolfriverjoe's question...
  12. Oh bullshit! You may wish it to be that way, and you may believe the constitution to be written that way, but it simply doesn't play that way. You are not allowed to carry a firearm at school. You are not allowed to carry a firearm at court. there are many places it is simply not allowed. We just draw the line in different places in different countries. Don't bother trying to engage cliff in any sort of rational discussion. It's like arguing with a bag of old doorknobs...
  13. No, I really don't think they can. Perhaps you didn't see the other article where the Democrats were blamed because that girl was gang raped in CA....
  14. I highly fucking doubt it!!
  15. Again, what is wrong with it? It seems like you are trying to explain that it's unnatural as it does nothing to ensure the survivability of the species, is that right?? Here's a question for you...Do you have a problem with heterosexual couples who marry and decide to never have children? How about elderly people getting married? Guess what. Neither of those things contribute to the survivability of the species either. Does that make their marriages wrong or unnatural?
  16. wow!! the internet truly does have all answers!! From ubandictionary.com 1. shit-cunt Derogatory term for a person, most notably used when referring to females. The joining of the two curse words is designed to further emphasise that the subject being referred to is more than just a mere cunt. It's vulgarity in terms of literal meaning is also to further emphasise that the subject being referred to is a particularly unsavoury or disagreeable character in terms of actions and/or opinion. The adding of a 3rd curse or whole insult to pre-empt the original insult is to add body and weight to the vocal impact.
  17. So for you, it's not really an issue about species and survivability...you just don't like the idea of gay marriage?
  18. So as you describe, being gay is not un-natural, homosexual acts are not un-natural, but gay marriage is?? I'm just having a hard time understanding why you have a problem with gay marriage? There are other examples of marriages that exist between heterosexual couples that do not contribute to the survival of the species...are those 'wrong'?
  19. Really!?! I wouldn't call Anonymous a 'religious group'. Their issue with Scientology centered mostly what Anonymous called the attack on freedom of speech as well as copyright violations...
  20. and you're thinking it was 'religious nuts' because why?
  21. Don't mean to nit pick, but he was killed in Afghanistan, not Iraq...
  22. What about North Korea?!!? Kim Il Jong would be PISSED if he knew he was left out until this late in the thread.
  23. Easy answer. The morning after, the male woke up, looked over and saw her, then threw himself in the nearest volcano....