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Everything posted by gordy

  1. I did some skysurf coaching with Kebe the last time I was in Eloy and it is awesome....I bought a board when I got back to the UK, and I have managed to get about 6 jumps on it (out a 185, it's not easy!) I would do a lot more skysurfing if my home DZ had a better plane as it is really good fun....
  2. I would vote for GirlFallDown!
  3. You seem to nice to potentially have to risk putting up with her at the dz as well as at work, tell her that sort of thing is totally forbidded!!!! p.s. tell here gear costs $10000!
  4. There is a few base jumpers out there that haven't ever made a skydive as well. I reckon there input would be worth listening to depending on the topic, but generally you take the good bits out of what someone has to say so I reckon any input relating to flying your body generally would be of interest... My attempt at answering your question
  5. Yeah Kel.... This looks interesting, why the deletion?
  6. Yip, and due to where I was at the time it was cheaper to smash the smallest window on the car and get in that way....not a happy camper at the time.
  7. I would say its better to be honest dude.....as that horrible feeling that you might end up getting caught etc is best avoided.
  8. gordy

    Wish me Luck

    Good luck dude.....
  9. Take advantage of cheap flights and go abroad
  10. gordy


    Skydive your tits off!
  11. Who's been? Me What was it like? AWESOME Was it worth the money? YES Who were the coaches? Chris Fiala Did you learn a lot? Hell yeah Would you do it again? In a heartbeat Did you have fun? YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAA What was your skill level before/after? worse/better Chris is an amazing coach, both in the air and in the tunnel, especially funny in the tunnel....you will have a blast!
  12. gordy

    Japanese Toliet

    Yip...that was indeed quite a shock the first time it was encountered.
  13. Cool idea....I did a static line when I had about 150 jumps and it was a great laugh....fly over to St Andrews in Scotland and we will sort it for you
  14. So you can't take the matter in hand then?
  15. Used to be bubbles till this optical nonsense took over
  16. I would have to second that one.
  17. You will get used to it....just takes practise
  18. Hey....wish I could quit with you today.... Well done on the new job.... Take chances