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Everything posted by gordy

  1. Write quickly this is funny
  2. Ok, I will wait for you call
  3. Shall i expect it by PM then
  4. thats the bit I want you to explain
  5. On dz.com there are several, but will have to mention skymama for now to make her
  6. it really isn't fair that you guys are just teasing the rest of us!
  7. Ok I am curious....explain.... My method from last night was to drink about 5 pints of water before I went to bed and sleep in a bit, seems to have worked.....
  8. How did I manage to miss this thread..... Sirmixalot - baby got back..... anything by the 2 live crew, purely for the humour value.
  9. Nice one, good to see it back.
  10. In Scotland the range that you get is quite diverse, my local tends to over a selection of burgers, stone baked pizza, thai curry, which are all very good.... Some places you go you can get toasties, sandwiches and ususal stuff like that... A standard pub menu over here would be steak pie, lasagna, burgers and you can be pretty certain that it will all come with chips (fries for you guys over the water)! So it really depends on the type of pub your frequent, if you know what I mean.
  11. That was funny.....especially the comparison with drug taking and cross dressing
  12. Its funny you should write that actually as ended up having my first hoagie last night (turkey), as the only place open for food at 1.30am was this pizza place that has an american section on its menu...it was really good!
  13. I want my next toy to be an apple powerbook, ideally with a dvd writer, as I have never had an apple machine before but have used a few and there really nice....
  14. Toys that require batteries are always the best toys!
  15. Get a ticket quick......if I lived nearer I would be going just for a laugh
  16. Lapdancing, costumes, beer....lapdancing....yes must go next year!
  17. gordy

    al jazeera

    I would have said that all medias have an agenda.
  18. both were hot....kind of tempted to say blond jury is out.
  19. Will take it as it comes......as I do believe whats for you won't go by you
  20. gordy


    Hey this is just my two cents so feel free to ignore it....if your wanting to learn to fly head down the best way to go about it, sorry to get boring and repetitive here, is to learn to sit fly (ideally with a coach), then move on to head down (ideally again with a coach). The reason that you learn to sit before you start on head down is just as arching onto your belly is your recovery position when your flat flying, sit flying is your recovery position for head down, as it allows you to remain in a vertical position and keep your speed on. The method your trying while I won't say is wrong sounds to me like you will inherently create bad habits that you will have to unlearn later (e.g. arching while head down etc). It is definetly possible to go out and learn on your own and you may be a complete natural, but even if that is the case a coach will vastly shorten that learning curve. Enjoy and be safe... gordy
  21. eh..... guilty! whos got the camera?
  22. I tend to be ok if I stick to the same thing....oh and drink lots and lots of water before you go to bed!
  23. Well it would be a long swim, but when you put it like that....
  24. Will answer as best I can.... Its similar to freeflying or freestyle, yet done with a board strapped to your feet....which does kind of change how the air flow hits you..... Its great fun.....but there is no rush dude.....all the skydiving stuff that you do before hand is great fun too....