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Everything posted by DanG

  1. I don't take issue that American culture is great and people want to live here. I take issue with your idea that what makes American culture great is that it is "White" and "Christian". I'll give you "Democratic" and "Capitalist" although they are more to do with our system of laws than our culture. - Dan G
  2. I fell sorry for you that you believe such utter bullshit as what was in that "article". Really? Nine individuals? Who are they? How do you know there are nine of them if you don't even know where they work? The last part of the "article" is just a random string of buzzwords from the fringe right. Was the author in a contest to see how many times he could work in the names Alinsky and Soros? Sad. Low energy losers. - Dan G
  3. Sorry, but blacks, Hispanics, Asian people, gays, Jews, Hindus, atheists, and Muslims are all part of American culture now. - Dan G
  4. Please point out where I said any of that. Or are you just trolling like as usual? - Dan G
  5. What math? Obviously my point is that "white American culture" isn't nearly as great as you like to think. Sure, it is better that the predominant culture in much of the Middle East, but that's not a really high bar. - Dan G
  6. Try asking a gay Jew in Arkansas. - Dan G
  7. In your world view are there "snowflakes" on both sides of the political spectrum, or just the left? - Dan G
  8. There's a difference between spying on election activity and spying on election activity with the intent to release information to hurt the foreign candidate you don't like. - Dan G
  9. A. Awesome job. B. You have too much time on your hands. - Dan G
  10. Don't hurt yourself with that stretch. If USPA had longstanding rules that Board members had to divest themselves of any conflict or potential conflict of interest, then yes, they would need to do that. Since USPA doesn't have such rules, but the United States of America does, your point is rather moot. - Dan G
  11. This oughta be good Sure, I generally support the USPA. Please proceed to your point. - Dan G
  12. No, the fact that he clearly has no plan other than to promote his own brand directly or indirectly. Why host the Japanese Prime Minister at Mar-e-Lago? What's wrong with Camp David? Oh that's right, no point in generating free advertising for Camp David. His entire life has been dedicated to two things: his ego, and his money. Why do you think he never gives a dime to charity? There's nothing in it for him. Why would he treat the Presidency any differently? You think he had a change of heart, now he just wants to serve the people? Huh? - Dan G
  13. Seriously? All he cares about it his personal wealth. If he wasn't concerned about making money he would have properly separated himself from his companies. Why didn't he? Because he would have lost money (according to his own lawyer). - Dan G
  14. Little known fact: Millard Filmore had a mini-golf hole set up in the Oval Office. He would putt into the open mouth of a George Washington bust and the ball would roll down a ramp to the hole, placed scandalously under Lady Liberty's skirt. The press of the day dubbed him Millard Golfmore. - Dan G
  15. My thoughts are that this is a good look into your mind, not the actual grassroots left. You may sincerely believe that the millions of people who voted for Obama and Clinton are composed entirely of "anarchists, communists, socialist, radical feminists, [and] environmental extremists" but even a cursory moment of thought about that shows how ridiculous the idea is. Maybe if you realize that people on the left of the spectrum also love their country, have fought in her wars, work hard, pay their taxes, love their children, and care what happens to the world you might just stop being so close minded. Heck, you might even listen to things that people outside your echo chamber have to say. - Dan G
  16. I get all my best science information from Lamar Smith. - Dan G
  17. Can you imagine the GOP's reaction if Obama had said the same thing? - Dan G
  18. Manufacturers and retailers have military discounts to promote good will with the military community, and to thank people who are serving for their service. If people like you abuse their generosity they will stop offering the discounts to everyone. Don't be a dick and try to claim a benefit you didn't earn. - Dan G
  19. I hope that R next to his name doesn't cloud your thinking so much that you believe Trump had anything to do with job creation in January. We'll see how his performance looks to the rust belt people in two years when the manufacturing and mining jobs still haven't come back. - Dan G
  20. You're assuming people will just as enthusiastic about Trump in two years. You're also assuming the anti-Hillary crowd is still going to vote GOP. - Dan G
  21. Fascinating. So anyway, was Russia's invasion and annexation of Crimea illegal? - Dan G
  22. For those who don't feel like clicking on the link, here are the stupid regulations: 1. Oregon state water collection permitting 2. No selling of raw milk (Federal) 3. Some localities in Florida require recycling 4. Some unnamed localities don't let kids have lemonade stands 5. You have to follow fire codes in Phoenix, even if you are doing Bible study 6. Residential zoning laws in Tulsa restrict the height of plants Only one of those laws is a Federal regulation. The same one is the only one that could be interpreted as harming small businesses, namely raw milk providers. Try again. - Dan G
  23. Stupid idea. Really stupid, pandering, useless idea. - Dan G
  24. I didn't ask what the words meant, I asked what does "extreme vetting" entail. Do you need the dictionary definition of "entail"? Try again. - Dan G