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Everything posted by DanG

  1. "It was pretty bad then," is well short of, "It was an unconstitutional affront against loyal citizens." BTW, how many ethnic Japanese ended up going traitor? How about ethnic Germans or Italians? Why didn't we lock them up, too? - Dan G
  2. Sounds like you are holding up the interment camps as a positive example. Please correct me if I am wrong. - Dan G
  3. But Trump cleared the policy with his generals before tweeting it. Which generals, you ask? The same ones who called him to congratulate him on that great speech to the Boy Scouts and how he's fixed Mexico's illegal immigration problems. - Dan G
  4. I used to do some freelance coaching in a tunnel. You'd be surprised how unstable even experienced jumpers get when going for the pull. I used to make all my coachees fly around in the pull position in the tunnel until they were comfortable. I think not enough time is spent on flying with unusual arm positions in AFF in general. - Dan G
  5. DanG


    Too bad no one in the Trump White House has the vocabulary to understand it. - Dan G
  6. DanG


    Since rush is clearly incapable of communicating anything with any clarity, let me translate: Rush believes that intent is not an element of the crime of mishandling classified information. Comey said he didn't find intent, but that Clinton, et al were careless in how they handled classified information. In rush's mind, because intent is not a factor, any carelessness with classified information is a crime and all crimes must be prosecuted. Since Clinton was careless, she is guilty of a crime and should be prosecuted. It doesn't matter to him that Comey said there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute, the only sentence in Comey's statement that matters is the one about carelessness. No matter that intent is quite clearly an important factor in determining whether to prosecute. Since it is not technically an aspect of the crime, rush thinks that anyone who mishandles any classified information should be prosecuted. Well, except Trump, who handed classified information directly to the Russian Foreign Minister. That's okay. - Dan G
  7. Hom many times do people have to be told that the museum is a separate entity before it sinks in? Looks like it is in the hundreds. - Dan G
  8. DanG


    Same here. Too bad. - Dan G
  9. It must be a while since you've been in the States. For the last eight years, anyone caught saying Merry Christmas was immediately arrested by Obama's Sharia Police and sent to a re-education camp. There, they learned that there is only one true God, Allah, and Mohammed was his prophet. (Peace be upon his name) Now that Trump's in charge, devout Christian and highly decorated veteran that he is, we're getting back to loving Jesus and hating commies (except Russian commies, those guys are cool) the way Washington and Jefferson wanted us to. - Dan G
  10. DanG


    It's not 'real' if it was edited to alter his intent. We'll see. Either way, this 'story' is bullshit for several reasons. Allow me to list a few: 1. As much as rush wants it to be false, Russia meddled in our election. That is the problem. Whether or not anyone in the Trump campaign colluded is a side story, and potentially very important, but it is not the main issue. 2. The guy in the video is a producer in the medical division of CNN. He doesn't have anything to do with Russian investigation coverage. 3. The Project Veritas founder himself has said and journalistic ethics are unimportant, and all that matters is the business. Now he's xalling CNN out for seeking ratings? Hypocrisy much? 4. Even if this video is taken at face value, you can't make the logical leap from CNN spending too much time on the Russian investigation to the whole investigation being fake. CNN doesn't run the Senate, House, FBI, CIA, or NSA. - Dan G
  11. I think the name is offensive on its face (pun intended). It does not reference any positive characteristic of Native Americans (Braves, Chiefs). It only references their skin color. I'm still a fan, and have been for many years. I won't buy any merchandise until they change the name. And what's more offensive than the name is the shitty micro-management by Snyder. They might have a chance to win if he'd let the professionals do their jobs. Frankly, if/when they let Cousins go, I'm going with him. - Dan G
  12. It's illegal in the US, but not in many countries. - Dan G
  13. Or we could not kill/injure animals for sport at all. And no, I'm not against hunting. I am against any type of animal fighting when one of the animals doesn't get to agree to the fight. Bullfighting is on par with cock fighting and dog fighting. It is disgusting. - Dan G
  14. Of course it isn't a fair fight. Even if the bull "wins" they kill it anyway. It's sheer brutality. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. - Dan G
  15. Hmm. 12 apostles martyred themselves, thus proving that Jesus was the Son of God. How many hundreds of Islamist Extremists have martyred themselves over the last twenty years? Does that prove that Allah is the one true God and Mohammed was his prophet? Men being willing to die for a cause doesn't mean that cause is right. - Dan G
  16. I'm still disappointed about the lack of taco trucks. - Dan G
  17. Really? I mean, really? I hope you don't mean it that way, but it sounds like you are in support of killing our elected representatives. If you don't like them, vote them out, don't shoot at them. - Dan G
  18. For someone who keeps claiming they have a self-imposed ban you sure to post here a lot. And your most recent post was completely full of shit. - Dan G
  19. Did you read your own link? I see you are pivoting from "no one ever said they were official" to "no one can declare them official." Just admit you're wrong. Or think about how you would have reacted had Obama blocked members of the NRA from viewing his Twitter feed. - Dan G
  20. This is absolutely, 100% a terrorist act. Homegrown terrorists are the threat, not refugees or immigrants. - Dan G
  21. No, it has already happened. Spicer stated that Trump's tweets should be considered official statements by the President. Let's make an analogy. Would it be okay if the White House published a booklet about a policy issue and forbid any copies to be distributed to a certain group of citizens? That's what is happening here, it's just in digital form instead of printed. - Dan G
  22. If this were a righty shooting at lefties we'd be seeing the usual suspects claiming it was a false flag operation. Regardless of why he did it, what his beliefs were, or who he was targeting, he was a scumbag. No sane person condones acts like this. - Dan G
  23. Why should a government official get to block access to official communications to anyone? What difference does their numbers or political affiliation make? - Dan G
  24. I've yet to hear from a reputable legal scholar (that isn't on Trump's payroll) say that what he did was in any way adequate. No. If there were, you would never have heard of Monica Lewinsky. - Dan G