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Everything posted by DanG

  1. The only way it is a sign from God is if the sign He's holding says, "Orbital mechanics." - Dan G
  2. You're not trying to get belly to earth. You're trying to get belly into the relative wind. The good news is that you are already belly into the relative wind on the strut. Start your arch while still holding the strut. That includes head position, which should be looking up at the wing. Above all, do what your instructor tells you. You don't know if any of the idiots on here, including me, know what they are talking about. - Dan G
  3. Everybody seems to think the Russians wanted Donald Trump in office because he would be pro-Russia. I disagree. I think they wanted him in office because they thought his administration would be a total dumpster fire. The Russian's real goal was not getting a particular person elected, it was creating instability and a weakening of America's international strength. They see themselves as rightful equals with the US on the world stage. To realize that, they need to bring the US down a few notches. So far it looks like they are getting exactly what they wanted. - Dan G
  4. This is why the rest of the world thinks we're dicks. He's not God. - Dan G
  5. Wait, what? I thought the party line was that Obama was destroying America through his unconstitutional actions and sharp veer into socialism. I get so confused. - Dan G
  6. DanG


    Duh. Obviously attempted murder shouldn't be prosecuted either. It's only a crime if you're successful. - Dan G
  7. Might be more persuasive coming from someone who hadn't leaked sensitive information about terrorism to our enemies. Anyway, I completely agree with the thrust of your statement. Leaking political scandals because you want corrupt politicians to face the music is completely different from leaking information that hinders an ongoing investigation. The White House leaks don't hinder investigation. If anything, they help it. The leaks about the bombing in Manchester don't help anyone but the terrorists. Unfortunately these leaks give Trump more ammunition for his bullshit argument that the leaks are the real crime. - Dan G
  8. Do those valuations take into account the increase in your home's value? Obviously you're not going to recoup the whole cost of the panels and install if you sell the house, but you'll surely recoup some of it. - Dan G
  9. DanG


    Don't forget that 2+2=5, if the Party says so. - Dan G
  10. We used to burn old cars after hours for special occasions. We were generally careful about emptying the fuel and oil first. Generally. I have seen a burning car being driven around the bonfire by a naked man. There were two volunteer firefighters in full gear in the backseat. For safety, don't you know. When the cops showed up they weren't sure if what we were doing was illegal or not. When the owner of the car told them he was okay with it they just told us to keep it down and left. Obviously this was pre-911. - Dan G
  11. DanG


    We have yet to see if the leakers are also going to the FBI. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that WaPo and NYT are getting the broad outlines while trusted agents at the FBI are getting the full details. Comey wasn't keeping detailed notes about his meetings with Trump because he thought it would fun. Trump has done everything he can to shit on the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. so I doubt there's much of a sense of personal loyalty there. - Dan G
  12. DanG


    There were only 45 Democrats in the Senate at the time. Hardly a Democratic Senate. Five Republicans voted with the Democrats to acquit on the obstruction of justice charge. Maybe they realized the damage to the country from impeaching the President for lying in answer to a question he never should have been asked wasn't worth it. - Dan G
  13. Quit over a year ago. Best decision I've made in a while. Wasted a good three years on that game. - Dan G
  14. Here's a 140 character translation: Article says warming manmade. Some don't read past 140 char. Maybe blame Trump; maybe explanation of Trump popularity. Try writing shorter. - Dan G
  15. Well now I want to know which comment mine was! - Dan G
  16. It's more like: Then: Group A: "That guy's actions were inappropriate. He should be fired." Group B: "That guy is a hero!" Now: Group A: "That guy's actions were inappropriate. He should have been fired, but since we're stuck with him he shouldn't be interfered with." Group B: "Shit, we thought that guy was in the bag for us. Turns out he's not. Fire him!" - Dan G
  17. DanG


    The bill "defunds" Planned Parenthood. I expect that will be the focus of much Republican high fiving on the news. Of course the result will be more abortions, not fewer, but that's not what the pro-life movement is about anyway. - Dan G
  18. DanG


    We're already seen what they'll do: blame the "liberal" Murdoch kids and gravitate toward Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, and Michael Savage. - Dan G
  19. You're right. It'll probably be a mix. Some areas will become more integrated, some will become more segregated. Some people will make an effort, some will dig in. And robots don't need protein, but they are clearly after our precious essential fluids. - Dan G
  20. I think over time (multiple generations) the enclaves would be more socio-economic than cultural. Eventually the cultural differences would start to smooth out. It'll happen first with food, because food is a universal language. Then it will happen with actual language and biological differences. Eventually everyone will look like Beyonce and Obama, speak an evolved version of English, eat some really good fusion food, and hopefully not have as much racial/cultural animus as we do now. There will still be tension, but it will be economic with less of a racial undertone. Or we could all become food for our robot/alien overlords. - Dan G
  21. Could you elaborate? Some people hold up Southern California as a near utopia, others as a dreaded hellscape. I'm sure you're somewhere in the middle. And why anyone would want to live in a Southern California desert when they could move to the rolling green hills of Virginia is beyond me. - Dan G
  22. I'm guessing you're going to give this guy a pass on his obvious sexual innuendo because he's on Fox. If a liberal had made the same hand gesture when talking about Sarah Palin your head would explode. - Dan G
  23. So assuming he is a spy, which is hardly been shown, you have no sympathy for a man who volunteered to serve his country in a hostile foreign land, knowing the result could be life imprisonment or death? How do feel about soldiers wounded in combat? It happens all the time, they should have known better. No sympathy! Sad! - Dan G