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Everything posted by DanG

  1. I didn't realize it was "the left" driving around with confederate flags on their trucks. You're right, those lefties need to let go of the divisive past. - Dan G
  2. No one in Real America (tm) has ever had any problem with a Republican president. Liberal commie coastal Amerika doesn't count. - Dan G
  3. I hope you don't think he's going to realize that he just described himself. - Dan G
  4. There's a difference between being in the Constitution and being constitutional. If your squad leader ordered you to clean the latrine, it's perfectly constitutional, even though the Constitution doesn't mention latrine cleaning. You were ordered to salute the flag by your superior officers. Totally constitutional. Last I checked NFL players were not part of the military. - Dan G
  5. I wasn't alive (or at least aware) during the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement. Do you think things are worse now than they were then? - Dan G
  6. FYI, the term "crippled" to many disabled people is akin the the n-word for many black people. I suggest if you're trying to sound like an advocate for the disabled that you purge that from your vocabulary. As far as "service dogs" I think they should be treated like any other patron at your business. If they act inappropriately, kick them and their owner out. If someone's child starts stealing food and poopoing on the floor you have every right to ask the party to leave. Service animals are no different. - Dan G
  7. Trump's presidency is a real threat. I'm 45. Is that old enough to have an opinion? - Dan G
  8. Isn't there a way to ban his MAC address or something? - Dan G
  9. Be careful, posting anything positive about USPA will get a bunch of angry old men upset with you. - Dan G
  10. Cue rushmc saying that all the data was manipulated to fit that curve in 3...2...1... - Dan G
  11. My neighbor had his car window smashed over the weekend, probably by some teenagers or something. There is virtually no crime in my neighborhood. Anyway, a cop came around to ask if I had seen or heard anything suspicious. I've never done anything wrong in my life, at least not that would arise to the felony level. I was nervous talking to this cop anyway. I didn't have anything to do with the window being broken, I hadn't heard or seen anything, and the worst crime I've committed in recent memory is moderate speeding. I can't imagine how nervous I would have been if I had a little weed in the house, or was a month behind on child care payments, or had shoplifted a candy bar last week. I also can't imagine how nervous I would have been if I were black. It's easy to blame the victims of racial profiling for acting furtively, or not being cooperative. It's harder to put yourself in their shoes and understand that being nervous around cops is natural, and even more understandable if the cops have a history of treating you unfairly. - Dan G
  12. DanG


    A. What a load of crap. Math is socially neutral. I can't for the life of me figure out how calculus is keeping the little man down. B. To be fair, I didn't have to take any math classes to get my degree in Foreign Affairs. I tested out based on my high school classes. I really don't think everyone with a college degree needs calculus. On the other hand, statistics knowledge is sorely lacking, and should definitely be required. - Dan G
  13. DanG


    😲440Hz! It's all clear to me now. I need to upgrade my tin foil hat with some good ear plugs. - Dan G
  14. A lot of these areas were never expected to flood, so flood insurance may not have been available. But don't worry, Trumps wants to cut the funding for the people responsible for updating and maintaining flood maps. - Dan G
  15. The really crazy part is that altruism and morality have fuck all to do with how people practice religion these days. - Dan G
  16. A) If your student couldn't see you in freefall because you were a shitty flier, you shouldn't have gotten a coach rating. That's on your Course Director. B) Even after getting the rating you shouldn't have gotten, you should have sat yourself down and sought additional training or experience until you were competent. That's on you. C) Unless USPA changed the rules, a D license holder can jump with self-supervised students with S&TA approval. If you are so passionate about helping students you should seek that approval. Again, that's on you. - Dan G
  17. If you know how every "argument" with Marc is going to end, why do you keep engaging? - Dan G
  18. If marriage is that tough, you married the wrong person. - Dan G
  19. The denizens of Speaker Corner object to your characterization of this place as something other than nutcase central. - Dan G
  20. Well, believers think the writers of the Gospels were directed by the Holy Spirit, so the length of time between the events and the description is irrelevant. - Dan G