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Everything posted by Vallerina

  1. How are we the "entitlement" generation when most of us are (gladly) paying for coaching (I keep hearing it was free in the old days, afterall)? It doesn't sound very entitled to me if you're paying for services. Not a knock on you, your post, or anyone's post, but jerks make up about the same proportion of every generation (they must breed that way.) So, I can't understand blaming an entire generation for any problem based on their personality flaws. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  2. I have "Drinko" (think Plinko) in my trailer, so I believe I am the obvious answer. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  3. Happy Birthday, Rosa! Hope to see you soon! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  4. 0:6:1 I did a couple of really nice two-ways! One two-way was an impromptu freefly jump done in my belly-flying suit. The other two-way was from two different planes.
  5. My favorite beer is definitely house. It’s so slippery, and I like the way it makes me run. It reminds me of a book. Be careful using it with food, though. Pizza can get messy! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  6. I did my first CRW jump There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  7. 0:17:lots I made my 1,000th skydive! It was a very nice four-way also known as the Val Show: B-4-2 (I'm point ). AndyCam did his fancy video flying on it, too! We made our first team jumps this past weekend...really fun and some really nice jumps! Yay! A most fantastic weekend at CSC! I'm definitely excited about the long weekend coming up! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  8. My heart goes out to his family and many many friends. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  9. Happy Birthday, JP! Give me a call when you swing through IN/IL!
  10. 0:2:0 My friends made their first jumps this weekend!!!! Thanks to everyone at Chicagoland Skydiving for making their first experience in the sport a really really fantastic time! One of the girls has been one of my best friends for the past 17 years or so, and the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in freefall was her doing a tandem in my JFTC suit
  11. It was great to meet you! Don't lie. We didn't jump together because I suck at freeflying. Grippers are my security blanket. Glad you had fun at CSC!
  12. 0:6:0 I made a few jumps with False Rhythm. Andyman made the best food I've ever had on a dropzone last night (yummy yummy tacos.) My trailer is starting to feel like home/freshman year dorm (especially since craichead left me a note.) Good jumps. Good food. Good champagne. Good fun!
  13. Having thouroughly enjoyed their beautiful aircraft and tunnel a few times this winter, I fully support Skydive Arizona making business decisions which support the facilities that make the dropzone one of the best in the world. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  14. As Tomas said, CSC and SDC are both great dropzones. CSC has a very pretty PAC (and an Otter, too, starting Mem Day weekend) which doesn't take many jumpers to make it fly. I'll be out at CSC this weekend jumping my booty off And pay no attention to Remi. He's just mad I keep going to Eloy trying to steal his wife. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  15. If I could afford all of that, you bet I would! I can definitely understand the mentality of those who do all of that. Maybe it's not for everybody...maybe some people just want to be laid back about skydiving, and that's fine. But, there's nothing wrong with pushing yourself hard either. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  16. I learned my lesson about taunting, when are you coming back to visit?
  17. 3 hrs with Airspeed:0:0 I love Airspeed!!! I went to the two-on-two camp and had Brian J. as my piece partner, Ficus (who's very cool and a really awesome skydiver), and Andy H. was IC. I'm just a tad addicted to their camps. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  18. Ward's back with Mirage and touring various dropzones (although, CSC is his favorite.) There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  19. MS10 - $17 Skydiving for MS Boogie with Fritz Pfnür $25 registration fee $17 experienced skydives Organizing and coaching by Fritz Pfnür Raffle with LOTS of prizes (including a 100 jump package at CSC!!!) Dinner and a party Saturday night Rumored to be there: Ward from Mirage and Isaiah from PD More info I'm not sure if they plan on bringing the dunk tank out again this year, but if they do, who can resist the chance to drop me into a big vat of cold, hose water...AND it goes to a good cause!
  20. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." If someone acts condescending towards others and uses their religion to do so, they shouldn't be too surprised when the ridiculous claims they make get thrown back at them when they don't come true. And this should also be a lesson to all that Bill will remember every embarrassing thing you ever be careful out there!!!!! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  21. Anyone else listen to the "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" song and get a little sad? So many great memories....there really was something special about the Convention..... There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  22. Hmm...if I don't go to Perris that weekend, I may have to finally check out Raeford and that pretty tunnel you guys are putting up!