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Everything posted by Vallerina

  1. It's generally classified as "anecdotal evidence." Just because a person doesn't think a 6 year old didn't hear information about Aunt Mildred doesn't mean that they didn't pick up info about her from somewhere. Also, people tend to remember the hits and forget the misses. For every 6 year old that happens to get the color of dress right, there are 100 6 year olds that get it wrong. Other explanations can be things like waking dreams (which I've had and are extremely vivid) or lying. Most other things people associate with spirits (voices, lights, sounds) can be associated with other physical factors. If some sort of scientific evidence could be shown for ghosts/spirits, I would be open to the possibility. However, with nothing but anecdotal evidence to support it, it seems implausible. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  2. No. The ghosts/spirits that people see or hear can be explained by other physical factors. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  3. That's horrible. I hope you have made her aware of how bad that is for the dog? Please elaborate -- how is it bad for the dog? I'm in the same boat with my mother -- she treats her dog better than she ever treated me or my sister. I'd like to share that information with her in hope that she'll adjust the exaggerated affection and pampering (she cooks for the dog, among other things ). People who treat their dogs like humans are not in control of their pet; the pet is in control of them. Dogs are not humans and should not be treated as such. Read this, it has a lot of info. I'd pass it on to your mom, although I doubt she'll listen. People who treat their dogs like humans rarely do. was said in jest! And, Tomas, are you going to actually jump with me this season?
  4. If the season doesn't start soon, I'm going to lose my mind!!! And I'm really not sure where he came up with diabla from...I've always been good! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  5. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the greatest two minutes of tunnel history!!!! And I always prefer spankings! Thanks for voting!
  6. Ok...I'm did you get here? The child that she never had listens, obeys, etc. The children that she did have didn't obey quite so well....
  7. *Disclaimer* I am very very embarrassed to be posting this. My mom has a wonderfully annoying dog that I don't particularly care for. Whenever I go see my mom, the dog likes to steal my socks, chapstick, ponytail holders, etc. I only wish the dog could understand human speak when I tell it how much better every other dog in the world is. It's a pretty useless doesn't like to play fetch and has puked on my clothes. However, this is the only dog that has ever liked my mother. Growing up, I trained my other dogs to growl or snap at anyone (mainly my mom) that tried to wake me up in the morning. She's happy now to have a dog that doesn't growl at her. Now that she has a dog of her own, she's treating it like the child she never had. She entered the dog in a photo contest, and it would make my mom extremely happy if the dog won. If you could all be so kind to my mom and vote on her dog, I would be much appreciative! Btw, I voted for EVERYTHING EVER POSTED! I swear Please don't make fun of me. I'm gentle. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  8. Yes, but most of us Ophiuchuses do. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  9. I Think I Love You by David Cassidy There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  10. Merry belated Christmas to you, too, Bill! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  11. Nothing too surprising... Dodd, Clinton and Edwards were at the top, and Hunter, Huckabee and Romney were at the bottom. Dodd was only at 60%. I guess that means he's the least of all evils? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  12. I really want GSP to win, so I'm sure I'm biased when I'm picking him for that fight. I'm also going with Chuck, too. Just my votes!
  13. If a guy is a good kisser, I love kissing as much as I possibly can. If he's so-so or meh, then I don't care too much and probably kiss a LOT less during. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  14. Drunk? Is there any other way to spend it? Oh, I know! Drunk in Eloy with Remi! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  15. Bill, you've inspired me, and I now know how I'm going to spend the end of fall! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  16. Lots:18:0 We finally had a weekend of good weather here!!! I'm definitely looking forward to Nationals! Also, I am now sunshine's neighbor. Let the fun begin!
  17. Vallerina

    Mega Millions

    I would open up a 25 ft wind tunnel on Navy Pier.
  18. I've always thought the same thing! I always thought that if by some chance I need to become a prostitutue, I will just videotape all of my business and call it porn. How can you get arrested if you're being paid to make porn? There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  19. *Disclaimer* I've read no one's replies, so sorry if I repeat anything. Religion is a "drug" in the way many things that make us feel good are drugs. Whether it's food, skydiving, sex, shopping, alcohol, or the promise of heaven, many people become "addicted" to these vices. Take away the vice, I can definitely see where depression steps in. It's no surprise that many ex-alcoholics become devout Christians or even skydivers (transfer of addiction rings a bell). Many people (myself included) have problems with the concept of moderation, so anything can be a problem (in my opinion, even religion) if it's taken to excess. While there are many normal, healthy people who go out every now and then for a drink or go to church Sunday mornings, others nearly live at the bar or spend all their time trying to "save" others. An intervention with either can get pretty ugly! But then again, I could just be completely wrong! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  20. My best friend hiked over half of it last summer, and she had a really great time at trail days in Demascus, Virginia....I believe she recommends that everyone go to it. Her favorite view was "Max Patch." I'm also not sure of the type of clothing she wore, but apparently, she could wear the same shirt for several days and not smell bad. I'd like to buy those shirts for everyone I know. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  21. If people didn't base wars on "god," they would find another excuse to claim property/land/whatever they want. Sexism/racism can exist even in a godless world. People will always find a way to excuse their hatred. I'm very secure in my disbelief of a god, so it doesn't bother me if someone else has a very strong belief in it. I'm a-ok with people believing whatever they want...whether it's someone who feels that church brings out the best in them....or if it's my nephews believing Santa brings them the best toys. It's interesting to debate religion and to debate why people believe in god. I also see nothing wrong with people spending their free time however they wish to make themselves long as it doesn't impose on my fun. While I think it's crazy to spend beautiful Sunday afternoons stuck inside singing bad music, many other people think it's crazy to spend a Sunday afternoon polluting the Earth with jet-a to fulfill one's adrenaline need. Can't say I disagree with them. There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  22. Love the lyrics, love the music, love his voice. It's one of the few songs I've been listening to basically my entire life, and I'm still not sick of it! Also dating hippies in high school that played it/sang it for me didn't hurt either If I could pick *two* songs, the other would be "Karma Police" by Radiohead. If you let me go to three songs, it's "Humpty Dance." There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning
  23. "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning