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  1. I apologise for not getting back on the journal info yet . Had a grueling two weeks, so I haven't gotten round to it yet. I'll try to make work of it as soon as possible. A lecturer at the university discussed it in class, so i'll have to get to him to ask him. Knowing a bit about genetics I honestly don't know if I believe the research, but I don't believe in evolution either...
  2. I do not know in which journal the following discoveries were documented, and I was unable to take in all the scientific evidence that was used to substanciate it, but it has basically been proven that humans did not evolve from anything (especially apes). It has to do with how our genetic material is transferred from one generation to the next. Basically, humans are the most intricate and complicated forms of life on earth. Less evolved forms of life could've evolved from humans but not the other way around. I'll try to get hold of the report and make sure what the precise mechanisms are.
  3. Please try not to twist my words. I never said anything of the sort. Each of us live our own lives, I am not able to experience your life as you do. I simply stated events that happened, and how I experienced it. I am not arrogant, I am not full of myself, i'm not naive or anything else someone would like to through at me. I'm simply a believer. Someone who believes in God. I'm not demeaning anyone else's beliefs, i'm not degrading anyone as a person, i'm not disregarding anyone's opinions. If you wish to interpret anything i've posted in that manner, that is not my intention.
  4. I don't know, get to know Him a bit better, then ask Him yourself. Enjoy your day
  5. I haven't read the thread refered to above. In the old Testament, we were to be punished for our sin. In the New Testament, Jesus died for our sins, therefore taking our punishment. Through Christ we are washed clean. Whether you're a Christian or not, just think about it - has anyone ever loved you so much that they would die for you?
  6. I keep getting the same comment over and over and over. I ignored it the first 20 times, but here goes. God did not break my leg. My own inexperience and miscalculation and probably a bit of uncurrency caused that. I'm human, I make mistakes, but that's my fault, not God's. I landed close to people, that meant that I got help faster, I see it as divine intervention, if you want to interpret it otherwise, go for it. The "double fracture" was because it was a tortion fracture, in other words the bone twisted, and the built up tension of it being rotated, caused it to break. It's not a big deal, or at least for the person who experienced it, it's not.
  7. My mistake. I'm afrikaans. In afrikaans, a medical doctor is called a dokter, while someone who has their Phd is called a doktor. I'm not studying languages
  8. I have already stated that I am not a theologist. But have you ever taken a look at the commanmends of the Bible: 1. Don't have sex before marriage - how many people are dying from HIV/AIDS because they do not obide by this. 2. The Bible tells you you're unclean if you touch blood - we know today that so many diseases can spread through blood. In my opinion, all the "rules/regulations" in the Bible are not there to make your life less fun or difficult, but to protect you. I have non-christian friends as well, I do not mock them for anything they believe in. That is their personal choice. I placed the post for people who might be searching for something, something they might not even know they're looking for. I am not trying to convert you or any other person in this forum to Christianity, but there may be someone who appreciated that message. If only one person got something out of that post, even if I get a 1000 critics on this thread, it would make it worth my while.
  9. I don't believe in coincidences. I'm not trying to make a believer out of you. If you choose not to believe in God, that's your decision.
  10. I'm not claiming that, in context of the trying world out there that my experience was 'a true trying experience'. When there's only direction you can possibly consider taking in your life where your profession is concerned it is quite frightening to not be given the opportunity to qualify yourself in it. But I must admit that believing God's promise that I would get in, after so much negative feedback from different institutions, does takes some degree of faith. Or at least it did for me. In answer to your second question - I didn't want to go to Pretoria, I wanted to go to Bloemfontein. I already had my academic clothes bought for it. So I honestly do not believe I would've been interested in finding out what Pretoria had to tell me. But God knows best and He placed me where He knew I would prosper.