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Everything posted by lippy

  1. And you keep getting closer: hell, one of these days you just might post something truthful.
  2. That was my first thought, but there’s a windsock in the video and it seems to indicate damn near no wind; if anything, there’s a slight crosswind.
  3. The only thing we know for sure is that whatever would have happened here, you would have blamed the Dem's....Suppose the Fed did nothing and SVB's collapse spurred bank-runs that tanked other small/mid-sized banks. You'd have been on here skewering Biden for not shoring up the financial system. Your one guiding ideology is 'Dem's Suck' and that makes it hard to take your schtick too seriously.
  4. A simple 'no' woulda sufficed.
  5. Can you produce some evidence of what evil CRT is being taught in schools to indoctrinate the youths!!!!!! ??? Not some expose from Fox trying to scare people into making an ass of themselves, but a legit curriculum?
  6. Tim Hartford did an episode of his Cautionary Tales Podcast about Midgely, was a good listen:
  7. WaltAppel was a lot of fun, until he wasn't....
  8. There's a lot to unpack in that post, it got a weee bit rambly. At the end of the day, you typed the above quote in the same post that included a link to almost did a spit-take.
  9. lippy


    And Florida is last in math?!?!?!?!?
  10. Popped over to Fox this morning to see what the other side is being told to headline: DEMS ARE COMING FOR YER GUNNNNNNNNS!!!!!
  11. Yes, one would struggle quite a bit to find an example of DeSantis wasting limited time and resources....Florida paying to fly migrants from TX to Martha's Vineyard, or picking fights with Disney make all the sense.
  12. I believe BIGUN's point wasn't to suggest that you weren't there, but that you weren't the only one (i.e. he was there as well).
  13. I think it was the "some of my good friends are black" card
  14. Yeah, she's a sharp's her buddy Matt:
  15. The fuck you talking about??? Can you point out one time where I tried to school you on 'how conservatives be'? I know research isn't really your jam, but I thought you had a little more than 'I know you are but what am I?'
  16. Yeah, why listen to the opinions of actual people on the left when you can just project the Fox News caricature of lefties...Simpler than actually listening and/or thinking, I guess.
  17. Did they refer to it as SHTF? Just curious
  18. The image was visible to me in the original post as well as your reply. Maybe you've got JavaScript disabled? I disabled mine and refreshed and the image was gone.
  19. You can choose to mock and disrespect your fellow humans, cast judgement upon them. But you're going to Heaven because you're in Jesus's good books, those other sinners can face eternal consequences
  20. The years I spent addicted to Viagra were some of the hardest of my life.
  21. I'm not too familiar with him, but when I clicked Coreece's first link and watched the first 2 minutes it struck me as it could have been a monologue out of Gutfeld, if Gutfeld had any kind of comedic presentation skills.
  22. So your response to Billvon saying that only conservatives are talking about this is to post 3 videos from a conservative....well played sir, well played.
  23. Show me where you’ve heard someone saying that and I’ll tell you if I get my news there.
  24. Tell us where you get your news without telling us where you get your news