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Everything posted by lippy

  1. If it makes you feel any better, crime isn't the only area in which they disregard science and evidence.
  2. Joe, you’ve been posting some pessimistic shit as of late and I’m able to roll through most of it. The thought that we’re but pawns in Brent’s game is almost enough to have me looking for an extension cord that’ll make it to the bathtub
  3. I won't pretend to be any kind of expert, but my opinion is that it's a whole lot more complicated than that. What he pulled off with SpaceX and Tesla was super-impressive and I think he may have developed a bit of a 'God Complex' from having his previous successes in such challenging areas. The Musk of Twitter seems a dumpster fire to be certain, but I don't necessarily think that negates his past successes/contributions. I hope he'll be able to un-jump that shark, but I sure as shit ain't holding my breath
  4. So in your mind, the fact that a documentary, in December 2022, didn't set box-office records is evidence that climate change isn't real??? Damn dude, lay off the Tucker for a minute and use your fucking brain...You're obviously smart enough, stop being led around by the nose
  5. As much as I'd like to agree with you, that's the problem these days...we set those limits and before long somebody will be all too happy to smash through them.
  6. That could have been a lock on the southern vote
  7. I think "The Ds" are the whole Hunter story now are they not? I like how this has come full-circle. How many threads have you started on here predicting the demise of Musk, now you're sharing his trolling just because you like the flavour of the Kool-Aid he's serving. When your guiding ideology is "Dem's Suck", you have to twist yourself into some interesting pretzel's to get your point across. Maybe Hunter did some shit and if he did he should face the consequences...that said, while Musk is a genius in many areas, one of the things he's famous for is over-promising and under-delivering. And once again, you're gloating based on an unreliable prediction. Learn your fucking lesson dude. Anyway, I think we're all in agreement that Hunter should no longer be President so at least there's that.
  8. I said he's smart enough to figure it out...I don't think there's a snowball's chance in Miami that he'll actually change.
  9. Not that Wendy needs me or anybody else to defend her, but calling you out for your incessantly playing dumb isn't a personal attack. Stop trolling and people will stop calling you a troll. I know you're smart enough to figure that out.
  10. How very Christian of you
  11. I see you've learned your lesson on prematurely gloating about political wins.
  12. Copy and paste a headline from Fox, nice Brent. Did you actually read the article this time at least???
  13. Yeah I mean it's been 4 months already!!! How long should we have to wait for results on something of this magnitude!?!?!? Like 5-6 months? It should definitely be sorted by then. You make yourself sound a fuckofalot dumber than you are when you just echo Tucker's BS.
  14. After a 1-month reset, he's back trotting out the same old horseshit
  15. Glad your ticker’s still ticking!
  16. You're back from a month of skulking and lurking after your premature gloating of the Red Wave that never was, and your inaugural post is a 'Beto Sucks'??? I expected more from you Brent
  17. If Kanye's legit blind, it may explain some of his wardrobe choices...
  18. I like you Joe….but don’t EVER accuse me of pretending!
  19. Rich, I’d love to believe your projection is that which will come to pass, but I’ve got less faith in my crystal ball**** than you seem to have in yours. ***I used to have two crystal balls, prior to the accident.
  20. On the subject of midterms, where’s Brent??? Did the red wave wash him away?
  21. lippy


    For that matter, some of us are both!
  22. I watched 20 minutes of Tucker last night (killing time in a hotel in Pecos TX waiting on a well, and I already gave up trying to find Truman Sparks). His schtick is a finely-tuned bullshit delivery system, it was impressive in a very sad fashion.
  23. If Slim outlaws sarin gas, then only outlaws will have sarin gas
  24. lippy


    Your rants about this remind me of Ron confidently talking about the Q drops of old.