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Everything posted by lippy

  1. I guess you learned nothing from your Red Wave prediction and subsequent month-long silence.
  2. Weren't you bragging about NOAA's 2022 data last week?
  3. As if on cue with the link...don't ever change, Brent!
  4. I'm not here to do your homework for you, you made some pretty big claims but nothing to back them up...I give it 50/50 you'll go paste some links that don't say what you claim they do. You got any stats on demand increase and the percentage generated from renewables vs fossil fuels? I know some people in FL and CA who would disagree with that statement. Define 'niche'. I'm sure as shit seeing quite a few more Teslas on the road these days (as a Musk fan I'm sure that fills you with great joy). I've driven almost exclusively Mini's since 2010...I think my next vehicle will be the 2024 Cooper SE (2023 has some pretty shite range). FFS, haven't you been schooled enough on that here???
  5. Just out of curiosity, how many students/group?
  6. BH gloating over some half-truths that he won't be able to back up with data when challenged Check, Check, motherfucking triple-Check!
  7. A truly bipartisan solution, I like it!
  8. Well technically he did pay “millions” in taxes no? Just not in America
  9. At least Musk had the courage to ensure that voices such as those of Tate are no longer deprived of their first amendment right to spread their thoughts on women.
  10. Jerry I’m just going to go ahead and assume you’re not gonna hold your breath on that front.
  11. Reading this line from Santos's interview almost had me falling out of my chair:
  12. In audio format, the BBC's Infinite Monkey Cage podcast features a panel of brilliant scientists chatting with brilliant comedians every week.
  13. Re-affirming my decision to get a vasectomy?
  14. Educated/shown lies that you agree with....Potato/Po-tatt-to
  15. No offence really taken, just wanted to point out that your claim of the US importing ONLY low-wage workers was demonstrably false. It's definitely true that parts of the economy here are based on low-wage, low-skill, often-undocumented labor. I hate to admit this but whenever I'm in Canada visiting, it's almost inevitable that I do a double-take in a hotel when I see white housekeeping staff. Years ago during a Canadian Invasion, Aidan made arrangements for a bunch of us to take a tour of Rigging Innovations. Sandy seemed like a great guy and I'm sure it was a great place to work, that was made all the better for your contributions.
  16. I haven’t tried meth yet, but Jesus is right after that on my list. Merry Christmas Ron. Hope you and your are staying warm and enjoying the season.
  17. Happy Honda Days and a Merry Toyotathon to you as well Wendy!
  18. As a Canadian-born/raised immigrant to the US, I resent that just a hair Rob... Yeah there are a lot of immigrants here doing low-skilled work, but don't make it out as if the US has no path for skilled labor as well. I initially came here on a work visa prior to getting my green card then my citizenship. In my small world of US oil and gas production I regularly work with highly skilled people from all over the world. Just on my team alone in a relatively small company I'm working with Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Scottish, Venezuelan and Nigerian. I'd be willing to be that in more advanced technical environments, it's even more-so the case...Does BillVon's office look like the UN, for example?
  19. A good friend of mine has a son who was born his daughter. I first met the kid when he was 11. He was the obviously-bright kind of kid you'd expect from two brilliant engineer parents who strike me as having the perfect balance of caring for their kids but not being all up in their shit. When she hit puberty, she had a rough few years before deciding to come out as a man. I can't imagine the guts it took to do that in a rural TX town, but he eventually transitioned and is just wrapping up undergrad in an advanced field with several institutions actively pursuing him for post-grad. He's just a really kind, well-adjusted, extremely ambitious, super-smart 22 year old who's going to make some big waves in a really positive way. I'd hate to think what would have been missed if he'd not been allowed, or not had the guts to make the call to live life as his true self. No doubt there's been countless unnecessary loss and suffering over the years from people not feeling like they had the option to transition, or not being accepted after they did. That said, as with most people on here I think any irreversible changes on minors are generally a bad idea. There are going to be exceptions, but they should be rare. For every example of somebody who really needed to transition (and I really don't want to under-count that group!), how many kids are there who are struggling to find their identity and might be willing to dive into something just to set themselves apart? As a horrendously imperfect comparison, you don't see many 40 year old goths and on that note, teenagers sometimes fuck up when trying to figure out their identity.
  20. Sounds like Musk didn't intentionally tip the scales of the poll (at least not enough to make any difference)....Will be curious to see if he actually steps down and, if so, does he just appoint a puppet successor.
  21. You’re obviously a disinterested outside observer, just calling balls and strikes
  22. In what realm does it make sense to celebrate the fact that we're increasing our appetite for a resource that we'll eventually run out of? Cutting off one's nose to own the libs.