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Everything posted by Phil1111

  1. No, silly. Fake news is anything he disagrees with. ^^^^WINNER^^^^^^^^^^^^ Its elGordo calling from Madrid. Please come and collect your $100 million euro winnings. Has anyone heard the news. trump is going to sell Alaska back to Russia for $1 and other unnamed hotel building privileges in Russia. There are some very smart people on the various Senate and House committees. The ones that have started investigations will get to the bottom of whats going on.Or then again, trump may just double-down as he is apt to do. Thankfully the house,senate and committee members than can put checks in place to stupidity. Somewhat... hopefully...
  2. This sums up the entire article. This comment is also relevant. ***It should be noted that nothing released was not legitimate. It should also be noted that nothing released was criminal or of criminal intent. Most of it was sniping, back stabbing, and collusion against another candidate. Mostly just the normal creepy political stuff that you would find among professional political types. If what was released swayed people to vote for Donald Trump, then the problem is with the media and the education system. Trump has a stack of creepiness that goes back 50 yrs and its available for anyone to see. I'd say that doesn't come from a Trump supporter. If anything, this whole fiasco highlights the need for enhanced cyber-security, across the board. YES In the absence of the discovery of Russian meddling with voting machines. Which i think is almost impossible. The summations here are spot on. Subsequent to the bipartisan congressional/house investigations. Which will get to the bottom of this. There needs to be some sort of sanctions by the NSA-CIA in a covert or overt way. To teach Mr. Putin that this type of conduct is not in the best interests of him and his inner circle of kleptomaniacs. That killing journalists, stealing state assets and cyber attacks against Russian satellite puppet states like Belarus, Georgia, etc. is one thing. But meddling in US sovereign interests will have different, serious, personal consequences.
  3. I wasn't speaking to the Trump administration as a whole, simply the response to the supposed RNC hack. Compare the RNC answer to the legal, political, double speak given by the Hillary Clinton camp in many of her issues over the years. The differences are stark. Nice rant though. What makes the Clintons despicable is their skilled use of lying, coverup, slick methods of self enrichment, entitlement, etc. etc. I think we both agree on that?
  4. The nuances of double speak, spin and lying. Have become one and the same for me. I firmly believe the Putin government tried to influence the election. But i don't think they had any real influence on the outcome. IMO investigations may conclude Hillary was targeted because of her strong anti-Russian attitude. Europe, NATO, James N. Mattis, Senator McCain, the Senate and the House. Will educate trump with regards to Russian interests. How they differ from that of the US interests.About Russian cyber attacks on the Baltic states, Ukraine, Georgia and others. trump approaches international politics in a realpolitik way("is politics or diplomacy based primarily on considerations of given circumstances and factors, rather than explicit ideological notions or moral and ethical premises"). He views international trade the same way. Come 2017 such a lack of ideological center will tax his ability to manage and govern. Perhaps trump envisions this version of himself: and since he feels waterboarding is necessary, a darker version:
  5. Like it. Don't agree with the general rational of your comments around the 3:00 minute mark whereby "when wingsuiting you always want proximity to "see what you're doing, what you're speed is, how you're moving around." In the seconds before that you mention how dangerous it is. Proximity flying, go-pros(what goes with one better shots-not the camera itself) and ego's are the main reasons for 37 dead base jumpers this year. With two weeks left. Jeb Corliss "Grinding the Crack" has led many with underdeveloped senses of self preservation to think that life is not lived. Unless adrenaline is overpowering all the other senses. With 31 million views. I always wonder when I watch a new wingsuit base video. And I've seen most of them. When the flyer dives into a gully not much wider than his wingspan. When maneuvering around the higher trees is necessary. When the latest, highest performance wingsuits just start flying before the scree slope starts and the glide angle of the suit is the same as the rocks. Wonder how much longer till his name in in the incidents section of a base forum because he is dead.
  7. Was there another time when a foreign country interfered with our election? I really don't know. Can you point out another time when this happened? I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, just asking. None that I know of. My point had nothing to with the past howerver. My point is the left is in so much denial over the election. Russian interference (if there really was any) would just help them continue to try and de-legitimize a Trump presidency. You know there has to be some other reason than Hillary jost lost to a.better candidate. No.way. Cause any thinking person would not vote.for Trump normally. So it had to be the Russuians! This appears to be all political to me at this piont anyway. The presidential election is about politics? Who knew? Look, I'm a progressive liberal, and I'm not in denial about anything. Trump won. From my point of view, that sucks, but there's nothing to do but move forward. I think the Ruskies probably did throw a bit of a monkey wrench into things, but we've done this lots of times to other countries. And crying about it won't help. The Dem's just need to find a better candidate next time. I apreciate your point of view. Also I hope the R's do better next time too. That said I hope that both candidates are outsiders as well. Both candidates were severely flawed. For Hillary, it was her husband that started the acceptance of outright lying beyond normal political spin in the US. When Bill's defense of lying to the US public was "it depends on what your definition of "is' is." The acceptance of outright lies was a new norm for politicians. The next two years should result in some positive changes because the republicans have the power to move an agenda. 1. Tax changes for corporations... probably needed and good. 2. Pipeline approvals. Good The bad. 1. Trump will be challenged everywhere and tested by adversaries because he has no fundamental political ideological center. 2. Stimulus spending, quantitative easing, all the new terms invented by the FED., the ECB, to define easy money. Mortgages the future of a country. and
  8. Phone the EAA even if you are not a member they are helpful. There is the Aspen line of efis which have extensive TSO displays.But at twice the price of Dynon.
  9. The whole idea of two AC is ridiculous. Its not like the VP couldn't press the, or a "button" if the president was killed. It's not like a 737, 777, or 787 would not do. I hear the "Leader of the free world" needs this. LOL England's PM China
  10. Yep. He saved a ton of money early in the campaign by behaving like a circus sideshow, particularly at debates, where his opponents didn't get a chance to speak at all. The media covered it because it was a circus sideshow. Now they're admitting they just didn't see how their attention to his antics gave him ALL the free media time. Someone should have turned off his mike when it wasn't his turn to speak early on, and told him he had no choice but to take the second-to-last lectern on the left if he wanted to participate in the event (he insisted always of being in the center, then used his position to upstage everyone else). Well yes, yes and yes. But come February trump will be the President of the USA. He will have control of the microphone with an inherent propensity to double down on lying, obfuscation and flip-flopping. Thankfully there is congress and the house. Where the body will try to control the mouth(trump). trump has learned that saying things like "Obama started ISIS he is a founding member" and "Lock her up". is actually reported by the media and swallowed by the gullible. Its not likely that anything will change come February 2017. He is 70 years old and those ideas are deeply ingrained in his mind.
  11. Politics,lying,lawyers and corruption. They all go together like thanksgiving, cranberries, stuffing and turkey. Just too bad that this turkey got elected.
  12. Well he gave this to himself! Trump Foundation apparently admits to self-dealing in new tax filing WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump's charitable foundation transferred assets to a disqualified person, possibly Trump himself, according to a 2015 tax filing submitted to the nonprofit watchdog group GuideStar and posted online Tuesday. Trump has been under heavy scrutiny in recent months for using tax-exempt foundation money to pay for personal expenses, such as legal settlements with governments and personal expenses, including paintings of himself. On page five of the Donald J. Trump foundation's 2015 tax filing, the preparers checked the "yes" box to the question about whether the New York-based nonprofit organization had transferred "any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person." The preparers checked yes again in another box that asked if the foundation had transferred money to disqualified people in previous years. Trump signed past filings under penalty of perjury, and the forms for several earlier years indicated the foundation had not transferred money to a disqualified person. The IRS Manual states that transactions involving a disqualified person "bears importantly upon the treatment and status of exempt organizations as private foundations in several situations." It was unclear Tuesday whether the nation's tax agency had received an identical document from Trump's nonprofit. The IRS said it could not discuss any tax filing or comment on whether the tax agency was investigating the person or organization associated with a filing. Trump presidential transition spokespersons also did not immediately respond to questions from USA TODAY. However, the apparent admission of self-dealing “could be assessed as an IRS penalty against the person who received the benefit, potentially at three times the value,” said Robert McKenzie, a tax law expert who is a partner at the Arnstein & Lehr law firm in Chicago. The IRS potentially could also seek penalties against the directors of the foundation — who include Trump and three of his children — “for allowing such a transaction,” said McKenzie. However, attorneys for charitable organizations often are able to negotiate lower penalties than those proposed by the IRS, said McKenzie. The foundation's new admission could potentially result in separate penalties by state agencies that oversee the nonprofit, added McKenzie. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman had been conducting an examination of filings submitted by Trump's charitable organization. That investigation is continuing, Amy Spitalnick, Schneiderman's press secretary, said Tuesday. USA TODAY N.Y. AG orders Trump's charity to stop fundraising in state Schneiderman last month ordered the foundation to cease any fundraising in New York, saying the charity had not filed the required registration with his office. The New York official also demanded, and received, written confirmation that the foundation would pay no part of the $25 million settlement reached last week over fraud allegations against Trump University — the now-defunct real estate training program created by the billionaire developer and reality television star.
  13. "Last year ExxonMobil’s Outlook for Energy projected a major shift in global energy markets. The report suggested that by 2020 North America will be a net energy exporter for the first time in recent history, with the U.S. making a significant contribution thanks to new supplies of oil from shale fields in North Dakota and Texas. The report was also bullish on the potential for the U.S. to export significant amounts of natural gas, all the while having enough supplies to meet demand here at home." While the current cost of production in the Texas shale field where the OP made reference to new discoveries is $75. That refers to current deposits not the deeper more complex formations associated with the new deposit. However oil industry engineers have always developed technologies and techniques to drive costs down. I was talking to a steam engineer in the SAG oil business on the weekend. He said that everyone in his company with less than 13 years seniority has been laid off over the last two years. A total of 30%. Yet they are running twice the production that they did before the layoffs. For one shale field $60 bbl was a area where investment could return and ballance sheets rebuilt. "I have already discussed the probable causes for lower operating costs but the 20% decrease in capital costs is significant and may be behind some of the claims that rig productivity and efficiency are important. I do not know what percentage of capex for 2014 was for growth vs. maintenance. My allocation of 85% of capex is, therefore, arbitrary but probably over-states the amount of capex savings between 2015 and 2014. It provides a net margin per BOE that is consistent with the positive cash flow for 2014 shown in Table 5, and with recent statements by the company that it would resume full drilling at around $60 per barrel oil prices."
  14. Just wait until all those Middle Eastern countries ask for a refund. The Clintons better be thankful for all those secret service agents that protect their house in Chappaqua, NY. Nah. They are all headed to New York with buckets of cash. Where a whole family awaits with open wallets and purses. Kuwaiti "Use those big hands of yours to get one more black family out of their house." trump " I like you, I can see you're strong but I need 25 Million to pay some pesty illiterates who wanted a education" Kuwaiti "What bank account should I wire the funds to?" trump "Talk to Ivanka about the transit number and bank I like a strong separation of any conflict of interests. Oh and throw in a case of bronzer."
  15. There is a current $30 bbl spread between current WTI and Wolfcamp production costs. It will be a couple years if not a decade before new Gulfstream jets are ordered. Investors have still not digested the heartburn of the last two years losses and the mention of shale is like coke in a good bourbon. "The Permian Basin in west Texas has long been a major source of oil, and the Wolfcamp Shale formation has been known of many years. The recent announcement expands the area included in this formation. But what does this announcement mean in practical terms? Although estimates of $900,000,000 in value have been published, this is based on a $45 per barrel price for West Texas Intermediate crude and doesn’t include the expense of drilling, completion, and infrastructure. The cost of exploiting this field far outstrips today’s spot price for WTI of $44.87. So, what does this discovery mean to you? Apache Oil (a Houston based company) has been successfully exploiting the area north of Alpine and west northwest of Fort Stockton, an area known as the Alpine High (not to be confused with what students at Sul Ross University might be doing) since early this year. However, a source in the oil and gas business (who asked to remain anonymous) who is familiar with the situation cautions readers that “when you see people in the oil and gas business seeking investors outside the core oil and gas business funding sources, don’t walk away, run.” He says that this announcement, while encouraging for an oil-driven economy, will have more impact with higher prices." "Results from the Wolfcamp play are mixed with an average break-even price of $75 per BOE for the top 5 operators but $61 per BOE excluding one operator with poorer well performance."
  16. Don't sign anything before you have the documents from the mortgage company. Get them yourself directly from the company if you're a signature to the mortgage. GET YOUR OWN APPRAISAL. An appraisal from a independent appraiser is one person's opinion. In plain language explain; "The house goes on the market and is sold at market price. Equity is split three ways. They buy another house on their own and move there. You all move on with your lives. Appraisals do not mean squat. What matters is what someone will actual pay in that market, which could be substantially more or less than appraisal. " When a home is sold there will be lawyers fees, realtor fees and moving expenses(split three ways). The home could be sold for 5% below the appraised amount or even less! If they don't, or you don't, like the aforementioned option. Its 1/3 of equity of your appraisal in 60 days when title is transferred. Ensure that they qualify and place a new mortgage on the property. Such that you are no longer on the mortgage. Because you don't want your name on it if they miss payments, refinance and loose the house with your name still on the mortgage. If that lawyer is not "forthcoming" he is not your lawyer he is their lawyer. Don't call him again. A friend's mom transferred title to her daughter when she was 60 for estate planning purposes. Daughter gets married and 10 years later the mom finds out the house is fully mortgaged(about $300K). The daughter wants her to move out so she and hubby can sell it to pay off the mortgage. Got the same sort of story on a eight section farm from someone else.
  17. You've got it down. Head to trump tower and to the front of the line!
  18. Can't wait for the real reality show come Jan. 21, 2017 . trump reminds me of a neutron bomb. Effects people but leaves buildings intact. Michael Flynn has ideas about Islam and Saudi Arabia that seem to have developed from a one post mindset. Wahhabism and IS is the root of Islamic terror and Iran and Hezbollah are our friends. Any enemy of Islam is a friend of ours.Hence Putin is a good guy.
  19. agree. America has a unique place in the world for offering leadership. Its unique as a superpower without equal. It can hobble together coalitions to achieve goals that no other country can do. Its not the best country in the world but its among the top 10-15. Striving to be the best, helps any country.
  20. Is that really necessary? It shouldn't be, but unfortunately it sometimes is. I agree but I think the question arises out of a lack of personal confidence. I have always started with helmet,goggles,chinstrap... down to shoelaces tied, inclusive of all zippers zipped. Then a final handle, goggle check prior to exit.Of course you have complete confidence in your rig before you put it on, you've checked it before it goes on.
  21. I saw it on 60 Min and thought it explained the general thinking and anger of the electorate better than the polling. With the protests last night I wonder what will happen when trump takes office. Some are angry.
  22. I said this bitch was coming. look at the electoral map. the system works exactly as designed and it works well. But then you would like to see just the high population centers tell the rest of the US what its politics should be. Because you are one of them. It smells great today. The country has spoken and Trump is your president elect!!! But no sitting president has faced: "Before Donald Trump raises his right hand to take the oath of office in January, he’s set for a less-auspicious swearing-in: taking the witness stand in his own defense in a federal court civil trial over alleged fraud in his Trump University real estate seminar program... And the class-action case set for trial the Monday after Thanksgiving is just one of a plethora of lawsuits and threatened suits Trump was entangled in during the campaign—litigation that doesn’t seem likely to disappear anytime soon and might even intensify with Trump headed to the White House.... There’s also a New York state investigation into his charitable foundation and a reported federal investigation into some of his advisers’ ties to Russia... Beyond that, there’s litigation that Trump himself launched, like the pair of suits against celebrity chefs who backed out of plans to open restaurants in his new luxury Washington hotel... There are actually two pending federal suits: the one set for trial this month involves Trump University students from California, Florida and New York, addressing claims that the program violated those states’ tough laws against defrauding consumers and the elderly. The other case is national in scope and invokes a federal racketeering statute." "If anyone still has any doubt about the troubling nature of Donald Trump’s record, he or she should be obliged to read the affidavit of Ronald Schnackenberg, a former salesman for Trump University. Schnackenberg’s testimony was one of the documents unsealed by a judge in the class-action suit, which was brought in California by some of Trump University’s disgruntled former attendees. Schnackenberg, who worked in Trump’s office at 40 Wall Street, testified that “while Trump University claimed it wanted to help consumers make money in real estate, in fact Trump University was only interested in selling every person the most expensive seminars they possibly could.” The affidavit concludes, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.” Perhaps his and her jail cells? Another election anyone??
  23. We got 2.5 years to show what this county being unleashed can do. We need to hold those we elected to account each and every day as they will quickly move to dismiss us and our desires yet again Well 11.5 Trillion dollars can do allot of unleashing!
  24. With Republican control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency. IMO 1.Tax reform will pass. 2. Immigration reform will pass. 3. There will be a fiscal stimulus package for infrastructure and the military to create jobs. but US deregulation of oil, coal and foreign policy changes in the middle east will make it harder if not impossible to get support from other countries for US initiatives. He wants to withdraw from the Paris agreement. Iran and the nuclear agreement will present a large opportunity for a serious entanglement with Iran. President elect trump has a nasty habit of attempting to punish those who disagree with him. Its not hard for foreign actors and countries to recognize those traits and attempt to exploit them. What happens when IS, Hezbollah, or another group kills the next US citizen? Does he immediately dispatch the bombers? For foreign policy is a 3:00 A.M. snap decision to dispatch bombers going to become a new standard?
  25. What makes you think trump has ever asked for advice other than to confirm an already formed decision. Having said that. Knowing that there is NO way possible to: 1.Cut business taxes. 2. Cut personal taxes. 3. Build up and restore the military. 4. Defeat IS by bombing because the generals know nothing. 5. Generate 4% GDP or better growth. 6. Eliminate the federal deficit. 7. Build a wall with Mexico. At least the US Govt. won't have to pay for it. 8. Put Hillary in jail. 9. Put the media in jail. 10 Democrats in jail. 11. Put all of his personal enemies in jail. Ok,OK, OK maybe I digress with the last three. 50% of the population wants change in Washington. Change to government that allows insiders to protect the financial interests of insiders and special interest groups. Keep in mind that other republicans can vote to keep the more outrageous ideas from becoming law. and the sun came up today. If you still think its too bad there is always: