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Everything posted by Phil1111

  1. True. But now they do retests years later when the technology catches up. Cheaters never prosper. Depends on the country. "RIO DE JANEIRO — Late in 1983, months before they announced a boycott of the Los Angeles Olympics, sports officials of the Soviet Union sent detailed instructions to the head of the nation’s track and field team. Oral steroid tablets were not enough, they said, to ensure dominance at the Games. The team should also inject its top athletes with three other kinds of anabolic steroids. Providing precise measurements and timetables for the doping regimens, the officials said they had a sufficient supply of the banned substances on hand at the Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Moscow, a division of the government’s sports committee. The potent drugs were critical to keeping up with the competition, they wrote in the instructions. The document — obtained by The New York Times from a former chief medical doctor for Soviet track and field — was signed by Dr. Sergei Portugalov, a Soviet sports doctor who went on to capitalize on a growing interest in new methods of doping.... “We will have the official recommendation and conclusion no later than Dec. 15, 1983,” it continued, suggesting that national sports officials and antidoping authorities were colluding to cover up doping."®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
  2. What effect has the low Ruble had on Europeans going to Russia?
  3. ED SCOTT SHOULD BE FIRED! The correct response would be the "safety standards of the DZ". It does sound like Ed has a axe to grind which is not understood by the media or public. Its not helpful to anyone in this entire affair excepting possible plaintiff lawyers.
  4. Incorrect. I think he is referring to piston twins. You are both actually right. Turbofan/jet and turbine twins are safer. Piston twins not.
  5. Yes, very much so. My ex-wife, who is a devoted Christian and was a rather strong liberal when we were married, now supports Trump because she wants a wall built. My kids are just pullling their hair out trying to determine what is wrong with her. Jerry Baumchen I don't buy into any arguments about education, intellect, etc. leading to Liberal or Conservative inclinations, re voting. I'm a conservative voter. But for many people there is a single issue or a few issues for which determine their vote. Are the prime determinants as to who or what party they vote for. For Greens it might be environmental "....". For some its guns, or the polar opposite gun control. Its somewhat difficult to listen to the rants of FOX loving rabid trump supporters. I have learned in life that the tuneout option is always there. IMO Bernie Sanders is a caring individual the polar opposite of trump. He also has no concepts of the necessity to balance budgets and how wasteful social engineering can be. By that I mean free college educations for all. I don't have high opinions of Hollywood pseudo-intellectuals who think the size of pop containers should be regulated by federal law. Because poor people are to stupid to recognize the danger of coke or pepsi. But I also recognize that many of them make huge contributions to the betterment of society. Brad Pitt and his large breasted wife come to mind. Its all part of the social fabric. Hopefully trump can end up in the fabric scrap bin. Not quite sure where you are going with that, but Brad Pitt's wife had a double mastectomy in 2013 so the comment seems in rather poor taste. Wasn't aware of that. I don't follow Hollywood that closely. I meant the children they adopted. The work she has done for the UN. and this is a old story. It seems as if the rest of Hollywood is only interested in drugs and self indulgent gratification.
  6. Agree. Turbines safer than piston. Twin Otter the safest IMO. Even though the SE climb rate is no hell (480 FPM for -300) its low landing and stall speeds are comforting. The risks in skydiving are mostly all within the control of a jumper. They almost entirely arise from your own equipment and what happens after exit. Most of which you personally control. Watch out for other jumpers in freefall and after opening.
  7. Agree. Doping today is very sophisticated. Just as the tests to detect it.
  8. That right there is the answer.... you get all those hours... for "free" that many parlay into better ratings and a real job with an airline..... So you can get a commercial Get a job instructing, flying charter, , get a real job because some airline went broke and the market is flooded with experienced pilots, all with type ratings, all with a bilzillion hours and your wife wants you home at least once a week or she is going to serve you with "the papers". And your dreams all go down the toilet bowl like a big turd. But I digress. What was the question again?
  9. Agree. I feel bad for honest, hard training, Russians who are caught up in this. Sorry for Russian Paralympics competitors who are clean. Its all grossly unfair. But all Russians should have been banned. Doping cheats the entire sport. The IOC and cycling federations are corrupt.
  10. Agree. The corruption of the IOC. The IOC decision to pass responsibility on the Russian state sponsored drugging scandal. The false, concocted studies of all the great and lasting befits of every dollar spent on facilities. Besides. There is nothing like a free trip for someone to compete somewhere else. Who wants to say home when you can go somewhere exotic!
  12. Cher, Whoopi, Miley Cyrus and Al Sarpton have all vowed to leave the country if Trump becomes president. I wouldn't mind if any of them left. Throw Justin Bieber and Jesse Jackson out too for fuck's sake. Justin Bieber is Canadian and its greatly appreciated, applauded and endorsed by all. That the US has adopted him. THANKS!!
  13. Yes, very much so. My ex-wife, who is a devoted Christian and was a rather strong liberal when we were married, now supports Trump because she wants a wall built. My kids are just pullling their hair out trying to determine what is wrong with her. Jerry Baumchen I don't buy into any arguments about education, intellect, etc. leading to Liberal or Conservative inclinations, re voting. I'm a conservative voter. But for many people there is a single issue or a few issues for which determine their vote. Are the prime determinants as to who or what party they vote for. For Greens it might be environmental "....". For some its guns, or the polar opposite gun control. Its somewhat difficult to listen to the rants of FOX loving rabid trump supporters. I have learned in life that the tuneout option is always there. IMO Bernie Sanders is a caring individual the polar opposite of trump. He also has no concepts of the necessity to balance budgets and how wasteful social engineering can be. By that I mean free college educations for all. I don't have high opinions of Hollywood pseudo-intellectuals who think the size of pop containers should be regulated by federal law. Because poor people are to stupid to recognize the danger of coke or pepsi. But I also recognize that many of them make huge contributions to the betterment of society. Brad Pitt and his large breasted wife come to mind. Its all part of the social fabric. Hopefully trump can end up in the fabric scrap bin.
  14. Because they like him. And what he says. Or they let their hate for HRC blind them to how awful he really is. The "bigoted, xenophobic, sexist" demographic is turning out to be a lot bigger than anyone expected. Yes, Yes and Yes. I have learnt to keep my mouth shut. I have lots of gun owning FOX viewing redneck friends. For them if its on FOX, its true. Guns mean everything. Hillary is polarizing. trump is worse. The entire world looks upon trump with morbid fascination. Its as if your next door neighbor got a divorce and was going to marry a paroled axe murderer. As if your co-worker got a flesh eating disease and even though their face was half eaten away. Insisted on getting orthodontic treatment.
  15. It's very simple. Jerry said that Trump supporters tend to have a low intellect, and Billvon showed exit polls among other data that suggests they are less educated and have the worst grammar skills among supporters of all other candidates. Now tho they may be less educated, I showed exit polling data that suggests they still tend to be more successful financially than supporters of any democrat. ...but I know - you object to the part about me saying "educated Clinton supporter" - Ok, shame on me. I hate to tell all of you debating voter intellect and imagined links to intellect. There is one vote per person, rich or poor, smart or stupid. Thats why I always say. Vote early and vote often.
  16. A very well written article. Yes. "Regrettably, his essential character appears to be fixed, and he seems incapable of change or growth. " At 70 years old there is no reset or change of personality for him. Recognition of mistake is not within his personality. I don't see that his age has much to do with it. He was an asshole and didn't change in his 20s, his 30s, his 40s, his 50s, or his 60s. He is just and has always been an asshole. He can not change. Not even his hair can change.You think someone with 10 BILLION dollars could come up with better hair. But I digress. I thought trump did a good job yesterday when he was interrupted fourteen times at the Detroit economic forum speech. His usual action would be to belittle, insult and impulsively go off track. Thats one day. His next gaff is just a day or two away. I would suggest that he has morphed from asshole to asstard.
  17. A very well written article. Yes. "Regrettably, his essential character appears to be fixed, and he seems incapable of change or growth. " At 70 years old there is no reset or change of personality for him. Recognition of mistake is not within his personality.
  18. Never jumped in the UK, would like to. At least the UK political situation is clearer when it comes to the CAA, pandering, self congratulations and the BPA. With regards to the sensitivities of some UK jumpers: All right, all right, I apologize. BPA: You’re really sorry! I’m really really sorry, I apologize unreservedly. BPA: You take it back! I do, I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future. BPA: OK
  19. This is a prime example on how propaganda works. If something is repeated often enough to a receptive mind it works.During the current US election cycle its important to recognize spin and propaganda. ""Propaganda" is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicise a particular political cause or point of view. Propaganda is often associated with the psychological mechanisms of influencing and altering the attitude of a population toward a specific cause, position or political agenda in an effort to form a consensus to a standard set of belief patterns.[1] Propaganda is information that is not impartial and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively (perhaps lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or using loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information presented.[1] Today the term propaganda is associated with a manipulative and jingoistic approach, but propaganda historically was a neutral descriptive term." Further reading: "Advertising folks have known all this of course, long before the Mad Menera. In 1928, pioneering public relations expert Edwards Bernays, "the father of public relations," published the book, Propaganda, which argued: "conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." Bernays suggested advertisers rely on a "herd instinct" in people, much like the desire to conform demonstrated by the 1951 experiments, to sell their products." Quote from above.
  20. Saving the entire existence of the sport in a state filled with delusions of injury and death? 1. Yet the UK government allows scuba diving, mountain climbing, rebreather diving and hang gliding. The age restrictions for those sports are? 2.The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced planned changes to medical requirements for PPL and NPPL holders to be introduced in late summer 2016. "After the introduction date, the medical requirement for UK PPL and NPPL licence holders, and private balloon pilots, will be to meet the same standard as that required to hold a DVLA Group 1 Ordinary Driving Licence and pilots will be able to complete a form on the CAA website to declare that they meet the DVLA medical standard. Existing medical options (for example a UK declaration with GP counter signature) will remain available. Under the changes, which will be published in a new version of the UK Air Navigation Order, pilots under age 70 will need to complete the CAA website form once, while pilots over 70 must confirm their declaration every three years." So the CAA, UK is relaxing age and medical requirements for pilots. 3. Third parties killed or injured? So over 55, skydiving students are killing people on the ground or in the air due to age related physical or mental incapacitates? Your committees statistical references are? 4. US, Canadian, French, etc. trial lawyers have set aside "waiver of rights" documents for decades already. Get off the royal horse or at least recognize that your bridle is attached to the ass of the horse.Try the head, Its where the brains are. Saving the sport from the airway of FAA inspired reckless, unregulated, "cock-up's". Sure.
  21. Today: "Trump's campaign said Monday the tax plan would "dramatically reduce taxes for everyone and streamline deductions, presenting the biggest tax reform since [the] Reagan [administration]." But based on the details released so far, the plan would also explode the federal budget deficit, add trillions of dollars to the national debt and substantially raise the government's interest payments, according to several independent analysts. Trump's tax cuts would amount to some $12 trillion over the next decade, according to the Tax Foundation. Even after accounting for stronger economic growth, the plan would leave the government more than $10 trillion short over the next 10 years. That money would have to be made up for with more borrowing, dramatically expanding the nation's debt." April 2, 2016 Donald Trump: “We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt.” Bob Woodward: “How long would that take?” Trump: “I think I could do it fairly quickly, because of the fact the numbers…” Woodward: “What’s fairly quickly?” Trump: “Well, I would say over a period of eight years. And I’ll tell you why.” Woodward: “Would you ever be open to tax increases as part of that, to solve the problem?” Trump: “I don’t think I’ll need to. The power is trade. Our deals are so bad.” Woodward: “That would be $2 trillion a year.” Trump: “No, but I’m renegotiating all of our deals, Bob. The big trade deals that we’re doing so badly on. With China, $505 billion this year in trade. We’re losing with everybody.” Mmmmmm $29 trillion in a decade. The power of crack is strong.
  22. Lol, what complete utter shit. I'll admit that since the Trump candidacy, I've wondered if perhaps I've been a bit naive when it comes to the level of racism/bigotry in this country - but what you just wrote was desperate to the point of delusion. When's the last time you've seen the white power folks so excited about a presidential candidate ? Ok, so by your logic, since black power folks were excited about Obama's candidacy, the majority of Obama's black supporters must've had a low intellect - Obama must've hated white people and wanted to make this a "blacks only" country. . . (snigger) US presidents get elected by winning "centrist" swing states comprised of moderate voters. Hillary and the democrats recognize this. Trump and the republicans don't. Although the republican party of Bush jr did. " “I’m worried,” Bush told them, “that I will be the last Republican president.” Donald Trump, who will officially become the Republican nominee on Tuesday, has done little to inspire renewed confidence since. Instead, he has solidified himself as an erratic, underfunded and scattershot candidate, plagued by staff turmoil and missed opportunities. In the run-up to the convention, he sued a former aide for $10 million. He canceled his vice-presidential announcement citing a terror attack in France, went on cable news and declared America to be in a world war and then announced his pick at the original time slot anyway on Twitter. Within hours, Trump was rocked by leaks from within his inner circle about his own late-night waffling on the single most significant decision a presidential candidate can make... In interviews with more than 40 of the Republican Party’s leading strategists, lawmakers, fundraisers and donors, a common thread has emerged heading into the general election: Win or lose in November (and more expect to lose than not), they fear that Trump’s overheated and racialized rhetoric could irreparably poison the GOP brand among the fastest-growing demographic groups in America.... In delegation breakfasts, private hotel suites and steakhouses across Cleveland—and farther afield for those, like Jeb Bush and his family, who are skipping the festivities—they are laying the foundations for the next political battles they believe can actually be won: first, to preserve the GOP majorities in the House and Senate this fall, then to save the Republican Party itself." In the meantime everyone else I know seems to be stocking up on guns and high capacity magazines.Not like they don't own enough to equip platoons already. In case things go terribly wrong in November.
  23. Somewhat accurate. You are describing a typical pandering politician. trump panders to racists. If he does it too much he will paint himself into a corner where he acts on the racist ideas. As far as most voters want him,(other posts above) the polls show otherwise. Republican party voters in primary elections voted for him and thats a small part of the total electorate. You're completely right about his narcissist ego overriding common sense with regards to publicity and macro thinking. "Michael Morell, former acting director of the CIA, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in a New York Times op-ed Friday, praising the former secretary of state's qualifications and warning that GOP nominee Donald Trump "may well pose a threat to national security." trump is a threat to US national interests, US economic interests. The sooner the Republican party comes to recognize it the sooner they can concentrate on maintaining the seats that they have. Controlling the house won't stop Hillary from appointing SC judges. But it will allow them to block legislation. The republican party has failed to address the issues that led to Obama's re-election. trump is but a symptom of those failures. "To the Go-Along Republicans Memo to Paul Ryan: Trump’s problem is his character, not his ‘ideas.’ By Bret Stephens Aug. 1, 2016 6:43 p.m. ET There’s an old saying that in politics there are no permanent victories—and no permanent defeats. Barry Goldwater was crushed in 1964 but the ideas that animated his candidacy found new life in the Reagan Revolution of 1980. Bill Clinton declared the era of big government over in 1996 and 14 years later we got ObamaCare. The inevitable turning of the policy wheel should comfort conservatives unnerved by the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency. Liberals overreach. Statist solutions fail. Voters tire of one-party rule. To govern is to own, and the next president will own the next recession, the next foreign-policy fiasco, the next Veterans Affairs scandal. If Mrs. Clinton is everything Republicans say she is—an opportunistic, dishonest, incompetent left-wing ideologue—they can at least look forward to a one-term presidency. I know I do. But to say there are no permanent victories or defeats in politics doesn’t mean there is no permanent dishonor. Huey Long, Charles Coughlin, Alger Hiss, Joe McCarthy and Bull Connor are the foul names of America’s 20th century, and always will be. And those who supported and excused them will always be tainted by association. This is where Republicans now find themselves with their presidential nominee. Of all of Donald Trump’s vile irruptions—about Sen. John McCain’s military record, or reporter Serge Kovaleski’s physical handicap, or Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s judicial fitness—his casual smear of Ghazala Khan is perhaps the vilest. This isn’t simply because Mrs. Khan is a bereaved mother. Bereavement alone does not place someone above criticism, especially when it comes to political differences. Nor is it because Mrs. Khan’s son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, died heroically to protect his troops in Iraq. The special deference given to Gold Star parents is, at bottom, a social convention. No: What makes Mr. Trump’s remarks so foul is their undisguised sadism. He took a woman too heartbroken and anxious to speak of her dead son before an audience of millions and painted a target on her. He treated her silence as evidence that she was either a dolt or a stooge. He degraded her. “She was standing there. She had nothing to say,” Mr. Trump told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.” In this comment there was the full unmasking of Mr. Trump, in case he needed further unmasking. He has, as Humayun’s father Khizr put it, a “black soul.” His problem isn’t a lack of normal propriety but the absence of basic human decency. He is morally unfit for any office, high or low. This is the point that needs to dawn—and dawn soon—on Republican officeholders who pretend to endorse Mr. Trump while also pretending, via wink-and-nod, that they do not. Paul Ryan has tried to walk this razor’s edge by stressing how much he disagrees with Mr. Trump’s “ideas.” On Sunday the speaker issued a flabby statement extolling the Khan family’s sacrifice and denouncing religious tests for immigrants without mentioning Mr. Trump by name. Mr. Ryan is doing his personal reputation and his party’s fortunes no favors with these evasions. The central issue in this election isn’t Mr. Trump’s ideas, such as they are. It’s his character, such as it is. The sin, in this case, is the sinner. It will not do for Republicans to say they denounce Mr. Trump’s personal slanders; his nativism and protectionism and isolationism; his mendacity and meanness and crassness; his disdain for constitutional protections—and still campaign for his election. There is no redemption in saying you went along with it, but only halfway; that with Mr. Trump you maintained technical virginity. To lie down with him is to wake up with him. It’s as simple as that. That’s a thought that ought to frighten Republicans. The Khan slander was not Mr. Trump’s first and will not be his last or worst. As one wag on Twitter put it, the man always finds a new bottom. Nor are we likely done with new disclosures about Mr. Trump’s business practices and associations. Conservative die-hards may try to hold fast to the excuse that Hillary Clinton was, is, and always will be “worse,” but the argument can’t be sustained indefinitely. Mrs. Clinton is not the apotheosis of evil. She may be a corner-cutter and a liar, and she’ll almost surely appoint liberals to the Supreme Court. But at least she’s not a sociopath. Politics is mostly the business of maintaining popularity in the here-and-now. Not always. Come January, Mrs. Clinton will likely be president. Whether there is a GOP that can still lay a claim to moral and political respectability is another question. Mr. Ryan and other Go-Along Republicans should treat the Khan episode as their last best hope to preserve political reputations they have worked so hard to build.
  24. and some additional speculation