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Everything posted by algboy

  1. Here goes: I-10 heading West, take Exit 203 (Toltec Rd). Turn right on Toltec Rd. Drive one mile to Hwy 84 (watch your speed--it's only 25 here!). Take right again. Go approximately 2 miles to Tumbleweed Rd. Turn left (you should see signs for the airport here). Now--you're home free! Just drive another mile or so. You should end up in the DZ parking lot. Follow the canopies in the air. I'll be there Sat. 12/27. Enjoy . . . . “Keep your elbow up!"
  2. On the first load of the day--AFF 4--I deployed and looked around: "Where the hell is the airport?" I saw a runway way off to the horizon. "That can't be it!" After a moment I realize--damn! That IS the airport! I see canopies below me landing in Farmer John's soybean fields and figure--that's where I'm going to land, too. The winds were so high that with only 1/4 brakes I landed like a snowflake. It was weird to stand there by the country road, with my balled-up chute in my arms, watching car after car pass me like I was some axe-murderer. Finally, a pickup truck from the DZ spotted me and gave me--and some other jumpers--a lift some 3 miles back to the DZ. WILD!!!! “Keep your elbow up!"
  3. "Students are like rabid badgers? why in the hell would I want to take one in a small confined space, strap it to my chest and then scare the hell out of it?" LMAO This is definately added to my favorite all-time quotes file!!! “Keep your elbow up!"
  4. OK--only 2 jumps from a CASA and 3 from a Skyvan, but I had a riot jumping from both. The one difference was that they left the rear door open on the CASA on takeoff. The whole load was cheering as we watched the runway drop away. It was cool to fly to altitude with the door open until about 4 grand. It's really splitting hairs, though, I just think rear exits are the BOMB!!! “Keep your elbow up!"
  5. My 20-year old stepdaughter will be doing her 1st tandem during the Eloy Holiday boogie, on the 27th, and I hope to be on the same load with her, give her lots of thumbs ups and smiles--then dive out on my own with no lurking. The ink is still wet on my new "A" license. I don't feel it is the time to try something THAT dicey. Too much downside potential, for what? A little ego boost? I love her too much to even dream about being in the same vicinity as her during her jump. Maybe I can bundle up my chute really fast and meet her as she comes down. “Keep your elbow up!"
  6. "Are the 40+ year old jumpers predominately made up of those who have been in the sport since late teens/20's, or are they late comers like me?" Personally, I'd have to say YES! I'm a 46-year old (fart). I started as an inspired 19-year old college student, made two s/l jumps, out of sport for 22 years, came back, did tandems, AFF, quit again, got my A this past weekend and don't EVER plan on quitting!!! I love the crazy pierced freeflyers as well as the old timer belly flyers. Age is just a number--on jump run I'm not thinking about how old the person is I'm getting ready to exit with. “Keep your elbow up!"
  7. After doing my AFF and a several solos at Skydive Illinois, I moved to AZ and--of course--went to Eloy. Sure, it is a different DZ, but once you get the overview of the DZ and can find the windsock/tetrahedron--you're good to go. Make sure you know where the student landing area is. Under canopy: find it, locate the wind direction and draw your intended landing pattern backwards in your mind's eye. Target, final, base, downwind and fly to the entry point. For me, the biggest challenge to jumping at a huge DZ like Eloy is to restrain myself from dropping to my knees and chanting WE'RE NOT WORTHY--WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!! At least I don't have to sweat out passing over 2-lane roads and telephone wires on final anymore. YIKES!! Just check in with the DZ school, do what they recommend and enjoy . . . . “Keep your elbow up!"
  8. I did (1976 on a 28' round). I'll have to check out that flick. I'm guessing it'll be hard to find??? “Keep your elbow up!"
  9. As few jumps as I have--I'd be catatonic for a week if that happened to me. Fortunately, I've put the first 19 on my website, but I would've lost the last 6--some pretty amazing jumps. I hope you can remember them and hook up w/ your instructors to fill in the blanks on your next REAL (big, fat and hard to put in the wash) logbook “Keep your elbow up!"
  10. This past Saturday, Stefan and I did two running and spinning exits out the back of the Skydive AZ skyvan. It was way fun, but is that why we started the run out about 6-8 feet from the door? Is the Skyvan somewhat unstable? It felt only a little bit bumpy as everyone exited before us. “Keep your elbow up!"
  11. "Skydiving feature films" I always thought of that as an oxymoron But seriously, I have yet to see any skydiving-heavy flic that was both skydiving realistic AND a decent story with good acting. The closest I've ever seen to the latter would have to be "Point Break" and "Dropzone" "Cutaway" had some great skydiving footage, but they dumbed it down for the whuffo crowd and--I hate to say this--the acting was lame. But I could be wrong . . . . “Keep your elbow up!"
  12. Jealous . . . . . so . . . very . . . jealous “Keep your elbow up!"
  13. "I jumped three times last Saturday, my last being my first hop-n-pop." This is too weird! I had almost the same weekend as you did. On Saturday I did a recurrency jump with Ron (she rocks--best training I've ever had) and "Scottish John"/AFF instructor candidate. Yikes! After 3 years off, I'd forgotten how friggin' scary it is to dive out of a plane (2 go-arounds didn't help). Did a solo from 13K after that. Sunday was packing class with Nate at Eloy (you rock, Nate!) and my hop-n-pop. No, I didn't have to jump my pack job--but I think it would've opened--maybe. I'd never ridden in the back, next to the door, before. I was smashed up against the door and couldn't get my seatbelt on. The video guy for the 8-way told me to lean half-way out the door. Thanks--it worked. Barely had time to settle in before we were at 3K. Video guy next to me says, "you might want to get ready..." So, I put on my goggles and helmet. At 4K, someone rolls door up. HINT: do NOT hold onto bar above door--fingers WILL get smashed (thanks, again video guy!). I suddenly see everyone on load staring at me and organizer across from me says, "OK . . . . (as in HELLO??)" I look over my shoulder, light is green. Oh--sorry--SEEYA!!! I hopped out, arched, felt arch kick in around 2-thousand, pulled at 5-thousand, nice soft opening, fun under canopy, easy standup at the edge of the grass under 10kt winds. Oh yeah!!! It was WAY FUN. Not enough time to sweat out the ride up or consider the low alti--just jump and pull. S'all good I'm scheduled for 3 coach jumps with Stefan tomorrow early afternoon. Assuming I do OK--should have my "A" by sunset tomorrow. If you're in the Bent Prop and "mention this ad" I'll buy you a beer. Look for the relieved guy (40-ish) with spiky brown hair and the sh@t-eating grin. “Keep your elbow up!"
  14. Even though I'm still waiting to finish up the "A" thaang (2 month delay due to broken foot) I have to say that I'm looking forward to the packing class and plan on doing most of my own packing. Beside the good reasons of seeing 1st-hand any safety issues, I feel that packing my own chute will give me a familiarity and intimacy with my rig. Hell, the thing is gonna save my life--I wanna get comfortable with my rig and think of it as my inanimate "friend". You know, like Zen and the Art of Parachute Maintenance (any old farts like me will get this) Does anyone else feel the same?
  15. //That's pretty lame. Any business that needs to trash their competition is bad business IMO. And if they're so professional, they should learn how to spell "you're". // Right arm!! That's a huge pet peeve of mine. If you can't even use the King's English properly in a print ad/web site . . . where's the "professionalism", HUH??
  16. "You can go out like a leaf where a gentle winter whisper brushes you off the planet without notice or you can go out like a meteor and leave an indelible impression on the planet forever" Hey--did you make that up or is it a quote? I LIKE IT!!!
  17. Chris. Great article! I always pay close attention to YOUR posts. Being out-of-currency has given me plenty of time to become a student of this sport I've read the entire thread so far and--unless I somehow skipped it--have yet to see anything about pilot attitude/state-of-mind addressed. Caveat here: OK, I have a pathetic 19 jumps, but I can fly and was raised by a VERY takes-his-job-seriously airline pilot dad. Anyway: I remember being on a few loads (usually Otters or King Airs) where I felt as if the PIC was wearing his skydiver hat and not his PIC one. Certain loads seemed a bit "loosey-goosey" and a rather cavalier attitude pervaded the plane. Sure, I was a nervous student, (thought I was surrounded by lunatics) but the entire jump plane experience--by nature--is outside the box, you have to admit. So, I have to wonder if the jump pilots find it harder to maintain their professional edge in that environment. Another thought: could those fast turnarounds with the rather spectacular high-rate descents be another factor? I agree with the earlier post, too, that weight-and-balance considerations are sometimes ignored. BSBD
  18. Mucho obligado to all for the input. I've been staring at my new suit hanging in the closet and have gone from totally pumped to totally bummed and back again. But what the heck. I just need something to get me to my "A" and a few coaching jumps/solos, etc. I figure that maybe by Xmas time I can order the custom suit--either a badass FS or a freefly. I guess it depends upon where I feel pulled after getting my license. My instructor never told me if I fell like a brick or not. BTW: is it just me, or are 6-foot tall, 200-pounders in the minority in the male skydiving community???
  19. Maybe this off-topic, but I am 6' 1/2"--about 210 (plan to drop 10+ lbs before jumping again) with an athletic build. Am *I* considered "a heavyweight" or a "mediumweight"? Most of the jumpsuit makers seems to allow for only "light" or "medium" weight jumpers (at least in the catalogs). Am I doomed to wear only ugly thick poly jumpsuits that look like I should be pumping gas? Did I make a $185 mistake by ordering a Slipstream II in "Large" that fits rather snug-ly (like a 2nd skin)? I only have 19 jumps, graduated AFF and did a couple of RWs w/ my instructor as well as four solos. I'm also 3 years out of currency and getting back into it for my "A" in another month. I've always hated the dorky school jumpsuits that either were two sizes too big or rode up my legs like Capri pants (DORK!!!) Will I be a menace in my formfitting Slipstream II? Will my instructors be struggling to keep up with another "Anvil" (me) ? “Keep your elbow up!"
  20. "my wife had same deal on her first couple of jumps, was due in part to her looking down at the ground, the air tends to ram in and make it seem hard to breath, look up at the horizon and relax, no worries" I feel your pain, Skygazer. I had the same problem on my 1st tandem. Thought I was suffocating during freefall. I--too--looked straight down at Farmer John's house and got blasted by the wind. It took my breath away--literally. I forced myself to breathe through clenched teeth and eventually looked up at the horizon. Ta-DAAAAA--that's all it took. BTW, on my AFF 5 dive, I thought I had done a pretty good job until, after deployment, I thought I was having a heart attack (couldn't catch my breath). During the debrief, after the jump, my instructor mentioned that he didn't see me breathe during the entire freefall! SHUH!! I've had to constantly remind myself to BREATHE: on jump run, on exit and in freefall. In my case the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak (not breathing/stiff as a board). Enjoy your training--it'll be some of the best moments of your life. “Keep your elbow up!"
  21. Although I'm two years out of currency, I had always followed--and admired--the exploits of Roger Nelson. I trained at a competing DZ, but secretly admired him and his larger-than-life exploits. I am truly bummed. BS BD, Roger. I hope to jump with your talented offspring someday. Peace and Light
  22. "Mayor Daley was pretty pissed off that New York and LA had no fly zones, so he badgered the FAA into putting flight restrictions over downtown Chicago." I'm wondering, how does this impact flights in and out of Meigs Field (right on the lakefront in downtown Chicago)? Any IL pilots with some NOTAM info? Does this affect Skydive Illinois, Skydive Chicago, Chicagoland Skydiving et al?? “Keep your elbow up!"
  23. On THIS--I agree~! “Keep your elbow up!"
  24. "support our troops!!!!!" I DO!! Let's bring them home--NOW!! Let's save what little we have of our int'l rep. “Keep your elbow up!"
  25. "My bad. I meant to use this one." Huhh???? “Keep your elbow up!"