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Everything posted by op5e

  1. I recall reading a story about someone getting their B license in two weeks (in Australia) in order to participate in the first jump in Singapore in a long amount of time. I believe with very short notice they then bumped the min requirements up to a C license. Could someone who knows more or went on this jump be able to correct me or fill me in. http://content.miw.com.sg/LifeStyle/XSports/ls_xsports_20040818_jumponspore.asp
  2. op5e

    Did my 100th!

    Thanks for sharing the photos they look great. Congrats on the 100th Jump!
  3. op5e

    Illegal base jumping

    Hi Ken, Thanks for your informative post. I was just wondering if any permits have been granted for specific events etc.. in the past. Btw feel free to PM me if you do not want to hijack the thread etc..
  4. I was definately scared my first jump. When I stuffed up a jump it defiantely made me more stressed because I wondered what would stop me from doing the same mistakes. But I would think that if I could do all my jumps in a short period of time, getting back on the horse would have helped a little. I would suggest reading the incident reports and you will get an understanding of what can go wrong. I am not in america but if you refer to the USPA SIM as someone suggested earlier it states that to get an A license you need to: a. completed 25 jumps b. completed all requirements listed on the USPA A License Proficiency Card c. completed five group freefall skydives involving at least two participants d. received the signature and official stamp on the USPA A License Proficiency Card or USPA A License Progression Card (ISP) "With the direct assistance of other qualified staff members, such as the USPA Coach, the USPA Instructor continues to supervise your training and monitor your progress during all remaining student jumps until you obtain your USPA A license." http://www.uspa.org/publications/manuals.pdf/SIM2005.pdf
  5. This picture has circulated the web many times over. Even made it into one of those fake "master card" adds. Funny as hell though. I would have hated to be them.
  6. Were they on the ground or in the air. Was it a two seperate photos or were they in a picture togeather. Did there happen to be other people in the photo as well. Btw thanks for the link.
  7. I find skydiving being something that takes both time and money. You regularly have to jump to stay current else you are dangerous to yourself and others. And before taking up the sport I would take this into account, and possibly delay starting until these have been addressed. Also I would not worry about two jump masters or tandem, I would let the instructors suggest the best course for you. I am just of student status and I would ignore most of what I say, but there are some people who do not pick things up as quickly in the theory portion and they are strongly encouraged to take a tandem. It is not a cop out, its just another form of progression. If I was to do my AFF again I would have waited till I had enough money to do all 9 AFF jumps and the 10-20 odd jumps needed to complete my accuracy and then taken a week or two off work and jumped. I found myself franticly saving to afford the next lesson so I would keep current (sic), but also if I needed to repeat or I was on a roll I could not just get back up in the sky. I feel this made me have to repeat a few more than I should have because I could not just get back up there. Also while you are saving I would get brians book, read everything you can on this site and learn how to pack. I feel I am a safer person who skydives from learning as much as I can and then verifing it with my instructor. For anyone wanting to get into the sport I would strongly suggest looking at how much it costs. As this is one of your factors I would pay more attention to it. Also keep in mind that health insurance may also be an added cost you may wish to consider. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1385146 Also I would not think of the time it takes, you will get weather days where you are standing around waiting. Will you go back home or wait around learning from others and possibly jumping at the end of the day. It is hard to plan how long things take and there can be alot of wasted time, will this be an issue for you. Just another caviet, I am only just off student status and these are only my experiences, thoughts and observations and take it like a grain of salt or the brain farts they are. I hope to see you up in the sky someday, best wishes and stay safe.
  8. Bugger I always think outdoors if I hear top rope or leading etc... I found a great climbing gym in Singapore (Bukit Merah Clubhouse) which was a squash court that was modified and basically had holds everywhere and angles, blocks added everywhere. And huge mats on the bottom, and you had no ropes you just climbed and if you fell you just land on the matts. Climbing on the roof was really fun and I am glad I attempted it when I was climbing 4-5 nights a week, as I would not have got one hold now days. That was the a great setup. http://www.rockclimbing.com/routes/gym.php?ID=1019 Just like to add the regular place where my friend would climb alone was in the middle of the city where there were dozens of climbers and huge amounts of joggers and other people passing by. I would never recommend anyone climbing ALONE or climbing without the appropriate skills or someone to mentor them. However because there was a cliff in the middle of the city all too often I saw people who knew nothing teaching others to climb, very dangerous combination. Also I was only replying to the original post that refered to solo top roping because I knew that it was possible and can be done relatively safely.
  9. I do not know of any streaming method that you cant copy to your hard drive one way or another.
  10. Actually it is not that weird you can top rope solo rock climb and then you use a device like a gregory (sp?) and pretty much climb to your hearts content. My climbing partner started doing it when I stopped climbing with him. Bouldering is my cup of tea though when it comes to solo climbing. http://www.rockclimbing.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=14641&highlight=#14641 I think that taking a snowboard or skiing course by yourself is not that weird at all as normally if you do go down with someone and its your first time, they might already have done a course etc.. And then you are left for the first hour or two doing the course while your friend hurts themselves and then you go ski/snowboard while they are at the pub. I did my first skydive, snowboard by myself. And I regularly explore new cities or just go to a pub by myself. If you are not happy with your own company then how can you be happy with someone elses.
  11. Another way of dealing with (suspected) terrorists. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,12074892-38196,00.html
  12. Thanks for your input Squeak. Did you go on to this camp? Have you been on any of the ones at other dropzone? I have one friend that raves about the ramblers learning curve so that is why I figured I would go to that one. I have just decided I will probably aim for the may learning curve camp as my leg is not healing as well as it should. Will give me a chance to transistion to the non-student canopies and I am not trying to rush myself to recover. Yay for me. Squeak (or anyone else) have you travelled with Qantas or Virgin Blue and taken your rig carry on? Do you normally just take the rig and put the rest of your gear under (helmet etc..) or do you carry on your gear bag?
  13. op5e


    PM sent. Btw I found the British Parachute Federation magazine. Like the american one past issues can be found online. http://www.skydivemag.com/
  14. op5e


    G'day doddy, Hope you get well soon. I am currently on crutches as well and will be one more month till I can get in the sky again as well. I would suggest contacting any of the friends you have already made and see if they can send you backissues of APF. Most people who have jumped for ages will have a stack at home that they dont ready regularly (but probably will want back). I can try to track some down and mail the ones I have to you (but only have 2-3). You can order skydiving magazine (the thing that looks like a newspaper at the DZ) or the US equivilent of the ASM from the links below. International seems expensive but I have been thinking of ordering them since they are both monthly. https://www.skydivingmagazine.com/orderfrm.htm http://www.uspa.org/publications/index.htm I wish you a quick recovery.
  15. This came out a fair while ago. I think someone stole it from his room then released it on the web as a joke. After this people made modifications of it. And yeh I remember something about a petition to get him on the episode 3. http://www.jedimaster.net/
  16. op5e

    Sex & Vehicles

    definately motorbike ;)
  17. I do not lock my stuff up but I have a waterproof bag that I place my logbook in (incase it rains when im riding my motorbike) and I keep all my belongings in that bag when I am jumping. I believe this serves two purposes. First is I will know if something goes missing because there is only one place it can be. Second is out of sight so less chance it will be an opportunity nic. Third is if I know it is in that bag to the side, I know I did not pack my wallet into my canopy.
  18. Hi all, I am planning on going up to Ramblers for the Learning Curve camp in March (crossing finger legs healed by then). Has anyone gone to this before? I have 27 jumps and hope to get 3-4 in at my home DZ to get my currency back before I jump in a new place. My goal is to convert to a sports rig, finish my B-Rels, get my starcrest and get my B license. http://www.ramblers.com.au/whatson/learningcurve_about.aspx Has anyone been to more than one learners camp (ie. picton, nagambie ABC or ramblers learning curve) and recommend one over the other?
  19. At Nowra they try to jump the beach at Jarvis Bay once every couple of months Btw does anyone know if any fun jumpers can jump with http://www.skydivethebeach.com.au/ ? Oh one last thing. You can find a list of Dropzones at http://www.apf.asn.au/ and click on APF clubs.
  20. It is probably built up fustration because of the lack of decent exit points in this country. Mind you there is a community so it can not be that bad. Bleh either way "I object", well actually I probably agree with you. What would I know I have not started base jumping yet. Oh well back to the beer.
  21. For an example. I am allowed to look at webpages in lunchtime (or anytime really). But if I put that page up and my boss walked pass or a female employee I would have been raked through the coals. How about using some common sense and think that not all people are in the same situation as ourselves.
  22. op5e

    kicked off dz

    I agree he is just trolling, but can we do something about it. The only posts I have ever seen from Kbone is him trolling. Skymama where are you when we need you ;) http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1413672;#1413793 In terms of a hypothetical, if I saw my rig reserve deployed after a night out, I would not only repack it from scratch but get a rigger to inspect it.
  23. I do not really mind either way. I just wanted to give a heads up. I figured it could also be approved and not approved included in the final tally, but figured this is kinda a bug in itself. If this is the case then it would be a pretty simple change, depending on how the db was setup. Thanks again for adding such a useful item.