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Everything posted by pincheck

  1. me ... it's all about me It is isn't it? yeap sorry So the whole point of this thread is trainers are so ugly you would rather run bare foot nothing new then Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  2. I have been grounded for God 4 months. Dude you come from a urbex capital of the word for abandoned places to visit. Photograph get out and take some pictures have a little adventures Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  3. pincheck


    Just to say some of us who are not American, still remember the event with great sadness. i hope you guys find solace in that fact. Please remember you are not alone, I hope you find some peace on that day. Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  4. I just watched "Braveheart" for the first time last week. I got curious about the accuracy of it, so I went Wikipedia to read up on Scottish history. Good lord, it's complicated! its not that complicated we carry grudges we can't stand out southern neighbors at all (sorry Tony) and we want independence for our country or its easier if you just give us some alchol then every thing is just Rosy Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  5. Funny story I got from 3 UK dudes I met skiing in CO one day: They were working in TX, and had gone out to a pizza restaurant one night. The waitress noticed the accents and asked where they were from: "Scotland", answered one. "Oh, my" the waitress exclaimed, "You speak very good English for a Scottish person!" Bet she never got a tip we can be very touchy people when called English its almost a a insult to a Scot Most Americans i met across there though i was Irish ! even wearing a kilt You 'Scotch' people are always touchy about something here is a tip Tony be quite or we will invade but will send Mel Gibson in first to put you all to sleep Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  6. Funny story I got from 3 UK dudes I met skiing in CO one day: They were working in TX, and had gone out to a pizza restaurant one night. The waitress noticed the accents and asked where they were from: "Scotland", answered one. "Oh, my" the waitress exclaimed, "You speak very good English for a Scottish person!" Bet she never got a tip we can be very touchy people when called English its almost a a insult to a Scot Most Americans i met across there though i was Irish ! even wearing a kilt Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  7. Don't see the problem mate. I have a number of different interests and some times. Time wise its not worked out for jumping or one of the others sometimes i can combine them other times i can't, that's life. One thing i have learned Don't be a one horse pony, as it makes you appreciate the interests all the more
  8. This is mostly a American thing and some European, its not big in the UK. As far as i am concerned, if i am abroad i try and pick up local customs. I will only give a tip if the person gives good service, if not,no ! its not a right. If they really on tips tobbost their wages i can understand it but it doesn't alter the face poor service zero tip, good service Tip
  9. I call it how i see it . If i think some one is being a twat i will tell them, or they ask me how i am or think i will tell them straight. Will be honest lost a few friends that way but never been one to beat about the bush or let things fester. Most of my Friends Know this and if they don't realize it quickly, then they do sooner or later. I really can't stand people talking behind other peoples back i prefer to say it to their face its just the way i was brought up. I prefer and respect people who pay me the same curtsey, more. My air may not smell of roses but at least its clear Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  10. only the right with the splint ifyou can't aford the trainers/sneekers i will get you a set mate Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  11. Bats are a protected species in the UK. i hope you read him a bedtime story and gave him a glass of milk before he left Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  12. its sad that people die nd sorry top hear about it in these situation, i personally think part of the problem is planning. Coming from a motorbike background as well as being a car driver. We are in the same boat as cyclists as far as injury and death, it's just we go faster and it can be more catastrophic when we have accidents but are just as exposed. When a youngster many moons ago, i always would ride my bike on the footpaths and never had any problems, Don't understand why planners and town/road designers don't separate the bike traffic from cars and cut this kind of injury out completely. They could put in cycles only paths(is starting to happen here in my country) or on the edge footpaths . It would i believe cut down the death and injury that happens on roadways regardless of who is to blame. As that can be due to a seconds miss attention on a drivers, pedestrian or cyclist we are all human and make mistakes its all about minimizing risk as jumpers we Know about that Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  13. not a believer been a lot of scarey places as i do a lot of Urban exploring and if there where going to be ghosts or spirits it would be the places i have been. Mostly asylums where bad stuff happened but when i hear noises in the dark i just think is that security or the police. All i take is photographs and not had any images appear either on any of the ones i have taken in these abandoned places Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  14. just keep your heads down folks, good luck
  15. Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  16. it will depend on your situation at the time you will more likely find single people will vote for cash in everything if i was single i would do that but i am not and i voted for what i think family people would more that likely vote due to their situation And provide as best for the family as possible. If there was no hard and sure ways of beating it i very much doubt i would continue with the treatment. Try and enjoy my time with family and friends as much as possible. Nothing is forever we do the best we can while we are here guppie Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  17. is that the OLDER persons pursuit ooooooooooooops sorry Tony forgot you did it perhaps you can answer Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  18. congratulations ladies and Nice shot
  19. Nice shoes. Us guys like 'em like that. Hey, let US decide what's exciting or not. Next time post your whole gorgeous self. As for me, I'm barefoot until I go to work today. Flip flops for when I take out the garbage later.
  20. one trainer and one of these not sure i could fit a set of heals but hey what about the rest of the picture no fair Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  21. pincheck

    Being a Knob

    'Cause they're KNOBS!
  22. pincheck

    Being a Knob

    very true Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun