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Everything posted by dorbie

  1. Sorry, ExAFO's Freudian slips about deep throating does not qualify as sexy. Can we stick to discussing Nixon please?
  2. You're not Welsh are you?.....:
  3. "If the district attorney wanted, a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich." - Barry Slotnick.
  4. No, it is simply that such supernatural hypotheses are untestable in science. One needs to generate testable predictions and cannot wiggle when testing. Of course people do this all the time in Christianity, but when the wheels come off the latest End Times bandwagon you claim endless do-overs instead of concluding that the experiment was a failure and disproved the theory. One can postuate that God created the Universe as is with all the elements, chemistry, geology and fossil record we see. But that is untestable. It is indistinguishable form conventional science. That is in fact a serious failing for such a theory and anyone can postulate an infinite number of deities or unknowable phenomena with similar powers, all equally plausible, however there is another more serious flaw, such a deity or process would be immensely complex, vastly more complex than the sum of phenomena we measure in the Universe itself. You end up trying to explain a complex thing by offering an even more complex unexplained thing with even less evidence to suport it, it is a step towards ignorance not away from it. Worse, we actually have very sound, simple, tested theories for most of what we observe in the Universe, these are mostly simple elegant explantions from which complexity emerges. They are the favored most plausible theories of Life the Universe and Everything, even if the masses continue wallow in ignorance due to their apathy and lack of competent education.
  5. I respect your service but nobody made you post what you did. There is a pretty complete text transcript earlier in this thread. It incudes one pilot saying that they're screwed because of the orange panels after learning they had attacked friendly forces. You should also read a post by SkyChimp on rules of engagement and his briefings on colored panels. Argue credentials with him. No video downloads required.
  6. The second sentence is incompatible with the "WHEREVER" exploration of your first sentence. It is not sound to cherry pick facts to match a pre conceived notion. There are alternative simpler explanations for the same evidence. Moreover we can subject a belief to a test based on the predictions it makes or apply Occam's razor to the available explanations surreounding a set of evidence and pick the simplest (and by that I mean most mundane "God" is not a simple explanation it is a vastly complex one). Despite claims of prophecy Christians are unable to make predictions amenable to testing. The goalposts keep moving when successive failures occur and different predictions in the same faith vary widely. My theory of parachute operation has a high degree of reliability in predicting success and even predicts the occasional malfunction. The theory is compatile with all available facts, jumping in not an act of faith it is a calculated risk for the reward of the experience. Religious faith held beliefs are not amenable to any form of scientific testing.
  7. Are you going to inform yourself about then comment upon the actual incident or just stick with ad-hominem attacks (and other logical fallacies) on people who clearly know more about the specific facts than you? Your particular brand of horseshit seems to have special appeal in America (it's a cultural thing I guess) but it comes off as gobshite to Brits, many of whom also know a heck of a lot more about this incident than you through watching the occasional newscast. Soldiers are respected in the UK but they'd never expect a free pass to gobshite their way through any debate when they're too lazy to even learn the basic details, and insult people without addressing a single fact that has been presented. Try making an on topic post that isn't predecated on a logical fallacy. Try not to demonstrate in yet another post that shooting first and asking questions later is what you do best.
  8. We certainly know more about this incident than you seem to. Your post contains several incorrect assumptions that even the shallowest understanding of the incident would have prevented. An appeal to your own authority is a logical fallacy not an argument as highlighted by your bias induced errors.
  9. The solution to that was to minaturize and make the first watch (which the admiralty promptly locked away for safekeeping ).
  10. Thanks Dorbie, I thought about that one, but the project needs to sit for a couple days with people walking by looking at it, so we can't refill water, etc. I was thinking about the old paper clip electric motor. Perhaps it could be run using a solar cell if the school will allow a mains powered light. There are a couple weeks left to think about it. Just an electromagnet could be cool (I always thought so when I was a kid). A motor is a step up from that. There's definitely a load of material there. I'd start with an electromagnet first, then simple induction with a magnet dropping through a coil in a circuit with a meter & bulb. From there you can go with motors & dynamos. I'd make an electromagnet based buzzer first though. Jumping straight to a motor without the basics is a leap. At some level you want an understanding to underpin the project.
  11. Meh... never mind, I guess I missunderstood the age implications of first grade. At that age the most advanced 'science' my class did was planting crocus bulbs, and watching baby gerbils mysteriously appear.
  12. Electrolysis might be fun, and with only a mild hint of the pyrotechnic when you ignite your test tube of Hydrogen and use your Oxygen to reignite a glowing splint. 2H2O -> 2H2 + O2 And you discuss the reverse reaction when the H2 popped and the production of CO2 when the stick burned. Add to that the trusty old lemon/potato battery to create current & go into more detail about the reactions at the cathode and anode. Just my opinion but there's something fundamental & educational about splitting water into its elements. If you're going to do transpiration I'd suggest tying it in with the photosynthesis respiration cycle to pack more of a lesson in there. At the very least experiment with different sunlight exposures, hopefully it'll show a difference, dunno with just a flower so make it a leafy one.
  13. Is that a USPA DZ? -[/reply Yes it is ..At the end of the year there were 25 students and only one AFFI.I did all 7 levels with one AFFI I would say one vs two AFFI is dependent on the type of AFF program you have. I know a lot of USPA dz's who have students do 1-3 tandems before AFF. Then all the AFF jumps are done with one instructor. Otherwise straight AFF usually uses 2 instructors. That what I had to do ..Three Tandems before AFF One of the reasons I started skydiving is I found out I could make my first jump as an AFF. I think that was one of the things that made my first jump special.
  14. No having 500 jumps gives him ONE of the prerequisites for attempting to get qualified. Is it safe to jump at your DZ with all the backbiting?
  15. Here's my favorite bum shot:
  16. Watch this two parter.....
  17. There is specialized ammo for this. See attachment.
  18. P.S. I just checked out the latest Las Vegas strip data, WOW. It looks like they have 3 inch data there (maybe better), it's amazing.
  19. If I understand your question yes, the entire country is in at 0.5 meter, cities at 0.25 m (less for terrain but as high as you'll need and at the limit of registration). It's really incredible, check it out. The French side is also in but from a different data source The French stuff looks a bit murky when you compare Argentiere & Chamonix to Trient & Vernayaz. The Swiss data is incredible, it's pretty amazing to see something like this captured to this quality on this scale. Bern is even higher resolution but obviously not very mountainous which is what really pushes the Alps over the top visually. The glaciers look incredible. Check it out.
  20. Wait! This might top top the masturbating coronary; Another 911 call, a man walked in to a convenience store with a samurai sword and began a mass murder rampage fully severing an employee's head! Beat that shit!!! Meh... if he'd severed his OWN head, now THAT would have been some crazy shit.
  21. Check out the Swiss Alps in Google Earth. They have high resolution imagery AND terrain elevation for them now with good registration, it looks fantastic. It shows what the technology can do. Bern is now 25cm resolution too, and the color management of the content has been done really well. It really shows the potential when you have the right data. Eventually the whole Earth will be like this or better in Google Earth, and available instantly to anyone.
  22. My thoughts too, that was a screed from a typical "sack of potatoes". Geze, what a whiney bitch, do something or STFU, it's not a frikin one sided activity. Whatever you do, eventually it'll get boring unless there's something deeper there. Her very attitude is what makes her love life crap.
  23. Not possible, she doesn't sleep standing up.
  24. That's kind of like saying that nobody has ever died -of- AIDS, only the illesses caused as a result of immune deficiencies; like pneumonia. Or, it's not the gun; it's them damn little bullets. No, it's nothing like saying that. The rest of your post if a cynical appeal to emotion. Compounding your earlier post with a more eggregious and obtuse one does not make any kind of point. AIDS causes a vast number of deaths and is a real problem that merits attention and resources, like many other issues it is catastrophically more significant than gun violence in schools.
  25. Geeze, talk about a lack of perspective. This is all about perception vs. risk. Emphasizing isolated incidents however shocking or tragic is the root of the problem here. And John, you should realize that firearms don't kill schoolkids, video games do.