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Everything posted by dorbie

  2. tdog, thanks for your articulate posts. They reflect my views. This is a real eyeopener w.r.t. PIA. They can pretend there's no stink wafting from the gates of their country club all they like. At the end of the day there's a judgement call here, one might understand the exclusion of some unknown or shady company (your comments about participation notwithstanding), but this is the exclusion of a major manufacturer of a popular AAD behind closed doors and simply does not pass the smell test. This sheds new light on PIA, from my perspective.
  3. More exploitation of the hostages:,,30000-1258274,00.html
  4. I'm no expert either, but... you need to look at the claims to determine what the patent attempts to cover. This patent has 56 claims. If you read the claims you will see that apart from a couple of very broad contextual descriptions (that could apply to their earlier AADs sold > 1 year before filing and not claimable), what is claimed is the waterproofing of the AAD and the replacable filter, and it's covered exhaustively and in detail. I am not a lawyer, but from what I can see the patent linked above is all about the details of the waterproofing & the associated filter that can be submerged and field replaced in the cypres2. I wouldn't assume it's the only patent they have.
  5. I know that there are Vigils out the wazoo being jumped, the manufacturer applied and was rejected after a closed door meeting. The lack of transparency alone is bad enough. Frankly, it stinks. The patent allegations merely add suspicion, it is not what I base my judgement on. Good luck getting enough information to form your opinion.
  6. Then the appropriate venue is a court, where everyone gets their say and there is a fair hearing and the merits are objectively assessed in the context of applicable law, not behind the closed doors of an elitist club that presents itself as the industry's association. PIA needs to take a cold hard look at itself over this bullshit. P.S. if the company was some fly-by-night or there weren't thousands of Vigils out there in rigs being jumped I could understand it, but this just makes it clear that as an organization PIA is deeply flawed.
  7. How about: "Has anyone seen my freebag?"
  8. dorbie


    Having to chop? Have you ever considered adding your reserve instead? Yes, of course, obviously it depends a lot on circumstances and then there's theory vs. execution.
  9. That's not what I said and that's not merely what you were doing. But nice attempt to deflect.
  10. dorbie


    The Collin's lanyard does this, not the skyhook. A Collin's lanyard is a prerequisite for a Skyhook system (according to Bill Booth) but RW fitted them to rigs before the invention of the skyhook.
  11. dorbie


    I hope it's a distinction I never have to make in practice, I've grabbed my handles under 1k over the DZ and imagined having to chop, it is a very unpleasant thought but I have seen video of several saves under that altitude. I wonder what altitude this guy would have said his hard deck was before this jump:
  12. dorbie


    I'm not going to ride a main down to 700 that has some problem after deployment, there's a margin of safety in there for good reason. However that doesn't mean I switch off and ride a ball of crap in if I find myself in the shit under my hard deck. I'm sure there are jumpers who've chopped low knowing they were very probably screwed but just didn't have any better options. That doesn't mean you change your other practices to make it more likely you'll find yourself in that situation.
  13. dorbie


    Yup, there's the unfortunate truth that many jumpers without this safety device have jumped with every intention of abiding by their hard deck and gone under it, for some it was the last mistake they made and a skyhook might have changed the outcome.
  14. dorbie


    It is my personal oppinion (as I haven't seen any data to suggest otherwise) that a SkyHook will make a canopy transfer more dangerous. How? With a skyhook the pilot chute will deploy the reserve if you pulled silver without chopping. The reserve bridle is slightly longer, but that's about it. What are the chances of a canopy transfer working if you're spinning? A skyhook would still give you a chance.
  15. dorbie


    There's a difference between decision altitude and finding yourself in the shit after a collision at 700ft. Confusing the two does a disservice to the debate.
  16. PLEASE!! It's a regeneration chamber, not a "rest pod" PLEASE!! It's an alcove not a "chamber".
  17. The video:
  18. You're really dredging new depths recently Bill. Can you sink any lower? How much moral support for the enemy is too much for you?
  19. I've seen the photographs, it is clearly him, unless he has a twin.
  20. I think the appropriate European vanacular you're reaching for is "Aryan".
  21. So we should show no resolve when attacked? Fuck the soldiers and their families and let's paint a target on the back of everyone who serves from now on? The act of aggression has been committed. It can yet be undone but you are confused as to who the warmongers are.
  22. I see the fine art of diplomacy is not yet dead.
  23. Because diplomats don't want to stir the pot they just want the troops returned and won't make any move that might close down an option too soon (such as an apology and sweeping the whole location under the carpet). The next phase Blair speaks of is where nobody wants to go, but maybe Iran does? If they sense the end of America's adventure in Iraq and think they can pull off a quick scuffle with the allies without too much damage they can gain prestige on the coat tails of a U.S. exit. Then there's the whole hostage exchange ploy. I heard before this that Iran had warned they were going to try to kidnap allied "officers" to exchange for combatants captured in Iraq. It's an impossible line to walk since it moves them from plausible deniability in a proxy war to overt conflict, which is where this is headed if the Brits aren't returned.
  24. The reason nothing has been done is that diplomacy is still being given a chance. Premature action would only jeopardize the return of the hostages because Iran would lose face if they did so after action is taken. This cannot stand long term though, not just for these individuals, but you cannot have nations think that they can capture British troops and hold them hostage without very serious adverse consequences. Make no mistake, Iran is inviting gunboat diplomacy if the continue to hold these hostages.