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Everything posted by dorbie

  1. I assume in taking the moral high ground they'll use the traditional Mayan method of cleansing; the human sacrifice of their South American neighbours.
  2. I must have met a lot of swamp Texans who got lost then. When I want your permission I'll send you a PM.
  3. All y'all need to understand that I lived in Texas for a spell. I'm allowed to use y'all.
  4. Grabbing one riser will allow one half of the canopy to stay inflated, this can still lead to injuries Untangling your canopy does no harm and is good practice I agree, some canopies are also likely to spin up like a whirling dervish if you do this. If you're gonna try this at the very least grab one rear riser and grab it high, probably up on the lines. You may still end up with a ball 'o crap (TM). In general chopping is not a good plan unless you're in real trouble, you basically lose a significant element of control over your canopy. You unload it but what does that do? It reduces the air speed (wind speed stays the same) so unless you actively collapse it you lose it or you have to load it with your hands instead of your harness. It's a bad option. Learn to ground handle, build up w.r.t. wind speed, avoid strong wind, if you get caught in wind grab high on your rear lines or brakes and yank them in backing towards your canopy, and don't do it half heartedly. Wear gloves. By all means chop if you get into trouble, grabbing high on one rear riser/lines is probably the best option if you feel the need to do this. P.S. learn to reverse kite, this will make controlled collapse on brakes or rears much easier. you'll be facing your canopy walking towards it instead of being pulled back wondering what your wind is doing. This makes a HUGE difference.
  5. Bump; I just want to make sure y'all get a chance to hear this.
  6. Why try to rename this pagan fertility rite? Even the Church didn't dare do that. Now we're screwed this is really gonna piss of Baal.
  8. No, it's not the payback that's being the bitch.
  9. In most places the IDL also corresponds with WGS-84 datum wrap of +/- 180 degrees longitude which would be key information throughout their avionics systems. I'm septical about the whole "local time" story.
  11. Speaking generally, wealth is created, not taken or stolen. If wealthy nations had no interraction with some random country out there it would get poorer not wealthier by just about any useful metric. You can't have it all ways, implicitly blaming the wealthier societies for poverty while simultaneously insisting that they cannot have any say in the internal affairs of others. If you have a solution then offer it, but the reality is there's no simple path to eliminate poverty, it takes generations of effort, education, economic growth and is fraught with risk and forces actively opposing it (like the ignorance shown in this thread). Systems that have tried a quick fix have merely led to universal misery.
  12. If I were running NW I'd give the guy his early retirement immediately.
  13. One of these days: Someone else who loved the crowds reaction and the loud thump his impact made.
  14. Teacher gets a fail for ambiguity in the first question. Bonus quiz; Why?
  15. Must have been his brother... this was definitly a zip-tie... A similar story I read was a DZ holding a boogie and inspecting rigs so ensure they were legal for jumping then attaching a tie to the webbing to indicate they were OK to jump. At least one rig got the tie on the webbing routed through the reserve D handle. I don't think this was the source but it cameup in a search:
  16. Since we know it was Armitage in the state department who leaked why don't you go ask him? He sure wasn't a war hawk and neither was his boss Powel. There's so much dishonest bullshit from the left on this it's staggering.
  17. My Odyssey has A and B. The housing inside the risers is quite thin in comparrison the the one that runs from the handle to the risers.
  18. (emphasis theirs) The important part here is "to avoid a possible emergency situation." That is a much improved rewording, I'm happier. Here's the original: should update the article or at least link to the revised pdf, here's the new URL: Both versions are dated 2/27 but the article went up on 3/6 and has the old information and links to the old version, it's still wrong as of 3/8.
  19. A better question is, is it reasonably safe after a coach signoff for them to do a bit of fun RW with students who are not permitted to jump with ordinary jumpers. How many 30 jump students do you help keep in the sport each visit to the DZ? People with a calling for this who are willing to go through a coach course should be permitted to. I don't think jumpers who start threads with titles like "100 jump wonders" are the type who help inculcate new AFF grads (10 jump wonders), DSE's insight excepted.
  20. Surely you mean the young whippersnapper network.
  21. The story of Bill Booth's first jump is worth a listen.
  22. Just wait 'til the carriers get a hold of this. You'll be crammed in like sardines just like any most other commercial flight. The buyers configure the interior as they see fit. Than means leg space seat width etc are compromised for passenger numbers. And unless you're a frikin millionaire you won't be lounging in one of those first class bunks.