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Everything posted by dorbie

  1. You've got a better chance of spotting them when you turn to start your track than from the aircraft.
  2. dorbie


    I have one in my vehicle. Make sure you get a touch screen version with a virtual keyboard entry for addresses, I didn't have that option and address entry using a joystick is a pain. The talking is pointless. They're easy to use, you have a moving map and you follow the route. I don't think there's much between them technology wise. A good database is important, I don't know which is best mine has a DVD with the whole of the USA on it, and it's damned good. I suspect the biggest brands will have the resources to get the best data. If it's available get a DVD driven unit with all the USA in it. It would be a pain in the ass to manage your databases for long trips and be uploading to the device for example, I expect some make you do that and may even charge for it. I guess it's not such a big deal if you're only travelling locally, but that one trip to a DZ in a neighbouring state is when you really need it and it'll suck if you don't have coverage. Accuracy is a malleable thing, they apply road snapping algorithms and the position might not be as inaccurate as the road vectors in places and vice versa so it's probably a bit of a wash. Get a look at the antenna they give you and consider if it'll fit on your dash or wherever. External antenna you can move to an exposed position is probably much better than integrated antenna hidden under your satellite shield. So, IMHO you should get a large color LCD touch screen display, with a good quality up to date database (large brand?), and ask about database coverage and upgrades for new areas if it lacks the whole country. Get an external antenna you can position on your dash or someplace else exposed, or at least upgrade to that if needed. Voice feedback is cool for the first week, ignore it. Let me reiterate how important a touchscreen keyboard entry is. Garmin isn't your only choice, for example there's tom tom which seems to slap on your windscreen (not sure how that works in bright sunlight), and can play MP3 One cool feature is they flag traffic cameras!!!
  3. I like paragear's site. Very easy to use and they sell just about everything.
  4. Realistically, you could use a bathroom. They can be locked from the outside, and losing one bathroom isn't going to be the end of the world. Oh? The relatives would be OK with that then? We'll just lock your moms corpse in the khazi. You can stand outside and weep if you like. If you're going for the full Monty Python comedic effect you should have suggested stuffing the corpse in the overhead baggage compartment, stuffing the corpse in the toilet is merely a Carry On gag.
  5. The first thing you should do at any new DZ is ask for a safety briefing. I did when I arrived at Perris, this was never mentioned. My rule of thumb has been (based on advice at various DZs), jumpers on your load should know your pull altitude, and that anything over 6k is getting unusual without special arrangements. It turns out I was wrong along with many other jumpers if I take what I'm reading at face value.
  6. Define high? Just how much separation was there between loads? Are you really saying anything over 3k at Perris manifest should be informed not just others on your load? I hear guys say they're pulling at 4.5k or higher all the time at Perris as they board and I'm certain they haven't informed manifest, I do it myself occasionally. I guess that needs to be disseminated more widely than this forum. This is slightly troubling. One could imagine pulling low to be equally culpable.
  7. P.S. to clarify, I was merely pointing out that narcimunds highly praised post is merely an implicit "yes" response to the poll, and therefore rather insipid for it. I'm not responding in agreement to it or with a yes to the poll. One could postulate an infinite number of alternative creators if one wants to resort to such nonsense. FSM will suffice and I already mentioned him.
  8. You are of course addressing the poster of the underlying assumption and not me. But to answer your question, it comes down to original sin in some doctrines, and the fall of Satan, who wanted to sit on the throne of God. Something to do with all us dumb fools listening to the jerk, kinda a prequel for the golden calf in Exodus when Moses was up getting his first set of commandments. So here we are having to seek forgiveness for our impurity through Jesus. Requiring a rationalization for this is like questioning why Superman wears undies outside his pants while simply accepting without question that he can fly.
  9. The underlying assumption of God setting events in opposition is basically a "yes". I think it's actually the flying spaghetti monster that's laughing.
  10. Contact Bonehead, they have a great reputation, you're not going to get a resolution on and maybe your post saved someone else's gear from damage in the mean time. Any responsible gear maker would want to know about this issue ASAP. I'd also run this past Altimaster, they may just fix it anyway, I know B&L would without batting an eyelid. There's no point getting annoyed over the confusion CYA waivers cause some people.
  11. Wait, I didn't write this, it's an elaborate deception, God made the Universe 5 minutes AFTER the date on that post. I had no free will in the matter it was all preordained at the inception of the Universe.
  12. Wait, according to the earlier spin he was supposed to ba a CIA plant. You mean the poisonous lies spread about this guy and others like him to undermine the legitimacy of his new government actually undermined the legitimacy of his new government? And we should listen to the next round of poisonous lies intended to doom a nation to misery exactly why? The reports in todays Times (not the NY swill) paint a different picture despite them being anti-war. One problem is that the well intentioned US is the lightning rod for criticism here as the real miscreants run around and cause as much carnage as possible and effectively get a free pass by virtue of their ability to completely ignore what little criticism is cast in their direction.
  13. God made the Universe 5 minutes AFTER the start of this thread, and made it to seem exactly as it is now, memories included. He's all powerful, he can do that kind of thing you know. Sure the fossils are placed by him, but so are the memories of Darwin, and all records and memories of diging fossils up. Christ is just a memory too, so is Abraham, Noah and the flood, the exodus and the Bible. All placed here to make it all just the way he wanted it to be. And yes, of course I'm an idiot, but don't blame me, blame God, he made me dumb.
  14. I said WOW too, when I saw the price. Cool, but ouch.
  15. dorbie


    The dog with the biggest botnet wins........ and some of the bots are humans.
  16. Just what other 'plan' do people expect BA or anyone else to have? It's real easy to complain when a corpse starts stinking up first class, but geeze, there are no good options with Cooper locks on the doors. Hey it's you can't use this material anywhere else.
  17. I suspect that will happen soon. People, apparently , aren't smart enough to choose what they eat. I suspect the pork industry will be sued in civil court and prosecuted in criminal court within the next decade - and the cases will win. Let them eat cake.
  18. Please pay attention, the coronor has never worn an American uniform, he's never put in the blood sweat, tears and blah de bulshit blah. Nobody's fit to judge this pilot except his mom and apple pie. SCREW the recommendations of the investigating U.S. General, give him a fucking promotion, as an old mate of mine used to say, "A kill's a kill.".
  19. You are simply ignoring the facts in this case. As for credibility, get the FACTS and stop ignoring factors an events you find uncomfortable.
  20. Absoltely disgusting the fuckwitted pilot who got promoted after the investigating US General recommended he be disciplined, ignored the panels and asked about the WRONG location stepping over his wingman. That much is obvious from the video despite your appeals to authority and ad hominem. You exemplify the attitude in the Pentagon that led to the embarrassing coverup that left the widow waiting years for answers. The only blood shed by that pilot was British blood, so go sell that bullshit somewhere else. I'm all out of give a shit after reading your posts.
  21. LOL!!! Roger that. I doubt the coroner has much experience playing HALO. The Great British HALO playing public will doubtless take note the next time the U.S. is looking for allies. They all have an equal say on the issue despite your contempt for them.
  22. I am impressed by your literacy and self control.
  23. That is a deeply flawed conclusion on a number of levels.