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Everything posted by avenfoto

  1. id rather go knock a few back after work and then show up in the am.. like 1-3am, and then its just me...
  2. i know of another 16er... hes almost 30 now..
  3. thats pretty much how it goes 'roun here as well...
  4. how do they interact? generally how much downdraft are we talkng about? in a standstill hover at 400 ft msl for example... im thinking s/d from 350ish from heli, but wondering how low is to low? how far away from bird necessary for "clean" airflow..
  5. well i dunno bout anyone else, but that guy in the black tank looks like he knows what hes doing....
  6. avenfoto


  7. well... overall great event, extremely well organized...thanks cspence.. but i thought skydivers were supposed to know how to party? i guess when the honda "found" its way onto the bonfire at 420am sat nite/sunday morning things were picking up a bit apparantly i only need about 20 jello shots,a zillion beers, 2 hits off the 'shine jar,half a bag of grass, and one burning automobile to have a good time oh, and i made some skydives too.. you guys need to check out bridge day....
  8. 2817 is one of the better base images ive ever seen....
  9. nice post... im interested to see the responses.... let the audacity commnece
  10. so exactly where? in town will we be jumping? is it small enough to just follow signs?
  11. i cant sift through 100+ pages of "yes im going" and "add me to the list.." but now yes im going and add me to the list... just wondering where in dublin this event will be held? how much is registration? etc.etc im sure this has already been posted elswhere bu i cant seem to find it...
  12. avenfoto

    Surviving BASE

    philosophical thought experiments. philosophical thought experiments. philosophical thought experiment philosophical through experience
  13. planning on paying for airfare w/in a week or so... wondering the same thing... trains possible?
  14. mind you dont blow out the seams.... it will happen eventually...
  15. but is that such a good thing?
  16. who/where info on kl tower event this year?
  17. solo as well.. i think i just opened up a whole new can of worms...
  18. some times chickens die. with headwinds.
  19. only i can have the f-650... but ill gladly trade it for one of those liberal-preventing hats.... and btw... i just "compensated" from about 300 ft... and man oh man do i ever feel better... dint even care about this stupid thread anymore
  20. well then... ill just go run over some enviromentally sensible vehicles w/my new f-650 then....