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Everything posted by avenfoto

  1. i still want one of those sweet-ass hats....
  2. well it just keeps on getting better.... btw... like my new truck? its pussy pink, and a f650 at that, and as soon as i bought it my penis size went through the roof!
  3. this just in.... i have moved on to fajita nachos, no vegtables... i cant remember the last time i laughed out loud in sc.... thanks steel...
  4. GEORGE BUSH! .... sorry .. couldnt resist....
  5. many apologies... flier of the 4.0w/l, eater of the 2pound burgers, slayer of infidels and keeper of the biggest dick in the world... i was unawares that this thread even qualified as a discussion at this point.... now wheres my hat, and may i have another glass of wine please?
  6. where oh where can i get one of those fabulous hats? does it really keep out all these sensible left-leaning thoughts ive been having? im so confused....
  7. http://uruknet.info/?p=-6&l=e from the inside...
  8. well ill take that over arguing w/meatheads anyday...
  9. bbbbut you cant be king.... your avatar is a girl! now i dont know what to think.. who are you to blur the liines of sexuality? i wish i ate 2 pound burgers.... or had a g/f to come say how big my dick is... guess im a gay artsy farty left falling liberal too.... now wheres my smalldick co. wine glass?
  10. bump...update? i had a wierd-ass dream last nite....
  11. alright now, dont you start bringing up uncomfortable truths here in sc... next thing you know someone will be labeling you a victim of "the liberal media" or some other bs.... my take? its fucking bullshit (that its happening) and the majority of our current presidential administration belongs in jail.
  12. around here we take our kayaking like we take our women... one crab trap at a time...
  13. welcome to the wonderful(lly expensive) world of rc! glad to see your having fun maybe get some experience on a more durable plane, though it looks like you can just rplace that wing...
  14. on a serious note, depending on how long its been unplugged it may still hold a charge.. a pretty serious bite... also, inside the tube, behind the screen is a vacuum... as in if you hit it w/a bat or something else foolhardy the glass particles will implode then explode all over the place... have fun
  15. actually its fairly straightforward... a dick and balls, or a pussy... edited to add: no matter what color you paint the barn... in the end its still a barn... even if it wants to be king... or is king... or isnt wearing pants, or is wearing pants, whilst bathing in a sea of crumpets, being a christian and proud of it....
  16. hello helix.... first let me clear some things up.... daytona beach is actually 45 minutes east... 20 to 95 from deland, and then another 25 from 95 to a1a.... the st johns river is actually one of 2 rivers in the world that flow north..the other is the nile.. lastly there isnt shit to do in deland, besides skydive... hope you have a vehicle one of my favorite things about florida, is that (almost)everywhere in the state is less than 6 hrs away... miami, tampa, orlando, etc... and, if you ever want a "play" day of jumping, there are a few who jump onto the beach one hr north of deland, whenever... weekdays included, land at the bar, pack, repeat... ask the locals, or pm me for more information... skydiving,basejumping,beachjumps,scuba,springs,kayaking,fishing,sailing,trailriding....the list goes on florida is fuckin cool, you just have to know where to look....
  17. im j/k man... youll be fine. dont worry to much about it.. you are a base jumper, you know what to look for, and will know when shit wont wrok...who cares what the internet says wrok wrok wrok
  18. i have an aero extreme, that i paid 80 dollars for.... (they rung it up as a challanger i think...) flew it in 20 mph wind first day, and that was wing one.... around 20$ wing number three, i learned that a heavily repaired wing will still fly... and i mean heavily... the key is to add as much extra tape and crap to the opposite side to keep the weight evenly distributed... after two high speed concrete impacts, the board inside is toast (ive remounted it once already...) has anyone expiremented w/removing the guts and replacing it with a different speed controller and beefier servos? what about control arms instead of the lines?... anybody that wants to talk aero can pm me anytime...
  19. well the internet says youll be fine, so what could possibly go wrong?
  20. avenfoto

    Mental Preparation

    ask magot... he seems to be doing aright
  21. yeah... id stay away from that one... j/k what you really need is about six beers, in you, and then one in each pocket for when you get to the top... cheers....2, 1, cya
  22. because there should be....pm's requested...
  23. dead jaap times two.. way to maintain compsure, and keep your head, when things get real.
  24. what do you think? look it up... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=skull+and+bones+yale&btnG=Google+Search