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Everything posted by chutem

  1. It's never a trivial number if it invovles you HOWEVER, There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of police contacts contacts yearly. Most routine, some not, less than 1% end in controversy. Try telling people what they have to do, when they don't want to do it, over and over and have it work eveytime without problems. Could improvements be made, hell yes they can, and are ongoing on a daily basis. Again, quit making assumptions based on forms of media and find out for yourself. ***Much of the frustration and resultant anger is the police chief reports that after a thorough police department investigation to which the mechanics and procedures are rarely revealed, the officer(s) involved acted well within the norms of department police and if the DA gets involved, the statement is usually the same and as such reinforced. You realize if a cop uses deadly force, there is a very high likelyhood he will go infront of a Grand Jury (and rightfully so), even if he/she is justified. Again, please save the lecture, I've been invloved in Community Policing since the 80's. Talk to any professional who deals with people in crisis, the vast majority get sued, some multiple times, during their professinoal careers. Some are justified, some not, good people make mistakes. In some jobs mistakes can cost lives. If an officer acts outside of established policy or with malice, he/she can be held personally and financially responsible. There is no nice way to use force, just because it looks bad on the internet, dosn't mean it isn't within proper guidelines. The one place we find some common ground in retention of officers who may not need to be retained. In large cities, arbitration has kept questionable cops on the street. Cops make mistakes but there are certain mistakes, which may question the officers ability to do the job. Sort of like telling some students/jumpers politely or not so poliltely, that they should take up bowling as a hobby. As far as "dumping on me" goes, no biggie, all I'm trying to do is counter the misinformatino and hype currently being put out. Google "police culture us vs them attitude" for some interesting reading that may explain the mindset many of us in the "them" category are developing. Feel free to tell us it's just a bunch of made up unjustified BS. If the Police refuse to police the Police we'll need Police Police to police the Police. Until the Police are adequately policed they're "militarization" is not a good idea in my opinion.
  2. because its not fraud its failure to disclose. when offering a security you must disclose what due diligence you did. if there is a mistake, in this case they were far more risky then expected, you can be held responsible. in this case, they are essentially giving a refund. thats not fraud. you might not like it. mostly because as you proved with your juvenile attempt at stock valuations earlier, you dont understand finance. the gov't regulators are well educated professionals. the people at the Fed, Finra and the Sec are not politicians or bumbling bureaucrats. unlike you they understand finance. if they thought it was fraud then it would have been prosecuted as such. it wasnt because it isnt. you dont like it and your mad but that doesnt change the facts. "A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury." I'm the first to admit I know "jack" about the subject, but the or by concealment of what should have been disclosed part kind of sounds like it fits.
  3. The important question here is will you hurt/kill only yourself when this catches up to you, or will you hurt/kill someone else? Care to name any coaches/instructors who have told you this is ok?
  4. What's the chances of a "registered sex offender" getting a class III FAA medical?
  5. Pot brownies a much more serious crime than rape in Texas it would appear.
  6. According to this article a child can make $100-$150 a day in the fields. Get the kids the heck out of there and send adults on the local welfare roles out there. I wonder how many adults are collecting unemployment in this area?
  7. A little snip from the article... Republicans have yearned to abolish child labor laws since they were enacted decades ago because lacking the ability to force indentured servitude on people of color, especially in the former Confederacy, the next best thing is enslaving children as young as seven who have no redress except for an international organization such as Human Rights Watch exposing the hideous practice. Obviously this is the reason for what is going on. Clearly the folks who wrote this article have no interest in anything other than helping these children.
  8. They have a pretty good reputation for customer service, I'd give them a call.
  9. Try holding steady with a rifle 4" offset from your straight up head then try holding steady with you eye inline with the sights. I think you'll find it much easier in the standard configuration. Also most folks end up with an extra point of contact at their cheek (cheek weld) with in line sights allowing your line of sight to be repeated down the sights shot after shot. As mentioned above offset optics or iron sights would be quite the "snag hazard" making it easier to knock them out of alignment or hang you up moving through space restricted areas in the field. Throw in the added complexity of now figuring your offset on top of everything else involved in shooting accurately and I think most of us will stick with sights inline to the barrel. I'm thinking some kind of set up with a micro camera and google glass or other glasses/goggles with a display is going to be the next "big deal", shoot from the hip or around corners with a perfect sight picture. I'd want to maintain some kind of standard sighting for the inevitable "tech failure", but it would be useful for police/military when it worked.
  10. How many lives and how much money would be saved if helmets were required in automobiles?
  11. If you choose to do so? That's fine. It's your call. My beef if for the members of society who are forced to take such jobs at huge, billion dollar+ in revenues companies for either geographic, or other reasons. It's not going to kill the likes of Wally World or large supermarket chains to give their underpaid employees Thanksgiving (for example) off... At what point would my company be large enough that my employees taking a job requiring holiday work becomes a beef for you?
  12. I and my employees are at work as I type this, all in the name of profit and customer service. Perspective employees are told to expect to work weekends and holidays. We take week days off, it's the nature of the business. Anyone who has a problem with that can pretty well piss off. Kind of slow today for Easter with good weather, but the customers that are here are glad we are also.
  13. Can't do it with rain water in many places.
  14. I bet there were some interesting meetings leading up to the release of this statement.
  15. It's not a credit posted against adjusted gross income it's a refundable tax credit.
  16. If this was in the last 5 years from the date of the medical application you will need to produce the documents. If you blew .15 or more or refused to blow you will be kicked up to the FAA for a decision. If this happens you should get an AME that knows what he is doing in this situation as one who does not can really drag out the process. Sorry if that was not the side of this you wanted info on. Be careful about counting on a medical certificate that you do not have in your hands, it has cost others considerable money. Good Luck.
  17. Why would the healthcare system need to control this? Is it too much of a stretch to imagine that wide spread access to healthcare would lead to a population better educated on healthcare issues. A population that would be more conscientious of their own health. Do you really believe that the over weight people currently do not know that it is not healthy? As for why the healthcare system needs to control this it was mentioned by another poster above me and I'm questioning how it could be done within the idea of personal freedom of choice. The average life expectancy keeps being mentioned to justify claims of how bad healthcare is in the US. It is my opinion that much of this "problem" is created by people having the freedom and availability to make "less healthy" choices for themselves. I believe it relates to the same thought process and failure to look to the future exhibited by folks who make a good income but can not save for their future. Same thing with tobbaco use, people start smoking knowing full well it will most likely take years off their life.
  18. I guess I'm giving "the public" to much credit, all one has to do is look around. I don't want to have the peanut m&ms I'm chewing now to not be available or to be "reformulated" so as to be more healthy since some are not able to overcome their draw. I'm with you on advertising and labeling being regulated to be up front. I have my doubts it will make a big difference as I believe most will continue to do things as they have been. I am leery of crossing the saving people from themselves line as some may not agree with the risks to health that I am willing to incur on myself.
  19. That would be fine with me, but I don't think that will solve the problem. I believe that this is more of a willpower and instant gratification type problem. Funny, the move more eat less diet is not nearly as popular as many fad diets. Is that because people do not understand that eating less and moving more will result in weight loss or is it a lack of willpower to make it happen?
  20. You need to work some more on that comprehension thing. You can't find a single poll that indicates the "gender gap" has gone away. Not surprising, because it hasn't. It appears the problem starts at the top.
  21. Those appear to be personal choice issues to me. How do you propose that our health care system "control" these issues? Let's see. The US is the only 1st world country that doesn't provide healthcare to all its citizens, and it has a very large fraction of its population that is unhealthy. So unhealthy that it has health outcomes such as life expectancy and infant mortality that are more typical of 2nd world nations than first world nations. And the obesity rates are highest in states where the fraction of uninsured is highest. Hmmm - no possible connection there. I'm aware of the position you put forth here. Once again, how would propose that our healthcare system control these issues?
  22. Those appear to be personal choice issues to me. How do you propose that our health care system "control" these issues?
  23. New owner of a Howa 1500 in .308 here with pretty much zero rifle experience other than .22 benchrest, any suggestions for good reading material? I'm mostly interested in mid to longish range stuff. My first trip out with it after playing with the scope I'm shooting about 5 inch groups at 200 yards with the occasional flyer. No doubt that the lose nut behind the trigger is the weak link here. Also I reload pistol stuff on a Dillon Square Deal press that will not handle rifle length. Suggestions for a press to handle rifle cartridges? I may just look at selling my Square Deal and buying a 550.
  24. I agree with the carry it or it is no good point I do not agree that a pocket pistol is the best It may be the best for you and that is what counts It may not be the best for me I use a couple of different carry holsters White Hat holsters deap conceal And a Sneaky Pete Covers a viriaty of situations and both have trigger covers which is important to me Maybe I was not clear, a pocket pistol (in your pocket) is better than a large bore pistol out in the car or in the safe (not with you when you need it). I did not intend to insinuate that a pocket pistol is a better weapon in a side by side comparison. Main point, If you want to carry buy something you will carry. On a side note I just purchased a Howa 1500 in .308 today.