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Everything posted by davedlg

  1. bodyflight.net has a pretty good map.
  2. For those who don't want to download the whole 5MB file:
  3. Moab is HOT in the summer. I mean really hot. The big seasons there are spring and fall. The winter can be nice with 65 degree days, or it can be snowing. Don't forget whitewater raft guiding as a way to make money! That's probably the only "liveable" job in the summer.
  4. But, who the hell needs A/C at 27,000 feet??
  5. I thought that was Richard Branson! The shot was so quick that I couldn't tell. The ford thing I saw as kind of a joke: Bond is on vacation and trying to "blend in" with the tourists and he gets to drive a crappy ford sedan just like everyone else.
  6. I'm guessing it is an error in the script which translates the raw format I quoted above. It should be written to subtract 50 from any number that high and add 100 to the wind speed.
  7. From the Help Page: so the code 820704 means 320 at 107 knots and -4 degrees
  8. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I read that book at about that age and was my favorite sci-fi book for a long time...
  9. Snowboarding / Skiing helmets can be dangerous for use as a skydiving helmet. Most have a loop or a cutout in the back of the helmet for a goggle strap. This loop or cutout can snag your parachute lines on deployment causing a malfunction that you cannot cutaway and strangles you at the same time. Be very careful if you use one of these helmets for skydiving and, at a minimum, duct tape over the loop or cutout. A better choice would be to go with a different helmet for both. Edited to add: the helmet linked to above has a goggle strap loop. Check out this picture....I wouldn't want to jump with that on the back of my helmet.
  10. Usually when I've seen them break off, you end up with a lot more volume at much lower pressure because the water tends to be gravity flowing instead of pressure flowing. If you've already got high pressure water coming into the faucet then the aerator will just reduce your water usage.
  11. On most cessnas the stall horn isn't really an "adjustment" item as far as I know. When the wing begins to stall, it creates negative pressure on the leading edge of the wing where the stall horn opening is, causing the air to blow out of the opening. This air blows through a "whistle" and that is the horn you hear. There are no electronics or anything that could be adjusted. You can walk up to a cessna on the ground without power or electronics, suck on the stall warning opening and set off the stall horn in the cockpit. Bottom line, if the stall horn is going off, the airflow over the wing is being disrupted and a stall is immenant. There are other planes that use an electrical pressure switch for the stall warning and those will act a little differently.
  12. To speed up the velocity of the water exiting to help you wash dishes, your toothbrush, your hands, etc.... Kinda like holding your thumb over the end of a hose.
  13. Essentially the water pressure pressing on the sides and bottom of the ship will cause as much buoyancy as the volume of water it displaces. If you add more weight, the ship sinks deeper and displaces more water, if you take weight away, the ship will float higher and displace less water...
  14. How many students are in the average day to day class vs. number of students that show up for the test? You can't really do a lot for the ones who don't bother to go to class...
  15. I have a new skill. I can now sharpen a chainsaw
  16. Hey Tom! Congrats on getting through AFF. It's been a long 8 months since you started in the tunnel, huh? Now go get that A-license so we can jump together!
  17. I can name all of the rock layers and dates in the Grand Canyon from memory and I can tell you what layer (or process) almost any rock in the Grand Canyon came from.
  18. Do it! Just be sure you are comfortable with the time commitment and costs. You will probably have to buy mask, fins and snorkel. The class probably only includes the classroom and pool sessions, but you will also need to do some open water dives, which you'll have to pay for. SCUBA's a lot of fun!
  19. The recirculating design at SVCO would probably buffer the effect somewhat compared to the open tunnels. There is alot of momentum in the air going around, so losing power would result in a continued airflow for longer then in an open tunnel.
  20. Philipe is a good guy, give him a call and ask him any questions you've got. I've bought a few things through him and he's done me well on all of them.
  21. Quite possibly I will stop by again in December
  22. Closest one for me is on Sahara Drive in Las Vegas...
  23. Can you do me a favor and order a double double animal style and send it out to me? Nearest in and out is 650 miles away
  24. It looks like the new site is up at rockclimbing.com The Forums look suspiciously familiar.... Good work Sangiro and everyone else involved in the effort. The new site looks great, even if it is a bit familiar...