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Everything posted by davedlg

  1. If I'm not mistaken, what you guys have is classic upslope conditions where moist air coming up from Mexico is meeting the cooler air coming down from Canada and since there was/is a low pressure system hanging over the front range (the winds rotate counter-clockwise) and all this cool moisture is stalling over Denver due to the mountains. I guess you guys can blame Canada (like you always do what with CO being SouthPark country). But don't forget to blame Mexico as well. Remember to keep the rubber side down if you do/can take to the roads. Yup, it was a classic upslope storm. The radar images looked just like march of '03. I just finished digging my car out, I'm not sure why I did that, given that I can't get out of the neighborhood, but it seemed like a productive waste of time.
  2. We got way more snow down here then they did up there. They still got around a foot at A-basin and Keystone though.
  3. I don't hear any bitching. I think we all think it's pretty cool. I just went for a walk down the middle of University Blvd (a major arterial road.) It was very surreal to be walking down the middle of a major road at rush hour with no traffic. It's so quiet outside too, none of the usual city noise. It feels almost post-apocalyptic or something.
  4. I would start seeing if there are other options. My brother was skiing in Breckenridge and supposed to fly out of Denver today. Yesterday they told him that his chances of getting out prior to Christmas Eve were pretty slim. That seems a bit extreme to me, but that's what Frontier told him and United (I think) told his girlfriend. If I were them, I'd check out my options in Salt Lake City. Things are going nowhere fast here.
  5. We're at about 21 inches right now with at least 10 more expected. Looks like this one's going into the record books...
  6. I ended up at my sister's after a fruitless effort to get home. My girlfriend gave up after 5 hours of sitting on US 36 and went to a friend's house...turns out they had the National Guard out there rescuing people. Looks like we're socked in for awhile. I think my initial post may have been an understatement...
  7. I've got a feeling this is going to be a big one. It's really coming down hard out there. We're leaving work at noon. United airlines shut down all of their afternoon flights out of DIA. This is going to be a mess.
  8. They looked pretty good today. Ya, there were definatly some mistakes and room for improvement, but it looks like we actually have an offense again. The fact that they didn't have to punt until the last two minutes really shows that they're doing pretty well. I think (hope) we'll see some great things from Cutler in the years to come.
  9. davedlg

    STS-116 . . .

    Flight control surface check...this does sound like a Cessna runup!
  10. davedlg

    STS-116 . . .

    Well, this is further than we got last time
  11. davedlg

    STS-116 . . .

    Hope the weather holds tonight! Launch is scheduled in about two hours...
  12. davedlg

    STS-116 . . .

    Missed the window...no launch tonight
  13. davedlg

    STS-116 . . .

    5 minutes and holding due to WX... they need to get started again in the next 4 minutes to make the window
  14. Oregon and Idaho tied for 19th, hence the 2 "19" rankings and the lack of a 20 ranking.
  15. I wear contacts. Never had a problem either. I guess the question is, if you were to lose a contact underwater, is your vision so bad that it might affect your ability to get to the surface and get to where you need to go (boat, shore, etc)?
  16. He also cheated his "student" out of an teacher. When his student goes in, he could be held accountable. That is all I am saying. Im trying not to be a bitch to much anymore so Ill drop out of this. I'm not saying it was a good idea, just saying it wasn't illegal. I'm not about to toss any of my good friends out of a plane without some kind of training. As for the liability issue, that opens up a whole other can of worms. He and the DZ both could have been liable if his friend went in.
  17. I misread that knowing that he has/had a plane that he used to jump out of. There's still nothing illegal about it. A skydiving logbook isn't an offical doccument that you can be prosecuted for forging. Would the dropzone be pissed if they knew? Of course, after all, he "cheated" them out of ~$1,000 in AFF fees . Could there be any criminal repricussions? Nope.
  18. Not crazy, this is pure stupid.... Im surprised youd post this considering Im pretty sure its not exactly legal and this is a small sport. Id like to meet you though, that way I know never to jump the same plane as you. If your able to do this, Id not trust you in my airspace. It's totally legal.. USPA wouldn't approve though. But if you've got your own plane and rig, there's nothing to stop you from doing it.
  19. Is there a red light on the bottom of your new mouse? Or is there a little ball?
  20. Yeah yeah, gotta learn to work on that one...
  21. If it's an optical mouse, a reflective surface can cause all kinds of messed up things to happen. In fact some mouse pads are reflective and don't work with optical mice. If it's a ball mouse, try cleaning the contacts with the mouseball.
  22. Definatly! Hopefully next time, I won't have a checkride early the next morning after staying up all night!
  23. I think at some point in the evening we missed the call for the big kids to go to the bar. I realized after I got home that I did that whole event without drinking a single drop of alcohol...