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Everything posted by bob.dino

  1. Yeah, she should give him wood...
  2. I believe that while the package of all three videos as the Survival series is quite new, the videos themselves have been around for years. You should be able to find reviews of the individual components relatively easily. Of the three, I've only seen Breakaway. Highly recommended - you get a real understanding of some of the potential problems and how to avoid them.
  3. Forgive my ignorance folks, but what exactly is a 'formed nose'? How does it change the shape of the leading edge and does it affect the canopy pressurisation?
  4. 20 years ago it was common in the City of London (financial centre). Not any more, though once or twice a year we used to have a pint (568ml) with our lunch on a Friday. Now that I'm working in Oz, it's down the pub every Friday for lunch with two schooners (428ml) of beer. I don't actually like it that much, as I can't get any work done for an hour or two afterwards...
  5. Do you always come quickly?
  6. I've heard nothing but good about RMW suits, though I don't yet own one.
  7. She's gonna absolutely kill you next time she sees you. Or marry you. One or the other .
  8. Other people laughing and having fun makes me laugh. Sly humour makes me laugh. Wordplay makes me laugh.
  9. Course you're not gonna walk away. You've gotta get spanked first
  10. You're on the right, in the white T? Yeah, you look mean .
  11. Well you did start a thread about Frenchy, then, after it had nigh on ten replies, delete it. Bad manners, m'dear .
  12. Dunno. I've lived on three continents, but I don't think I've ever been within a thousand miles of Texas...
  13. Optimised training regimen: - Sit in pub, drinking beer. - Watch race on telly. - When topless woman approaches 1km mark, leave pub. - Jostle way to front of crowd. - Take photo.
  14. Hey sunny, don't be shy; say what you mean!
  15. Hey, you're hanging out with a bunch of cool-as skydivers. If that isn't glamorous and exciting, I don't know what is!
  16. It's easy: just hold a beer in front of my nose and I'll forget about everything else .
  17. Don't worry, I'm at least 15 hours flying time from you. You're pretty safe! Unless, of course, you happen to be at Perris in late January. I should be over there for a week 'round about then.
  18. But if he's likely to get asked to pack one once a decade, why would he go chasing tricky-to-find information that he may never use?
  19. A link like this is perfectly fine. Linking to directly to the .mov would make pilotdave angry.
  20. Marriage & kids, if I meet the right person. Not, if I don't. But not for a few years yet. At 26, I've lots left to see and do that don't work too well with the whole settling down, house n kids gig.
  21. I would've thought that was obvious .
  22. In Australia: - Chicken Parma: breaded chicken with cheese and a napolitana sauce, served with fries. - Steak. Cheap rump steak, served with fries. - Pasta. Simple bolognaise or arrabiata dishes. Pub food here is not all that sophisticated, though there are, of course, exceptions. In London: Anything and everything. Over the last 5 or 6 years, there's been a huge rise in 'gastropubs'. These are pubs with restaurant-quality kitchens, serving food in a relaxed, informal setting. They're one of my favourite things about London. In Ireland: City-centre pubs don't have a tradition of serving food. Country pubs regularly have a restaurant attached. Food tends to be simple and low on spices. Good simple seafood and good red meat dishes predominate. There's little in the way of Asian or Indian cuisine to be seen.
  23. I like that answer lots. It fits in with a lot of things that have been floating around in my brain. Yep. It's also a great way to never win an argument .