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Everything posted by aphid

  1. aphid

    Malia Obama

    I'll own that. BHO is a moral upstanding family man and citizen. He should be a role model for all Americans. Even if his politics are in opposition to yours. Ken, you silly bugger. Moral superiority is the exclusive purview of born-again evangelicals. Just accept that BHO is equally nefarious as those other dark-skinned evil heathens, Aga Khan and the Dalai Lama. We can relax though because soon enough, everything for our friends to the south will return to a more perfect Union, re-establishing Justice, insuring greater domestic Tranquility, and promoting their general Welfare right to urinate in legislated bathrooms. (Edited to strike "Welfare" as it is purely a socialist policy - The Donald will have none of that!)
  2. I still FB with Adrian bi-monthly. Damn, that's a great bit! Thanks for the link, Ken.
  3. History clearly shows that unless their leaders believe it will be easy, the USA is the last nation into the fight. They have always had a strong isolationist streak. Preaching to the choir, Ken.
  4. I'm sure they would be happy with your considerate inclusion.
  5. My first point, as yet not addressed, was: A bit more "what", exactly? Yes, a lovely arrangement. With at least two sides to the symbiotic relationship. But we foreigners humbly recognize that any acknowledgement of the symbiosis would conflict with the time-tested (and incorrect) narrative that the US is the world's policeman. Your military posture and multiple bases in allied and friendly foreign lands exist purely for your own national self-interest. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But for crying out loud, lighten up with the tiresome justification of a security umbrella.
  6. I think if you want to launch civil action against a foreign government or one of it's agencies, you are forced under international law (or treaties?) to proceed with that litigation within their jurisdiction and subject to their laws. These 9/11 survivors can do that now without any new domestic law(s). If I'm correct, they prefer to proceed with litigation within the USA, and subject to US law. Take the long view - if you can sue the Saudi's (or Brits, or Lithuanians, or whatever) in US court, don't be too taken aback when foreigners seek judgment against American agencies in their own home countries. That might get a touch awkward in view of some of your foreign policy debacles. Equal treatment under law. Such a refreshing concept. NB: I stand willingly ready to be corrected by somebody with personal experience litigating International Law.
  7. A bit more "what", exactly? If you are going to denigrate democracies that offer universal health insurance coverage, you might choose your examples a little better. And maybe a more complete sampling? For your edification, here are just a few more (@2012): Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Germany, the UK, Belgium, Sweden, Holland, Denmark, Portugal, Finland, Spain, Switzerland. Of course you were.
  8. aphid

    Liar liar

    He is single handedly changing the reputation of Canadians. I so thank our northern stars he really isn't one of ours. It's bad enough we have to tolerate Justin Bieber! One disgusting little shrew per life-cycle is quite enough, thank you. I'm PRETTY SURE that Ford already did that for you. Fair enough. Because he is from Toronto though, most of the rest of us kinda disavow him as a matter of course, consigning him as a brief pimple on our national conscience.
  9. aphid

    Liar liar

    He is single handedly changing the reputation of Canadians. I so thank our northern stars he really isn't one of ours. It's bad enough we have to tolerate Justin Bieber! One disgusting little shrew per life-cycle is quite enough, thank you.
  10. aphid

    No más

    http://pilotonline.com/news/military/local/former-seal-brandon-webb-accused-of-embellishing-combat-stories-and/article_a5ddc6aa-c931-5af8-835e-2364454e40a1.html Ah.... So it turns out that he is a self aggrandizing attention seeker. Now it makes sense. A friend of John Kerry? 12 posts and it turns to political pot-shots.
  11. aphid

    No más

    No not kidding. I am not going into detail on a public forum, but instructors being stoned is not a big surprise to me. Out of all the activities I have been involved in throughout my life, skydiving has had, by far, the highest involvement in drugs. Is it fair to assume that you have outed these instructors? I certainly hope so. It comes down to being a part of a solution instead of remaining a part of the problem. From my experience, there is/was a shitload more drug use in downhill skiing and football (not the steroids).
  12. aphid

    No más

  13. Those that can, do, those that can't, teach. And those who can't do any of that work construction. And those that cannot do even that are Canadian. Scintillating repartee like that will undoubtedly cost us hours of sleep up here.
  14. aphid

    No más

    "The instructor looked like he just did a big bong rip". I have three friends that diligently work the military program at the DZ in question. I'm sure they wouldn't be thrilled to have this guys allegations thrown about so cavalierly... source: http://www.businessinsider.com/navy-seal-explains-why-he-wont-skydive-as-civilian-brandon-webb-2016-2
  15. I don't mean to be naive, but I don't understand. If a letter, a note, a picture, a file or any other thing is not marked as classified, how on earth can it be interpreted much later as actually, double-dog-dutch, danger-close, seriously, really-for-real, no-kidding-this-time classified because of its own nature. Whatever the hell that (nature) is... I swear. Some people just want to fight about absolutely everything...
  16. Thank you. Your nation has a very proud and powerful anthem. Any embellishment is always a distraction and oftentimes downright disappointing.
  17. Oh, I am soooooo co-opting this!
  18. Undoubtedly there are many Americans who are conflicted about who to support in this current narcissistic cycle. As a true and compassionate friend of the United States, here is a genuine and heartfelt offer... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCyzdD0vYOw Call us. We could do lunch.
  19. As does most of Europe and Russia as well. But, that doesn't fit the narrative of America Under Siege.
  20. That's kind of the point - Canada's universal healthcare system was so terrible they had to bring their people to Detroit for help. . . That's some funny stuff, right there. Thanks for the great chuckle with my morning coffee.
  21. Maybe buy the presidency of the United States? It's a nice trinket for the wealthy. John
  22. (source: https://www.facebook.com/CanadianSkydiving/posts/890844427696861) While he came to skydiving later in his life, "Donsie" always tried to give his best to judging and CSPA. He fought the cancer valiantly. I will remember him with deep fondness. See attached for a photo of Don at Perris a few years back. John