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Everything posted by aphid

  1. I looked around a bit and couldn't find the active/current link for the SSK value calculator. It was here: http://www.sskinc.com/usedcypres.asp Anybody here have a working link? Thanks John
  2. SO,, then our God as seen in the movie Dogma was right then.... Our God? Yes, Cheryl Crow is God, Actually, she (God) was portrayed by Canadian singer Alanis Morissette.
  3. Agree absolutely. The #1 reason you won't find any "support" stickers on my Harley's, riding in any club-promoted rides, or participating in their "image" events like Toy Runs. Mind you, I avoid all the others too - motorcycle clubs featuring police, vets, Christians, etc. Bikes are for riding, not show-boating. Really, would you wear your freefly suit to Safeway?
  4. Point made and understood, but just to make a modest correction; "Overall, 2,605 U.S. citizens, including 2,190 civilians, died in the attacks but an additional 372 non-U.S. citizens (excluding the 19 perpetrators) also perished, which represented about 12% of the total. More than 90 countries lost citizens in the attacks, including the United Kingdom (including the British overseas territory of Bermuda) (67 deaths), the Dominican Republic (47 deaths), and India (41 deaths)." source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_September_11_attacks and, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_September_11_attacks#Foreign_deaths
  5. I concur. For a more exotic trike, there are the ones from this manufacturer: http://www.campagnamotors.com/ They have a couple of different models.
  6. After Sturgis 2013, on the highway with my pickup and Harley (yes, I towed it... but it's a rigid), 200 yards south of the Canadian border and about to depart your lovely country, I was stopped on the road by 3 members of your Border Patrol, (I believe they generically qualify as "Law Enforcement Officers"), who demanded to see my Passport... a rather odd request considering the location. I complied regardless. No reason was given for the stop. Mind you, I sure as hell didn't ask either! Each were equipped with vests and sidearms, but disconcertingly two were also carrying some type of rifles. (See picture attached to see the carry-postures). The demeanor of all three gentlemen was far from conducive to neighbourly relations. When satisfied by whatever it was they were looking for they brusquely pointed at the visible Canadian border station. It was 200 yards ahead, on a straight divided rural road with no u-turns. I'm pretty sure I could have found my own way. Call me a weenie all you want, but also be assured that I felt unduly threatened. And for the most fleeting of moments I actually contemplated flooring the throttle to reach the safety of my own country. I am later-50's, clean shaven, caucasian, with a crystal-clean record. I cannot possibly imagine being a visible minority living in the heart of an American city.
  7. “This won’t hurt a bit” “The cheque is in the mail” “I’ll respect you on the morning” Or as Canucks are known to say… “There’s always next year”
  8. Now, now. I think there are couple of us Canuckleheads that do just that. And some of us try, with a modicam of success, to avoid the "see how great my American political party/god/patriotism/gun/military/dick" debates that rage here, ad nauseum. J
  9. charges? yes (IMO) I'd hope this goes to trial very briskly Please excuse my colloquial English... the preface was composed to say, "If the murder charges are prosecuted successfully, I wonder if the Prosecution will press for a sentence of Capital Punishment?"
  10. Should murder charges prevail against the policeman, I wonder if the Prosecution will press for a sentence of Capital Punishment?
  11. It's really about easy access to a lower legal drinking age. And better beer. The emergency medical care issue is just a smoke screen.
  12. We embedded our own Syrup-Sucking Manchurian Canadian Candidate. This is deliciously priceless. Eh, Rich?
  13. Pfffft. I'll see your Toronto, and raise you a Vancouver! "The index price for existing detached homes on Vancouver’s west side rose 9.7 per cent over the past year to $2,282,400, while increasing 10.3 per cent to $936,500 on the east side." (source: http://www.livingin-canada.com/house-prices-canada.html)
  14. Can Iran be trusted? Would they negotiate and honour an agreement in good faith? IMO, not for a heartbeat. That said, I thought the Iranian response was nicely put. It echoes similar sentiments from other nations that have felt the sting of malleable US foreign policy. Apparently though, rather than discuss the salient points that the Iranian composer raised, some would rather just throw mud at the OP, or quibble about his use of the descriptor "traitor". That's unfortunate.
  15. I have no way of knowing their motivation(s) as I don't know any Iraq conflict avoiders up here personally.
  16. This discussion suddenly reminded me of the experience of many Canadians around my age (late 50's). During the American adventure in Vietnam (and Cambodia, and Laos, and...), large numbers of conscientious objectors (officially 20-50,000, but estimated by some sources as high as 125,000) made their way to Canada to disappear. I met quite a few over the course of my life's travels. Some came in as tourists (legal) but overstayed (illegal) to avoid service. Even more simply walked across the border (illegal) without a record of entry. Many still reside in Canada, having laid down roots and relationships. Officially they were here illegally, but in practicality Canada only deported a very few among the many that the US requested be extradited. A few more with outstanding criminal records were given the boot. In the small town where I had the primary location of my business, an incredibly successful restaurateur came up and brought his five (yes, 5) sons from Kentucky (IIRC) to avoid the draft. Many, but not all of the resistors, did take advantage of the amnesties offered under President Carter. By and large they had been accepted into the fabric of daily life up here. Therefore, even with the amnesty, at least half of them stayed up here. Hell, some of our elected officials are former American draft dodgers. In 2009, Canadian parliament continued its policy of allowing Iraq War resistors to stay in Canada. Currently we do have issues with some of our immigrants (drugs, gangs etc), but ironically they are all here legally. This is just my personal experience.
  17. Parking lot might be construed as a public area and lacking any expectation of privacy?
  18. Quite possibly an accurate assessment, which is to say this is also a decidedly sad indictment of the state of education.
  19. I think we understand, Rob. You're chapped at the RCMP. (And the liberal-media, and the lefties, and the gun-haters, and the CBC, and Air Canada, and the CRTC... have I neglected any?) The report doesn't indicate their poor handling in this incident is endemic or systemic. Some of the officers, likely under the direction of overwhelmed command-officers, made mistakes. The RCMP appear to be responding by reinforcing correct procedure/actions while continuing to follow a legal and (inmho) legitimate policy. Personally, I'm more receptive to this approach as opposed to any who would wish the offending officers be publicly flayed in the town square at high noon.