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Everything posted by aphid

  1. http://www.pc.gc.ca/ar-sr/lpac-ppri/ced-ndp.aspx#dp01
  2. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4753727#4753727
  3. Undoubtedly politicians like Walker are simply playing games with words to pretend their policy of border security is more than just pandering to the ignorant masses who are pissed off at all those damned Mexican illegals. This story is getting some attention in Canada, all of it heavily negative. Once again short-sighted ignorant drivel like this has a broader impact than the speaker probably realizes. After all, how many Americans still believe (incorrectly) the 9/11 hijackers entered your country via Canada? (For that reason alone, I would struggle to support Ms. Clinton as she was the most prominent promulgator of that particular piece of misinformation at the time) There are some Canadians who opine that we should build a wall to keep southerners out. Utter nonsense of course, but we are not immune to having some ignorant citizenry too.
  4. Did you check the comments in your link? You might want to revise your thread title/subject as well as your first sentence above.
  5. Interviewed live in Arras, France, Chris Norman, a British-South African businessman said there were a total of 5 people actively involved in subduing the man, there were the USAF & Guard men, an American student, himself, and "the French train conductor". I saw this interview on CBC in Canada. I'm not sure if the US media bothered to carry it. Not diminishing the efforts of the American service men, and not challenging you personally, but nobody should get too cocky with wearisome nonsense about French responses to violence or conflict.
  6. I think that those that disdain Obama are baffled by him. I think we would all benefit with obstaining from Obama. Little disconcerting you have made sexual advances towards Obama.... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Obstain That makes little to no sense. Only you would make that connection. Google the root of the word you used, (obstain), and the very first return is for the Urban Dictionary. How do I know this? Because I have never heard of "obstaining" and I consider myself a reasonably articulate English-speaker, so I checked. Perhaps you meant to use a different word? Perhaps one spelled correctly? That we might fully understand?
  7. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour".
  8. I'll see your Texas and raise you a Halifax. "...an official database compiled in 2002 by the Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management, identified 1,950 victims. As many as 1,600 people died immediately in the blast, tsunami, and collapse of buildings. The last body, a caretaker killed at the Exhibition Grounds, was not recovered until the summer of 1919. An additional 9,000 were injured. 1,630 homes were destroyed in the explosion and fires, and another 12,000 damaged; roughly 6,000 people were left homeless and 25,000 had insufficient shelter." source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_Explosion#Destruction_and_loss_of_life
  9. 1) small bell to wear 2) bear spray for deaf bears 3) "Spot" emergency tracking device
  10. And rather a sad commentary that a Party felt compelled to distribute this to the candidates under the presumption, likely correct, that many did not enjoy a competent vocabulary in the first place. Mind you, reading some posts here, I suppose it should be expected.
  11. (Quoting my own post because I don't know who to single-out in this thread) I'm a responsible tax-paying white guy with reasonable means at my disposal - 2 car-garage, decent section of town - the whole bit. My only legal transgressions in Canada are occasional speeding infractions. Truthfully, a shitload of them. However, I "enjoyed" a sampler - an appetizer as it were - of the US Justice system not too long ago. (sarcasm fully intended) From my experience, I simply cannot imagine how much disadvantaged Americans and/or visible minorities must suffer in their interaction(s) with your system. I'm also stunned at the raw lack of compassion I see from some in this thread. Very very sad...
  12. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. (Martin Luther King, Jr.) Or for perhaps a more palatable source; True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else. (Clarence Darrow)
  13. Rogers has good coverage and so does Telus. Avoid Bell for a myriad of reasons. Use your Canadian coverage sparingly. We have some of the highest cell and data costs among the industrialized world. Also, if you're further into the Rockies than Canmore/Banff, don't expect much coverage. Even along the Trans Canada highway there are enormous dead spots through the mountains. Welcome and enjoy your stay. John
  14. Apparently they even have a training program for that. Game. Set. Match. Well found, counsellor.
  15. Name any belligerent in any conflict, anywhere, anytime, and on either side, that this statement (opinion) cannot also be used to support their justification as well. Specially now, when any compromise is seen as weakness. You mean like Sadam, because. . . . I was thinking that he gets defended here in SC by default by all the bush hating lobs here more than any villan I know of. I can't speak for Dekker, but you surely lost me with your post. I don't understand what point you are trying to make relative to the two quoted pieces. Can you elaborate for my edification? The belligerent in the latest conflict that was/is Iraq, was Sadam Husain. But now, because the left hates Bush so bad, Sadam is retroactively de-villified. And I see that as a serious compromise. Ah, I think I understand now. I used belligerent as a noun; a nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law. Evidently you and others that followed you interpreted belligerent as an adjective; hostile and aggressive. Thank you.
  16. source: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/08/10/bears-sticks-bats-sudbury-police_n_7967742.html Considering one of my cats was killed by a bear a couple of years ago, this is actually a serious problem. When they cancelled the spring bear hunt, bears multiplied to the point of regularly stalking and even attacking people. It's not at all unusual to come home and see a bear in the yard. And you don't have to be as far north as Sudbury. That's why it's so ridiculous when I hear rcmp or the gov;t trying to make it harder to get guns, or store guns, or buy ammo... Sigh... I knew there was a reason I spent the first four years here just lurking quietly on the sidelines. So much for just having a laugh at our own expense...
  17. Name any belligerent in any conflict, anywhere, anytime, and on either side, that this statement (opinion) cannot also be used to support their justification as well. Specially now, when any compromise is seen as weakness. You mean like Sadam, because. . . . I was thinking that he gets defended here in SC by default by all the bush hating lobs here more than any villan I know of. I can't speak for Dekker, but you surely lost me with your post. I don't understand what point you are trying to make relative to the two quoted pieces. Can you elaborate for my edification?
  18. Sure we have guns, just not so many. Do we feel threatened? Heck no! We just break out the hockey & baseball equipment. source: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/08/10/bears-sticks-bats-sudbury-police_n_7967742.html
  19. Name any belligerent in any conflict, anywhere, anytime, and on either side, that this statement (opinion) cannot also be used to support their justification as well.
  20. My first grandchild: here with my son and his beautiful wife. I feel so sorry for her, the young fella entered this world checking in at 10% of his mothers body-weight. Two nice brief visits with them, and a quick photo to brag with.
  21. aphid


    That's funnier than most here can fully appreciate.
  22. aphid


    A hilarious response to a DZ.com poster from Germany - very tongue-in-cheek humour. Good one. (Presuming of course, you actually were making a light-hearted joke)