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Everything posted by skybill

  1. Hi Jeans, My God, Tommy is gone!! My good friend, the good times, good dives, Team Hollywood, The '87 Mardi Gras Boogie at Covington, on and on. Blue Skyz Tommy!!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  2. hey axe, "He who hammers his guns into plows, will plow for those that DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!" "Thomas Jefferson" Dig it dude, there are enough plows at Tractor Supply so I don't think hammering mine into one will help much. Also read above 3 posts!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  3. Hi Star!!, A big 10-4 to you!! Been there, drove Big Glass for Schneider for almost 2 yrs. Yer' right about the signs!! 4-wheelers (especially in those pregnant rollerskates) have no clue!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  4. Hi Bobby!!, Sorry dude, guess I was lookin at the flag from the other side?? SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  5. Hi Spark, 'Remember Pelon from when I first got to Elsinore in '67. He will be missed. That STAR up there has some more red, white and green in it now!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  6. Hi Howard, Yup that was one fun A/C to jump from!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  7. Hi Sparky, Fielding gone! And the eternal star gets bigger!! As Pat Swovelin said, he docked last!! Can't help but remember the 40 way night dive cinko-d-mayo of '84!! (or was it 85??) Steve said,"Gotta have you on the load Deli!!" O-K fine. That's the one where 57Ugly spit the blade and caught on fire!!!!!!!!! No night dive that night!!!!!!!!!!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  8. hI WARPED, Good show, also check out my post on HR 1022 by Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) it is just the opposite!!!!!! If you are not an NRA-ILA member, JOIN!!!!! and get active!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  9. skybill

    HR 1022

    Hi all, Just rec. an NRA-ILA alert about HR 1022. It seems that Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) has re introduced the 1994 Clinton Gun Ban along with some really super "extra's!!" The war has just begun!! So here we go again! Which side are you on,(there's no middle ground this time!!!!!!!!!!) SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  10. Hi JR, Looks like he's goin' down!!! Quite frankly I think they should open the gate, set him out on the streets of Bagdad with 25 cents in his pocket for cab fare, say,"April Fool!!!" and see what happens?? (either the local's will cart him off as a hero or tear him apart like raw meat??????)Instead, think I'll get an "Unedited!!" copy of "Hangem' High" that old Clint Eastwood Spaghattie Western, fix me a couple of High Ball's and turn off the NEWS. Remember in Hangem' High, the executioner didn't wear a mask or say anything, for that matter. Then there's that one hangin' scene where they hang a bunch of dudes at once and Cooper (Clint E.) takes that dance hall chick upstairs and balls her while the dudes drop!!!! Too bad the movie wasn't "X" rated, that would have been great!! Gotta have an X for sex but killing people is GP!!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  11. Hi pecker, March of '93. A bunch of front lines (all but 3) broke at the cascade because when they built my Rascal 9 they didn't angle cut the insertions on the A-B cascades!!!!! Talk about Mr. Toad's wild ride!! Pulled the cutaway, then reserve handle and when I looked up my Raven II was open just waiting for me to pop the brakes!! Good stuff!! I think it's in the history and trivia column, someone asked about Viking Superlites- that chop was a duzie!! I wrote up that ride there too. That was 09SEP1979 at Scare-us Valley (Perris). SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  12. Hi Jumper, Good job!! I had some similar experiences like yours in the past. Handeled them much the same as you did. I think I (we) did the right thing, my next jump anniversary will be my 43rd!! 'Must've done sumthin' right!!! Don't worry, there'll be more geeks like the last one!! just beware. SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  13. Hi JR, Yup, leave it to the Brits!! (as my friend Bob "I'm not a crook!" Nixon would say, "Brit rymes with Twit!!") First they banned gunpowder operated firearms, now it's "Air Guns!!" Well what's next?? Lets see, "Now all Males will have to check in with the shireff their "Guns" (remember from the military that your firearm is a "Piece" and the THING in your pants is your "GUN!!!!!!!!!")and may only check them out on perscribed days when allowed by whomever??? Oh brother???!!!! ThankThe Almighty I can still buy guns and ammo at my WallyWorld in Clinton!! Good prices too. Too bad they don't sell pistols also. SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  14. Hi sky, Right now just a 1/2 pint of Jim Beam, part of a fifth of Camaya coffee liquor, Coruba dark rum and Sambuca. A bottle of Egri Bikave'r (Bull's Blood of Eger Hungarian wine). A 12 pack of Miller lite in the frig. Had more Jim but it doesn't last long around here!! The bottle for the rigger's save is a great tradition. I've gotten a few jugs for some saves but your s/o has a great collection!!! Something else I like to do is to have the "save-ee" buy him/herself and I a beverage of choice at the DZ Bar and we toast- to my pack job that worked and to the save-ee using said pack job as required!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  15. Hey Cas, Now jes' hang on for a sec. I am sane, totally!!! BUT
  16. Hey Zinger!!!!, Why don't you tell us a few scary storys from the old daze????? Hell I remember them!! Have a few of my own!!(search the thread with my handle on the posts and you'll find em'!!) Rufus and I were talkin here at Raeford about the Gulch and Ghoulidge daze and the best was the 29 way Scull and Bones dive without digin into my log books it was Halloween in the early 80's??? """"Zing, talk to us man!!!!"""" We were there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS, just dug out my old skylog#9 and the jump was really a 30 way on 10/29/83 at Ghoulidge out of the DC-4 from 14K and my jump # 1648. Those were the daze!! Somewhere someone has a picture of it?? It was outta Jim and Connie's DC-4 and from the ground the eye winked and the teeth chattered!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  17. Hi Jumper, Besides the Cafe it's always fun to go to the piano bar at Pat O'Briens!! Have fun!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  18. Hi Carbonz, Bummer about the (TIA) or what ever it is?? Glad to hear the Scotty is doing better. My best wishes to you both, Get well soon Scotty!!!!!!!!!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  19. Hi Katie!!, NO!!!! Like what for?? I got the jumps I got and that's that!! Like you said about these people who now claim thousands?? Vivid imaginations!! Like, who paid for them?? They don't have a job, sugar momma or any money to buy beer but just made a thousand jumps??? SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  20. Hi jraf!!!!, hahahahhahaaah this is so funny!! The fat lady at titus bitched you out for pulling under 4 grand?? hahahahhaha,. obviously, she don't jump!! I been uncorkin at about 2 grand for jest' over 40 years now and I don't need no stinkin fat lady sayin I gotta dump at 4G especially if she's a whuff!!! Since we started doin AFF to train tobe jumpers they got uncorked at 4 grand so that the instructors had time to insure their deployment and then have enough altitude left to get their own trash in the sky!! This got all these newbe's HUNGUP ON 4 GRAND TO DUMP!!!!!! (it's been goin on for 20 years now!!) So there you have it. Thanks for the warning, I'll avoid Titus to skydive. If they want you to open so high, they need to supply O2!! Not to mention ya gonna get a nose bleed from the altitude!!!!!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  21. Hi Candy, Well the above posts tell you what it is. How it got to be called a "Jesus String" is that after you cut away and pulled your ripcord and the accompanying Jesus string you would yell,"Oh Jesus Oh Jesus!!!!" hoping your reserve opened before you bounced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  22. Hi scoop, Only thing I gotta say is,"just remember that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!!" So if you are being acosted by a criminal with a gun and you don't have one to defend yourself, then just pick up your phone and call 911- state sponcered dial-a-prayer!!! Maybe you can club him with the receiver. SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  23. Hi Up, someone quoted from scareachutist about the 1970 first ICC. Prior to that if you had a class C license you could "Jumpmaster" students and a D license holder could Instruct. Then things changed!! Still have my old original B license wings with the little dangly piece saying "Parachutist." Then when I got my C license they sent me a the dangly piece saying JUMPMASTER After things changed the C license got changed to Advanced!! Oh well. Now they are going to redo the wings and things!!!!! SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  24. dear willbe, There are no rules except "Jungle Rules!!!!" No one knows for sure but I think Dirty Ed did the dirty deed on some dude at old elsinore some many eons ago and the program took off from there faster than a chinese sky rocket,....but don't quote me as the whole trip is lost in a smokey purple haze!!! Basic jungle rule is you can do anything you want to anyone else but be prepared for their wrath!! So,...anyone can pie anyoneelse for anything or nothing at all. There are really no rules except those made up by the foolhardy and accepted by the gullable!! So I am going to make my what-ever-#-jump and you think I should be pied?? Think twice?? Getting pied back with pie in a cast iron skillet is dum-dum ammo!! I'm not too much of a fan of getting pied or pieing!! The best laid plans of mice and men---one day walking back to the packing area at Perris I saw Jan Stone and someone else trying to clean pie off Gloria Dorosko's "Brand New Vector!!!" Dan Polasch was suppose to be the reciepant of the pie but he ducked!! The rig got it. I can still remember seeing the blue flame comming out of Gloria's eyes when she saw what happened!!!! So, who is this elusive lisa-marie-will-be??????????? SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out
  25. Dear Zag, Well if you have to pee in the cup all they'ed end up with is "BEER!!!!!!" PS go to SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out