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Everything posted by tigra

  1. There is absolutely no justification for what was done to this man, none whatsoever. None. United didn't even follow their own policies during the incident. The level of violence used on this man simply wasn't warranted. He was in his seat saying "No". He was not violent, nor was he combative. He wasn't a threat to anyone's safety. There were a hundred different better alternatives but United chose to humiliate and assault a 69 year old man instead of trying for a fair solution. Quite frankly, having been on the receiving end of what passes for customer service at United Airlines on more than one occasion I am surprised that more customers do not become "bratty" or belligerent or loud. I know I was forced to raise my voice and become very demanding at a ticket counter after a missed connection (their fault, not weather or equipment or safety related.) Their first option to "make things right" is what benefits them, not you. They won't re-book you with another airline to get you to your destination faster unless you insist.
  2. tigra


    Did it occur to you that this fiasco was just another carefully planned distraction? I am relieved that for now the ACA is safe but not ready to run any victory laps. And lets face it, there is still a lot of work to be done to improve healthcare in this country.
  3. I was with my "dz boyfriend" for 18 years- long term in my book and he was a decent enough guy over all- not perfect but more decent than most.
  4. Athletes went to jail for "lying" to a congressional committee about steroid use even though in some cases there were no failed drug tests or proof they ever used steroids. Shouldn't our leaders be held to a higher standard than a track star?
  5. He did lie but I like your KellyAnne take on the truth.
  6. tigra

    Sous vide

    I know someone who used his to make "special" butter for his "special" cookies. Said it worked like a charm.
  7. My friends, who I believe will be celebrating their 30th anniversary in August. It started off as a drunken one night stand- they didn't even exchange numbers - but she couldn't stop thinking about him and boldly sent a photo to his job with her number maybe 2 weeks later. They've been together ever since.
  8. I've got to agree- I think the worst and rudest drivers in Illinois drive police cars!
  9. I had a similar experience with an attorney / client who very discreetly pulled me aside and offered assistance after a mishap left me with a black eye and some very ugly bruising on my arm in the summer when covering up with long sleeves wasn't a viable option. He honestly didn't believe it was from skydiving and made sure I took his card in case I changed my mind. But most people wouldn't even ask what happened. They would just look away in discomfort assuming the worst.
  10. It is very misleading. The law applies to miscarriages as well. Imagine being pregnant and feeling like something is wrong. You seek medical assistance and in addition to the loss of your unborn child, you are forced to pay funeral expenses. That's essentially the same law Pence tried to push through in Indiana. Truly disgusting!
  11. Well said, Dan. I agree 100%. That really is the heart of it. We live in a country where we can peacefully protest and burn a flag without getting thrown in jail.
  12. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain ......... Another sideshow to divert attention from real issues.
  13. So glad I took care of that Trump piñata BEFORE the election!
  14. My idea for presidential debates is this: Moderators have a kill switch for the microphones to use at their discretion when someone speaks out of turn or over his/her time allotment. 2nd idea is that the candidates wear a shock collar and get shocked when they lie, insult the other candidates or simply go off topic without answering the question. Keep it honest, civil and on topic. I think both would make future presidential debates much easier to stomach.
  15. Another less than subtle attempt to divert attention from real issues and news. And once again, it appears to be working.
  16. tigra


    Coreece, Didn't your mother ever tell you- If you can't think of something nice to say don't say anything at all? WTF?
  17. Every year on Thanksgiving my radio station plays the song at 11:00am and 6:00pm. Thanksgiving tradition!
  18. My radio station played most of the speech this morning (followed by Green Day's American Idiot) It made me sick to my stomach but it needs to be heard and seen. We can't ignore it.
  19. He gave many people the ability to spell "misogyny" and use it in a sentence since the word was used so often during his campaign.
  20. Not underestimating. Simply stating that was always an empty campaign "promise" he never had any intention of following through with for a number of reasons. But the chant went well with the sig heils at his "gatherings".
  21. Not to mention that as President Elect or even President he simply does not have the authority to follow through on that particular threat. He never did and he most likely knew that all along although his knowledge of the constitution appears to be light at best.
  22. Well, just remember they can't do anything without your signature and you are not under any obligation to provide that until you are satisfied. If you decide to allow them to pay the balance over time, have them sign a note- it may or may not stand up in court if it ever came to that but at least you would have their acknowledgment of the debt. And maybe postpone that dinner until everything is all said and done, then break bread together to show there are no hard feelings?
  23. Thanks for the mansplaining. He was asking about his equity and did not mention whether he was financially responsible to repay any liens/ mortgage loans on the property. Those are two separate issues.