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Everything posted by sdctlc

  1. Coming up in less then 10 Days! The Kapowsin Air Sports Otter should be Flying Friday Morning to Monday Afternoon... In talking with a number of people, it sounds like a little mini invasion North of Wingsuit Pilots! The Kamloops Vibe has always great and it should offer up some outstanding WS jumps, especially if all the people that are talking about going show up! Looking forward to a good amount of Fun Flocks (from easy to more technical), Maybe even a Canadian Flock Record???? Also available will be Coaching and FFC's for people qualified and interested! If you want info in getting on the 100 way Wingsuit Big Way planned for November, I will have info on that for you as well... Come on out to beautiful B.C. Canada!!
  2. Bummer to see that the suit is now listed in the classified's with "0" Jumps on it It is a nice looking suit and sorry to hear you never got a chance to even try it out.... Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  3. Looking forward to it! Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  4. Talked with Greg F. tonight to discuss a few of the plans I have for the weekend... Looks like a good # of Canadian Birds will be in attendance and I am looking forward to some skills building and a B.C. if not Canadian Flock record.. Great views and a FUN weekend lets get the BC Birds (and anywhere in the area ) out, flying and starting off 2009 RIGHT!! A bunch of Suits for flying will be available so come on out and fly.... Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  5. John, Thinking about going up on Sun with Terri and Skyler? Any places to suggest? Scott I cant believe that after all these years in Seattle I have never bothered to go up to see the Tulips in Bloom, I think this will be the year! "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  6. WOW!! It really is not rocket science is it! Congrats..... Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  7. LOL, you mean this thread???;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  8. I was on that load. Our exit altitude was 22,100. I was referring to a different jump, the one Tony was talking about... see my quote. Matt, I went and looked at the other thread and Campos had posted the following: "drop altitude of 24,550 feet AGL and a distance of 10 miles was flown." Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  9. I will have a few suits I am bringing up as well that will also be up for flights on Friday! Should be a fantastic time and looking forward to getting some fun flocks in the air! Scott "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  10. It is pretty! "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  11. That sounds like a good time... Though 6 Minutes sounds like a arm and shoulder ole fashioned ass whooping! Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  12. FUN TIMES! Thanks for a Great weekend and looking forward to seeing more of you in Wingsuits in the Future! Fun Dropzone and Great people! Scott C.
  13. I am responding to this as a general point and not to any specific poster: Wow, coming into this thread I was looking for a I had a Great Day Skydiving and BAMNNN Look what happens! I am glad the OP had a great day flying... Separate from that and on to the lines being drawn, the minimum commonly accepted requirements fall to 200 jumps in 18 months or 500 total jumps.. This is not a hard concept. I also don't think that it is asking too much when you consider the incidents that have happened over the last year all involved low time skydivers with well under those min's, all VERY close in experience and that being nearly 1/2 of what was being asked of them from the accepted community recommendations. Whether they had Mad Skillzzzzz or not, the end result was very sad.. I am done going down that road but use it only as a reference point that shows some statistical commonality, not just outliers.. The more pertinent topic that has been talked about before is that there will always be people that start or want to start early. Most of the time I am guessing they will be fine. Very similar to flying a HP canopy, when it is good it is really fun and we can all hoot and whoop it up on the 99% of the time it is that way.. The trick comes in with the 1% or less of the time when it does not go right. When that happens the only thing that you can pull from is your experience and how to react to situations after correctly identifying the problem. Things will happen faster when you add more variables and smaller room for error and that is why I think a WS to HP comparison is a pretty good one. I don't have a issue with the min's as they in line with the previous 200 jump D-license USPA had, and obviously the manufacturers generally feel the same way if you look at their suggestions. Could it be less? Should it be more??? You can probably make an argument either way but in most cases 200 is a good min starting level. The big point to probably reflect on is that in most cases people are fine with these numbers and they have become accepted. With that acceptance the benchmark has been set and not following them is going against the accepted grain. Sure that works for some but don't don't get upset if it is broadcast in a public forum and all of a sudden you have people saying something against the broadcast action. This sport is self regulating but many of the regulations are borne from hard lessons learned over time and apply to "most". Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  14. Yes that is it exactly you boob! I can't believe they made you a plane captain. Wow, that was random! BUT in a little bit of defense of the mod, I like it way better then the openings that were shall we say Erratic or "Glenn'ish" Speaking of being "Glenn'ish" was that post even worth your crawling out of the bottle for the post? Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  15. I ahve a wings with cut in laterials. I had some issues early on since the corners of the reserve tray were not sewn in and unless I packed the risers and lins "Up" on the side of the reserve tray I would get some funky openings with the gap creating a catch on some deployments. I called and talked with Sunrise and sent the rig back and they put something that sounds like what your talking about in my container and it prevents anything from catching now. Wrote about it before here and yes there are pictures....;search_string=Wings%20Reserve;#1480542 If this is what your talking about I like it. On a side note I started using this as my primary WS rig last year and cut the Main tray corners down all the way then bartacked the very bottom of each side and I don't have any issues. Longer Bridle, BOC set up (NO PULL OUT). I am pretty sure some of the other thread banter you refered to could have been cleared up a bit quicker if the conversation looked at a Pull out vs a BOC mounted PC, but that is a completely different topic.... Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  16. WoW! The year is moving along, less then 2 weeks to the Boogie! If your wanting to do some WS stuff i.e. want to try a new suit or get a First Flight please PM me so I can be sure to have something to fit you. I will have a number of suits for many sizes but it is always good to check with me ahead of time! Scott C.
  17. we even allow them to show up on occasion -- That is generous of you. I don't care how you pack or where your from get out and get your flock on! I will have at least 1 of the new T-bird and a bunch of other suits to jump! Send me a PM if your looking to try a new suit, make Ýour First WS Flight, want some help LET ME KNOW!! Looking forward to hitting the nylon over The Ritz, let's make a new style Rumin-8 team! Scott C "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  18. Damn my vote threw it off, some one better balance it out.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  19. When I am doing RW and want a FF I took the lens out and just use sunglasses or Goggles.. Like it much better. Scott "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  20. Really when you look at it, not much more gratifying a feeling then looking up at a Ball-o-shit main (or whatever problem it is) and knowing that after your pack job opens you saved your own life! GO FOR IT! But if you do with out a rigger eying you, just search the threads on how to fake a Seal and sig on yur rig and pack card Also don't hesitate on chopping the main because as the old saying goes "He who hesitates shall inherit the Earth!!" Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  21. Skydive Suffolk's Spring Fling Boogie is coming up!! Over the Weekend of April 17-19th, Get your Flock ON!! I should be ready to Fly mid day on Friday and will have a good number of suits, wingsuits that is, and want to get the flock flying over Suffolk, in Virginia, on the East Coast and Around the world!!! OK that might be a little grand for a goal but if your in the area Come out and get in the air over Suffolk! Looking for dare I say 2 maybe 3 minute Falls, Want your First Wingsuit Flight, Some more Coaching to get yourself even more dialed in, want to try a new suit or just want info GO TO THE BOOGIE!!.... Though this wont be a qualifying event officially, if you want info for qualifying to be on the 100 Way Biggest Wingsuit Flock Event in November let me know, I have the info as one of the plane captains for that event, I know what you need to be there!!!! The Suffolk Spring Fling Boogie should be great fun and I want the WINGSUIT portion to kick some ass!! Spread the word and come get your Flock on!
  22. For those attending Suffolk's Spring Fling Boogie Come on out and Get your Flock ON!! I should be ready to Fly mid day on Friday and will have a good number of suits, wingsuits that is, and want to get the flock going at Suffolk, in Virginia, on the East Coast and Around the world!!! OK that might be a little grand for a goal but if your in the area Come out and get in the air over Suffolk! Looking for dare I say 2 maybe 3 minute Falls, Want your First Wingsuit Flight, Some more Coaching to get yourself even more dialed in, want to try a new suit or just want info GO TO THE BOOGIE!!.... Though this wont be a qualifying event officially, if you want info for qualifying to be on the 100 Way Biggest Wingsuit Flock Event in November let me know, I have the info as one of the plane captains for that event, I know what you need to be there!!!! The Suffolk Spring Fling Boogie should be great fun and I want the WINGSUIT portion to kick some ass!! Spread the word and come get your Flock on!
  23. Hope it gets up on the site soon. It fly's awesome! I was really impressed with it.. It looks a bit odd at first but the design really works and there is no issue at pull with wing in the way going for a BOC.. Hope to get a number of additional jumps this weekend and I can then post more with some numbers and comparisons.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  24. I think it was posted a day early...... "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  25. I put 4 jumps on the T-Bird today and had a 10 jump experience WS jumper take it up as well and he did fantastic, I think he wants one now which I am sure can be arranged!.... VERY nice suit! I will get some more info out later but suffice to say it is a fantastic design and IMHO probably is the cream of the class of suit it is intended to fill. Easy pull and great performance.. I have not gotten a real good chance to Flock it but hopefully next weekend.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"