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Everything posted by sdctlc

  1. As I explained in my post, I also need to send my Cypress 2 for its 4 year check. And I have several events leading up to the end of May. I took away all questions by asking the DZ. Seriously? Asking this is pushing the envelope???? Actually, no. In fact, reserves that were coming out of date after their 120 days could come back into date if they were still withing 180 days when the ruling came into effect, Well then I can understand the cypress issue but the rest my bad I guess for not reading all the way down through the time of day and counting and how to count debates. I still seem to remember when this conversion started that a point of confusion involved an out of date reserve, but one that would still in date based on the new rules, would not magically come back into date but Hell, I have been wrong before and that is what I was basing it on.. As for the rest, do what you want.. Pushing the envelope was taken too harsh so "F" it who cares. I was basing my statement on my understanding of an out of date reserve right on the edge of a boogie and really did not care about the rest as it is usually the type of crap that is posted here to try and explain someone doing something that they want affirmation for. My opinion on that was that the weekend was not really seeming that important to not get it repacked a few days early, no reason to "Push" it but again that might have been pushing it in the verbage. Oh well Scott "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  2. If it is a shade of Grey, why not just get it packed a week (few days) early?? You take away all question and with the 180 day pack cycle it is not like your loosing much. It seems much easier to go at it this way then to try and push the envelope. ON a technical question, don't reserves have to packed at 120 days if they were not packed after the 180 day cycle was implemented??? I could be completely wrong on that but that was my understanding.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  3. Mirrored image of a tandem exit out of an Otter
  4. NO, it stems from aircraft not being properly configured for exit. Period. JP, We can argue about this but it is not 100% the configuration of the airplane. A jumper should be aware of the position of the airplane.. Even a PAC, with the low horizontal, in a "normal" exit configuration can lead to a tail strike of the jumper exits "high"... I know you like to have a black and white attitude on the forums (I would guess in real life as well) and though I even tend to nod my head yes with a lot of what you say, in this case there is no way you can 100% lay it on the airplane... Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  5. I, as an instructor and experienced jumper, responded to your question not with any sort of Post War mentality. I cant imagine what I said was taken that way as I simply questioned the level your statement was true. I felt it was not a good representation of the FACTS and disputed your claim that Wingsuits were an issue, which they are not currently. As an experienced WS pilot I think the tail is one thing that is hammered in from the beginning and it should be. Diligence has to be taken on every jump and most WS pilots are more aware about the tail then the rest from my experience. That said, Tail strike issues stem from the jumper not being aware and not avoiding the tail. The pilot can put the plane in a lot of different configurations and the jumper should be able to safely exit, plane climbing or not. Optimally the exit will be from a throttled back and level to slightly tail high airplane but that is not always the case and as a result it is the jumpers responsibility to recognize and react correctly for the exit. Earlier awareness of the tail is not a bad idea and should be more of a concern for jumpers. I don't have an issue with talking bout tail potential for younger jumpers and quite often did when teaching S/L. It was a very common question to be asked if they (student) was going to hit the tail when they let go. You can talk about forward throw, gravity taking over and other factors that affect this to the point of nausea but it is a series of events and just the right situation to create the strike. Most common as I guestimate the factors to be is a higher plane speed and a float or push up on the exit. How about being way back on camera step and thus much closer to the tail while standing up high. Different planes could be looked at as more susceptible to a tail strike and some extra care should be noted there as well. It would be fantastic to not hear about this type of thing. Will it completely go away, I doubt it as we constantly re-learn past mistakes with about every incident. More jumper awareness goes a long way in almost every incident. And I agree that getting more knowledge out there to younger jumpers and in some cases experienced jumpers helps but don't blame one group from your experience as the numbers don't support it. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  6. I do have to question your statement on the frequency of Tail Strikes and wingsuits... I seem to recall that 3 strikes happened last year but I don't think that any were Wingsuit related. One was fatal and the other 2 resulted in a broken jumper. They were HnP's with the jumper either hopping up or exiting in a head high position combined with the possibility that the plane was climbing. It can be agreed to that a wingsuit can POP UP right off the plane but this is something that I and every other wingsuit person knows about and teaches/was taught with a First Flight course... I know it is something that I stress and am aware of. If I am missing a great number of wingsuit tail strike incidents please let me know, I do know it has happened but from what I can find, it is way more frequent the with Hop n pops as I noted above.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  7. What happened to open the slot? I am guessing one of the other 4 had a conflict that prevented them from accepting? Also which one was it? Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  8. Having seen one a few time all I can say is WOW! Nice camera.. Looks here and of course you will need this as well Who knows maybe DSE will sign a copy Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  9. freeflyers?? "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  10. Glen, you make me laugh! And the post was only partial TD as I did complement the OP on a fantastic review. The T Talk was just a bonus, You on the other hand gave no substance.. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  11. I take it you used it today? No feet on butt action??? Also Why did you not post a really nice write up like the OP but instead just show your angry face picture pose??? Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  12. To steel a few words from Peter of Family Guy "That Was Awwwwsssommmeeee"
  13. I cant tell for sure but does Mike have a BASE Pouch that he is using on that suit. It looks like it on the close top pic?? If so Mike, did you try it using your BOC and then go to the BASE Pouch or am I just seeing things... Lots of bent knees there what fall rate were you getting in the flock and then when you kicked it at Break?? Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  14. I agree! "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  15. WOW, some jumping on Scott here. I think he was pointing out that there is a chance based on his conversations with John. Since there is a chance and Robi pointed out a possibility, all be it very small, Scott is safe in pointing it out, though I think it is more towards a situation that I noted. I pointed out that a pull out system, more common with the time that John Sherman noted in a letter Scott posted, was in my opinion a more likely contributing factor to that determination he noted. Scott is right in that there is a "chance" and he has made an obvious choice in terms of his gear, good for him. I use a wingsuit mod on my gear and a BOC and it is my choice. I think a bigger issue for today's gear can be seen with stuffing a parachute slightly big for a container into it for wingsuiting. Wanting a more docel canopy but not wanting another container. Guilty in that I sold my 2 wingsuit containers and switched to my smaller non-mod newer container and stuffed a 150 into it. Being built as a moderately tight fit for a 135, the tray with a 150 was tight. I loosened the closing loop but still with every pitch I could expect a good hesitation of as long as 5 to 6 seconds before I felt the bag lift off... I quickly (4 jumps) got sick of this and grabbed a razor blade, Cut the corners down in the packing area and then bartacked the bottom inch of the lower corners in the loft. It improved the openings but still I had hesitations. When I finally bothered to put the right size canopy into the container all the issues went away and the hesitation problem is no more. I could see the PC trailing behind me and dancing around until I accelerated fast enough to increase the pull above the pin and container force. All that said, I could potentially see the PC getting brought back to me in the burble (which can happen) just as the pin released. Given that possibility, if the timing was just right and the stars aligned just so, the bag and the PC could tangle.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  16. Not meaning to jump in on a question for Jeff but I am a strong proponent for a helmet WITH a dytter device with FFFC students. It is something I ask about and ask that they have. The helmet is not so much for the hitting of a tail but more for a place that the dytter goes. FFC students are in a new environment and have a new internal clock issue which can be disconcerting. The Dytter is only a back up but it is a proven one that aids the jumper. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  17. Earlier skydiving gear often had the container set up as a pull out compared to a BOC or ROL common today (BOC with WS obviously). It is still around, though I don't see it as much. Most common argument for it I sae is with a freeflyer not wanting to have any chance of the PC coming out causing a premature opening while vertical. It is not a suggested set up with WS in part because you can pull the pin and then if followed by a weak toss can have an open container and a PC in the burble. I guess this could lead to the bag leading the PC and "Ball O Shit" opening. With a BOC or a ROL sure you can have the pin come out if it is knocked in the plane or on a collision if it is too loose (though even a tight pin can get knocked out) which would potentially lead to a container open and PC still stowed, i.e. horseshoe. I am not saying that the BOC or ROL set up cant lead to the noted issue that Scott is talking about regarding John statement, but I would be curious if John was referring to a Pull Out system with which I can see the issue being more of a potential issue. Scott C. Edited to add: I forgot to mention the Pull out in relation to "Open" sides which was also refereed to in John's post. It would make it worse as a closed main tray will hold the bag longer giving the PC a chance to "go" compared to the open style which obviously once the pin is pulled there is now no tension fromthe tray on the bag. This open style is the wingsuit mod that I don't see as good in combination with a Pull out but don't have as much a problem with a BOC set up and cut corners. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  18. I think I heard that all of the pics Matt took of you were out of focus, really strange Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  19. I thought you were sponsored by VISA. They might get mad hearing you talk like that Nice looking suit but damn there grippers are very big "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  20. Just tag .jpg on the end and it opened. Here ya go.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  21. Centered about 2 miles from my house and I did not notice it., Only found out when I got a call from a friend asking if we felt it and were OK.. Go figure.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  22. sdctlc

    Caption Me

    Man what some people will do.... Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  23. That is true but honestly when you look at the work that needs to go into these suits, it is a wonder they are not more expensive, well other then I don't think the market would bear it very well. For the OP, if you think about he arm and leg wings you will see similarities like ribs and cross ports to a canopy. I say like a canopy but it is a different shape and also not exactly the same "Ram Air" design in the canopy sense. Not the open nose design but instead in most suit designs currently out there, 2 sets of inlets allowing for a pressurized wing on your belly or back flying. That I would say adds complexity and cost alone, but add to that complexity by bundling it with a nice custom fit suit it is really going to add to the cost. It is not like stock sizes or direct saleability can happen really ease.. So many different body types compared to 7-10 stock canopy size patterns.. Do I wish the price was lower, absolutely but still I can see why it is a spendy item.. Congrats on the new purchase! Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  24. Do you even skydive anymore? Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"
  25. Look into a "Pocket" sewn on the slider. I had a Sabre 170 that was pron to hard openings many years ago and that fixed the problem ASAP. The canopy opened awesome after that. So a search for "Pocket Slider" and you will find a bunch of posts and many of them geared towards a Sabre. It is less expensive then a new slider if your rigger is handy and aware of it, it is not so common now. Also can save some $ if the slider you have on the new to you 190 is in good shape it might be a great option.. Scott C. "He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"