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Everything posted by kkeenan

  1. Here's another from the Photoshop contest. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  2. Just like we tell the wingsuiters, "Don't forget your legstraps...". _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  3. Photo of the billboard is here: http://www.shorpy.com/node/6262?size=_original This one was put up in 1943. I don't think either Nick or Jim Arender are that old. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  4. It is interesting to note the (seemingly) growing militancy of low-time jumpers who receive advice from more experienced jumpers. The "Hundred-Jump Wonder" is certainly not new. For many years there have been folks at that level who feel that they have mastered the sport and have nothing new to learn. In the past, however, they seem to have at least listened with the idea that, "Hey - this guy is trying to tell me something that could save my life". Lately, not so much. I guess the fact is that with modern equipment, a person can really be a pretty incompetent, dumbass in skydiving and still survive. They actually can ignore most of the advice, be saved by various back-up devices, and still convince themselves that it is their Mad Skilz that have saved the day. I have nothing but respect for the experienced jumpers who patiently put up with the bullshit feedback from these WonderBoys who have an excuse for every fuckup and a rationalization for ignoring guidelines that many of our friends died to establish. You can employ all the wisdom and good judgment possible, and still die in this sport, yet some treat it as no more hazardous than skateboarding - right up to the moment they're eating high-speed dirt. Kevin Keenan Florida _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  5. I have always tried to jump with people who are better than I am. Then listen to them and watch how they operate. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  6. I guess in the sense that "We are all created equal...", that may be true. But if your skydiving is no better now than when you came off AFF, then that doesn't say much for your desire to progress in this sport. So far in this discussion, you, Mr. Ridestrong, have stretched every point to argue in your favor. You have argued with every person who has tried to share their experience with you. You are coming off as a whining pissant, who simply wants to justify your own thinking without regard to the facts and the collective experience and observations of people who have been doing this stuff far longer than you have. Your reasoning and discussion skills have been similar to those of a spoiled kid who has all the reasons in the world why he should get his way. It has become very tiresome to read anything that you post. Give it a fucking rest. Kevin Keenan Florida _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  7. #1. Riser across the neck is almost certainly a body position issue, rather than a packing issue. #2. Grabbing risers too quickly will eventually get you one (or more) broken fingers. If your harness is adjusted properly, the opening shock should not hurt (much). _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  8. Night 16-Way diamond at Perris was the most fun and scariest jump I had ever been on...that is until the next year, when some asshole came up with the idea for a night 25-Way...then that one became my new scariest jump. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  9. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  10. All who are sensible enough to buy used gear owe a debt of gratitude to the uninformed, over-funded noobies who regularly plop down big bucks for new gear with all bells & whistles, then, a few months later, move on to the next Extreeem Sport. This allows people with common sense to get a good deal. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  11. Scott - You're right that very few civilian jumpers are exposed to the physiological training that they really should have. Thanks for the post. I think it's common knowledge that a nasal cannula is not very efficient, and that the hose in the mouth is even less so. Do you know if any studies have ever been done as to how a cannula relates to a mask in O2 absorption ? It seems to me that the "hose inside the full-face helmet" method works well, but I don't know of any data to support that. This method was used by many on the 2006 World Team jumps as high as 24k - 26k with good results. That certainly doesn't mean that many people weren't partially hypoxic. It would be interesting to see that method tested. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  12. kkeenan

    Porn name

    Dick Gozinya _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  13. Jeez - After reading all this, one wonders that all raft jumps don't end in horrible mass fatalities. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  14. Poor Sangi is so conflicted between his fawning, breathless hero worship of Jeb and the fact that Jeb is an experienced skydiver, which Sangi unwaveringly hates. Sangi knows he has all the Mad Skilz of a young Jeb, that's why he is similarly mocked and oppressed by that brainless, fossilized clique of experienced skydivers of the world. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  15. Yes you are in the minority. The issue is not the amount or complexity of the camera gear. The issue is: Camera vs. No Camera. A camera, regardless of complexity, introduces distraction that a low-time jumper may have trouble with. Certainly, more complexity may mean more distraction, but the very existence of a camera of any kind can cause enough distraction in some people to compromise their safety. Is this always directly related to total experience level? Most evidence says it is. Can some people become too distracted no matter what their experience level? Yes. Practicality dictates that jump numbers is a good way to "generalize" the requirements, without constructing a complex evaluation protocol. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  16. I'm not sure that waiting until they bounce is the best way to identify those who may be distracted. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  17. I sold my black & red Strato Star when I left the ERAU club. Is that it ? I can't remember who bought it. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  18. Yes, they are. They seem to be getting back on a regular schedule again. The latest podcast came out on 6/3/. They are here: http://skydiveradio.com/ Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  19. NASA WILL LAUNCH YOUR FACE TO SPACE FOR FREE: You may not be able to squeeze your whole body onto NASA's last two space shuttle missions in history, but your face can go – at no charge. All it takes is a digital photo and a few clicks of the mouse. NASA is collecting digital photos and names from the public to launch on the two final space shuttle missions scheduled before the famed reusable space planes retire for good. The photographs and names can be uploaded to a new website under the "Face in Space" program. "The Space Shuttle Program belongs to the public, and we are excited when we can provide an opportunity for people to share the adventure of our missions," NASA's space shuttle program chief John Shannon said in a statement. "This website will allow you to be a part of history and participate as we complete our final missions." (Space.com) http://faceinspace.nasa.gov/
  20. If, by "everyone", you mean folks charged with stalking and porno, then I guess you have a point. Do you feel that these charges make him more representative of your demographic ? _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  21. To the OP: I really hope that you will seek the advise of trusted instructors and mentors, to whom you can speak in person. Usually, the advise in this forum is pretty good, but sometimes it is not. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  22. Yes, the Americans' contributions certainly pale in comparison to those of that well-known powerhouse, the Swiss Skydiving Community. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  23. did you mean you're an idiot ?? I find it very telling that both piisfish and VB are the most familiar with this phrase. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  24. Since we are discussing "tracking" as a means to obtain deployment separation following a jump, are you saying that Atmonauti is the best means to do this ? If that is your point, I think you may find disagreement here. (Although certainly not from the eminent skydiver, Sangi, who is an expert in the field of Atmonauti, and all other forms of skydiving.) Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  25. While I knew neither Brian, nor Emma, it is always very sad to hear of the loss of fellow jumpers. This sport is so full of wonderful people, that I have a strong sense of your loss, even without knowing them. Please know that skydivers all over the world are saddened by their loss, and that we are thinking of you and of your sadness for your loved ones. Kevin Keenan Florida, USA