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Everything posted by kkeenan

  1. Quitting the sport may be a solution for a person. If they don't skydive, then they most likely will not be in a skydiving accident. Certainly, that is not a solution for the sport, but it could be a solution for the person who quits. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  2. Mad Skilz, right ? _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  3. Great insult website. A little light on Hmong, however. Maybe the Hmong are so mellow they don't have insults.
  4. Billy - What style would that be ? I want to make sure I look like a pro next time. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  5. +1 _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  6. Rick & Lisa - Thanks a million for the great hospitality at Air Adventures. The weather didn't cooperate fully, but the DZ Staff did everything possible to make this a successful event. During the time that the weather was jumpable, the operation ran quickly and efficiently, allowing us to maximize the jumping. We all had a great time. Thanks for a fun visit. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  7. Most packers feel that they can produce different opening characteristics by changing certain aspects of the pack job. If that's true, doesn't that make the above quote a crock of shit ? It sounds to me like another version of, "Shit happens". That quote is just a cheap excuse for packers to avoid responsibility for sloppy work. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  8. If you're like most packers, you won't give two shits - and you'll blame it on the jumper's bad body position anyway. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  9. Peter had a totally bad accent, but I've rarely met someone who had such a pure determination to achieve his goals and who had such a great attitude about life. He was a hell of a swooper. Blue Skies, Peter. Kevin K.
  10. I haven't seen any standing in line for Tandem jumps, so I think they have decided. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  11. Did you even read the passage that you quoted in your post, or do you simply spout anti-American crap on demand ? The guy said that the USPA SIM contains recommendations that anyone can use. Even in the UK, the words rules and recommendations have different meanings. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  12. Great News ! Does that mean we won't have to put up with your ass here anymore ? _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  13. It's always something... http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/03/24/terrorists-use-explosives-breast-implants-crash-planes-experts-warn/ _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  14. Yes, that guy seems to be causing a hazard with his approach, but it appears that you did nothing in the way of evasive action. In this situation, you could have made a slight turn to increase the separation distance. You also could have applied some brakes or rear risers to slow your descent and forward speed. This would have placed you higher above the oncoming canopy. 100 jumps is well below the accepted norm for camera jumping. At what experience level did you start wearing the camera ? Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  15. You may be the only living soul that understands my sig line. Don't be so sure about that... "It's just this little chromium switch here...". _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  16. Did it get built ? _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  17. It's certainly possible, but if he did, it is extremely doubtful that he would have later been given command of the first Gemini and later the first Apollo missions. The folks who gave him those assignments had all of the facts, so if there had been any question about it, I'm sure they would have picked someone else. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  18. Blue Skies, Pete. You touched so many lives, all for the better. With the coolness of an elder Fonz or James Dean, you will be missed. You showed us what it was like to live a life of relaxed satisfaction and enjoyment. I always got the vibe from you that you were at peace with the world and any time you were called to a new adventure, you were up for it. We can't go with you on this latest journey, but I know that the souls you are with now will be just as happy to have you around as we all have been. Thanks for the good times. Kevin K.
  19. Blue Skies, Bob. You taught so many people so much. Thank you, Chief. Kevin K.
  20. If you're going to the opera, you might as well wait for good weather...
  21. Grounded so far today, due to wx. Hopefully, warm and sunny tomorrow. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  22. Ha. I guess that's a cultural difference. Most old-time jumpers I know would have stayed in the car for at least a few good hits of that NO2... _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  23. Enough about you. What happened to that baton ?
  24. I bet cops hear that excuse all the time... _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?