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Everything posted by Evelyn

  1. I am soooo jelous But mine will be here any day BTW...awesome rig Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  2. Shoot him?? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  3. Evelyn

    Biggest age gaps

    When I was 18 (years ago) I dated a guy who was 50 years older. He was a widower, really nice guy, but he was more of a friend. When it got to the point in the relationship where he wanted to have sex I just couldn't deal with it. Have you ever seen a 70 year old guy nekkid....ewwwwww .. If I'd been a 70 year old woman that would have been different, but as I said I was 18 at the time. Now he probably wouldn't look so bad Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  4. I had a really strange drama teacher in high school. But he was cool too, would smoke dope with students (off campus during off school hours), and would let certain students get away with cutting class as long as they showed up for play practice. I was one of the "certain students" so loved him. I think most drama teachers are strange, but cool. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  5. Do you get those every year? Usually with a photo of the family all smiling on their latest vacation. The enclosed letter will explain their latest vacation along with job promotions, new vacation homes, kids accomplishments, etc. I read these and say to myself, wow, my life sucks compared to theirs. I usually don't sent out cards, let alone letters, but one year I got this brilliant idea to send out a letter as a joke. I even included a photo, which was of the family taken at halloween in costumes. The letter basically said, we'll we made it through another year, divorce is pending, but we're in counseling., husband lost his job but hoping not to lose the house, dog got run over by a car, kids are flunking out of school, etc., etc. I have a really warped sense of humor Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  6. Bah...Humbug . I hate Christmas. Well...not Christmas, but all the commercialism. I hate having to spend money buying gifts for people I wouldn't normally buy gifts for, just cuz it's Christmas. And I hate getting all kinds of shit that I don't want and won't ever use, just cuz it's Christmas. Sometimes I think people are so wrapped up in buying gifts, decorating, etc. that they forget the true meaning of Christmas. I always get depressed around Christmas cuz I get so overwhelmed. My husband has a huge family and everyone exchanges gifts, so I go nuts at Christmas trying to find the perfect gift for everyone without having to go into debt to do it. Just wish we could give each other hugs and kisses, go to church and have a nice dinner together, without all the gift shopping hassle. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  7. Actually I did have a coach to learn the basics. I did 10 coaching sessions, each with video. But they were tunnel sessions, not in the air. So what I was planning to do now is go up and practice what I learned in the tunnel, since it's going to feel a little different in the sky, then go get some more coaching, only next time in the air instead of the tunnel. All I've learned so far is just basic sit, turns, forward & backward. And it's kind of hard to practice forward & backward in the tunnel since limited space. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  8. Ahhhh....thanks you're so sweet. Thought you were going to say you don't want to see her in shorts. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  9. Please explain.... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  10. Yaaaay. Happy to have someone to drink wine with!! And looking forward to seeing you again Darcy. I'm planning to pitch a tent, and read you were doing that, so maybe you can show me where to go, etc. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  11. I did my first tandem jump and all my student training at Perris and have never jumped anywhere else so Perris is definitely my home DZ, but once my own gear arrives I will venture out to other DZ.s. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  12. The reason I'm asking is cuz I hate beer, love wine. I will be doing a lot of firsts in a couple weeks...first time jumping a new DZ, first boogie, first jump on new gear, first helicopter jump. I'm gonna owe a ton of beer, but since I don't drink beer wondered if it would be appropriate to bring cases of wine. I'm going to a wine festival in Paso Robles next weekend and could come away with cases of wine to bring to the boogie. Do you think that would be acceptable...or does it have to be beer? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  13. I think the going rate is $15, but I'd have to give you a discount if I wear the swimsuit. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  14. You are absolutely right, We have awesome freefly coaches at Perris, and I intend to use them eventually. Wanted to first work on my basic stuff and then do coaching once I have the basics down and have specific things to work on. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  15. Okay, no big deal, but for me it was quite an accomplishment. Usually just have hubby wash the car, but it kind of drizzled this AM, so my car totally looked like shit, was kind of dirty to begin with. So was going to take it to the car wash place, and thought screw it, I can save $15 doing it myself. So I did. It was actually kind of fun. Had this stuff a friend promotes that he told me was good to wash cars or jumpsuits....have washed my jumpsuit with it many times but my car only once. So used his stuff, filled up a bucket, hosed off the car, scrubbed, got totally drenched, should have worn my swimsuit. But oh well, my car is clean and I saved $15. I'm excited. I may make this a habit. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  16. Evelyn

    i wanna move

    Southern California. Course, I'm kinda partial being a native Californian (4th generation actually). I've never lived anyshere else and have no desire to. We have great weather, great DZ's. I jump at Perris and in the past year I don't think there was more than one or two weekends where I couldn't jump due to weather. The only downside is that things are a little more expensive here, so it might be hard to find a house for the same price as where you're moving from. But although cost of living might be more, salaries are more so I think it works out eventually. IMO. Good luck where ever you decide to move. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  17. I had been married for 24 years before I started skydiving. Although my husband has no interest in skydiving himself he is very supportive of my skydiving. I think one of the reasons he's so support is because he has a hobby (golf) that he is equally passionate about. Most weekends he heads to his golf club, I head to the DZ, we meet up later and talk about our day (although I am very attentive listening to him talk about his birdies and eagles, my day is usually more exciting). We had a bit of tension in the beginning because he'd suggest doing something on the weekend and I'd say no can't do, I'll be skydiving, and he started to resent my skydiving. So I've learned to say yes if he wants to do something and this way he doesn't resent my skydiving. I think the bottom line is you just have to keep things in perspective, partner first, skydiving second. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  18. Yay.....Congratulations Curt! That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you! Hugs, Evelyn Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  19. I went to Flyaway in Vegas last year when I got stuck on my AFF level 4 (the Perris tunnel wasn't yet done) and after flying the Vegas tunnel I was then able to pass. I was in Vegas this past weekend and spent all day Saturday learning to sit fly in the tunnel. There were 3 other skydivers there who also spent the day flying the tunnel. Although it isn't Skyventure, it definitely can be used for training. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  20. Shit, I've f@#cking got insomnia now. When I was in Vegas over the weekend I was in bed by 10, but now I can't sleep. And I've gotta be up by 7. Oh well, guess I'll just keep posting, and maybe eat, again. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  21. Yeah, I did the same thing, practiced in the pool hoping to simulate what I was doing in the air, and it worked to an extent, but if you can do some tunnel time that will help more. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  22. Evelyn

    People Watching

    My daughter and I were in New Orleans during some kind of gay festival last year, so saw a lot of that. There were some guys trying to hit on my daughter while we were walking down the gay part of Borbon Street and she was ignoring them until they yelled out "turn around, we're not gay" But she got beads from gay guys without having to show her boobies. Pretty funny. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  23. Mine was actually in, but they forgot to put in the weight pockets and had to send it back. But Kelly should be delivering it personally next week
  24. 230 jumps - no cutaways. And I don't pack for myself. Just use whatever packers are available. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  25. Evelyn

    People Watching

    I love to watch people, especially in places like New Orleans, Vegas, places where there are lots of people to watch. Today we saw a guy walking down the street in his designer underware, nothing else (in Vegas). Figured he not only lost his shirt but.....everything else. What's the strangest thing you've seen while people watching? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller