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Everything posted by Evelyn

  1. Evelyn

    Martini Time

    I normally don't drink martinis cuz I'm kind of a light weight (aka cheap drunk) so I usually just stick to wine. But I'll taste other peoples martinis if they offer. I tasted a green apple martini which tasted like an apple flavored jolly rancher, and there was another one that tasted like cotten candy, oh and a chocolate martini was really good cuz I love anything chocolate. But as I said, I can't drink them, just taste, but that's fun too. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  2. Great post...incentive I needed. I usually work out for 2 - 3 hours a day, then they cancelled a step class I'd been taking, so was down to just 1 -2 hours a day (need the motivation of a class...but they replaced it with a hip hop class, just couldn't get into it cuz they spend so much time just standing around watching the instructor go over the moves). So have to get back to the time I used to spend at the gym. Haven't been running lately cuz it's been hot, but now that the weather has cooled down think I'll just make up the time with running. Love the endorphine things during running. The first mile is kind of a drag, but after that when the endorphine things kick in I feel like I could run forever. And depending on the music I'm listening to, some songs I'll run slow, while other songs I can really speed it up. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  3. Hey...thanks for posting this. I just learned to sit fly in a tunnel, haven't even taken it to the sky yet, but I'd been wondering about how to transition from a sit to a track. I don't plan to FF with other people for a while, plan to do some solos and work on things I was doing with my FF tunnel coaches, then hire a FF coach to work with me in the sky. Now at least I've got an idea of what to work on with transitioning to tracking. Great advice in the replys to your post. So wish me luck...good luck to you as well. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  4. Thanks Rosa, sweet of you to offer. But I've actually got both types of helmets, just wasn't sure which one I should wear for sit flying. After reading the posts, I'm gonna wear my open face helmet for FF, otherwise I'd probably be worried the face shield on my Oxygn would come open....and you know me, I worry enough and don't need anything extra to worry about
  5. What great news Rosa!! I'm so happy I'll get to jump with you after all. I'm sure you will do just fine, but maybe we can jump together while you're still a little rusty so I won't feel so intimidated . See you this weekend! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  6. Being from sunny So Cal it never occurred to me the weather may be less than perfect in Oregon. Actually, it's pouring rain here right now. Did you send this down to me as an example of what to expect. It's gonna clear up by the weekend though. And no, I am not a big fan of hop and pops.... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  7. I'll be there Oct. 31st for just a few jumps. Since I won't know anyone, wondered if any dz.commers would be there to jump with me. If not, no worries, I'll just so some solos to practice my FF. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  8. I've got you beat you redneck. My parents have been married 48 years. We're already planning their 50th blast. Couldn't resist, MY parents have been married 54 years and my husband and I have been married 26 years!! I don't admit to being that old though, stopped celebrating birthdays last year at 50. I'm not gettin any older. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  9. Yeah, that's my next goal, to do a balloon jump. Just wanted to do a helo jump cuz it'll be there and I haven't done one before, but sounds like it's just a H&P from a different aircraft. A friend told me about doing a bungi jump from a balloon, that sounded awesome! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  10. Evelyn

    First Jump

    You can't describe the joy of flight to someone who hasn't done it ...it's just impossible..like trying to explain sex to a virgin (heard that from someone else, but describes it perfectly). Welcome to the sky, hope you'll be back soon!! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  11. I'm planning to do my first one next weekend. So want to know, how is the exit different from the otter or skyvan? How do you exit? Do you just jump out or have to stand on the landing feet thing, then jump? Do helicopters go to 13,000 ft. or lower altitude? I guess the prop blast would be from above rather than the side, what's that like? I'm sure there will be a briefing before we go up but just wanted to get the scoop ahead of time.
  12. I have dreams every night, which I can remember the next day. I just dream random things, but in the middle of the dream I'll just start flying around, like there is suddenly this special space of air. And I'm so happy to be able to fly and I wonder why other people around me aren't flying. Think maybe this is from spending too much time in the "crack house" (wind tunnel)... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  13. I've noticed that freeflyers tend to wear open face helmets with goggles rather than a full face helmet. Just wondering if that is a matter of personal preference or if there's a specific reason (like will the face shield on a full face helmet come open during freeflying?). I have both types of helmets, but prefer my full face helmet, so am wondering if it's okay to wear it if I'm just going to be sit flying. I'm just learning to freefly, so far have just learned a basic sit, but want to eventually learn everything. I'm totally clueless about which helmet to wear, if it matters or why. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  14. I'm just learning to freefly. Normally I would just wear shorts and a baggy t-shirt, but since it will be getting cold (yes, even in So Cal it does get cold) thought I'd invest in a freefly suit or at least pants. I'm a light weight female, which I know makes a huge diffference with a RW suit, but have no idea about freefly suits. Would appreciate any suggestions. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  15. I'm with you Darcy, that's all I can think about! I'm so excited!! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  16. Oh yeah...the root beer place where you park your car and they put a tray on your window and bring you a frosty glass of ice cold root beer...ummmm.
  17. No jumps Went to the Wine Harvest Festival in Paso Robles with my husband and family...fun but missed jumping. Will make up for it next week with Chicks Rock Boogie... Woo...Hoo!! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  18. Evelyn


    Yeah, I meant a week from Saturday. Won't be jumpin this weekend gotta go wine tasting Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  19. Thanks. Great advice. Hopefully I will do a jump with JP, but then am off to Chicks Rock boogie where I don't know what I'll be doin, some RW, some FF, helicopter jump. Whatever, I'm excited. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  20. Evelyn


    Actually, no...you need to belly fly while I sit fly. Haven't you heard about my reputation? I'm really floaty, that's why I wear tons of weight. But thanks for offering to jump with me. I would love to jump with you if you can deal with me doing my first sit fly in the air (did 10 sessions in the tunnel but not yet in the air}. I will be at Perris Sat. Am and then am headed to Elsinore for the Chicks Rock Boogie. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  21. Evelyn


    Really? I'd love to! Can I sit fly? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  22. Evelyn


    So happy for you JP. You are my latest hero
  23. Okay, not the right answer, but I would save Bush and forget the photos. Am I politically incorrect?? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  24. I need to get initiated into PMS. Had really hoped to do it with Rosa, but if she can't jump can someone else iniate me
  25. No, but it's getting harder and harder to resist staying on the ground per PT orders. See my new sig line... So Rosa..do you think you might be jumping at Chicks Rock?