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Everything posted by Evelyn

  1. I drink the Chardonnay and I think it's just as good as a lot of the medium priced ($10-$15) wines. But I think maybe there is not so much difference in the white wines as reds. I'm no wine expert, that's just my opinion. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  2. LOL. If I drink anything stronger than wine I won't be jumping on Sunday and I'll never it make it to the table dancing cuz I'll be passed out under the table . How can you drink martinis Rosa? I outweigh you by 20 lbs. and I can't handle them . But if you really want Vodka I'll bring you a bottle. What kind? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  3. I'm going to bring a case of wine to a boogie this weekend and at first thought I'll bring what I like, but then thought that would be selfish since I'll be bringing it to share and other people may like different wines. So thought I'd do a poll and then bring a mixed case based on people's preferences. Although I drink Charles Shaw two buck Chuck at home, my husband, wine snob that he is, refuses to let me bring it when we take wine to functions, so I'll be bringing the good stuff...well, not the really good stuff, but not the cheapo stuff either. Please vote even if you won't be at the boogie. I just need to get a general idea of what wines people like. Thanks!
  4. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    You are so funny. Are you gonna be at Chicks Rock?? Will love to meet you...but yes, I'm still married. Maybe I could introduce you to my HOT daughter? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  5. I wear 18 1/2 lbs, of weight and will have another 5 - 10 lbs. added to my rig, I've actually jumped with a weight belt and weight vest, 25 lbs. weight...very uncomfortable. Being light sucks...eat lots of red meat, etc..... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  6. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    Hey thanks Darcy for defending my honor, but little known to people, meek and mild Evelyn turns into a raging lunatic when she parties, which I intend to do...Woo Hoo!!! We're gonna have fun!! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  7. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    Jeanne...you are so funny. Can't wait to jump with you and then share some "aftershock". Woo...Hoo Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  8. Guess when I see people working out with a PT, and knowing how much it costs, I think, wow, that's my weeks skydiving money. But yeah, I think it is probably a good idea in the beginning if you don't have friends to coach you. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  9. OMG, you are the nicest person Kris. It wasn't long ago you were taking Icarus to the pet hospitable. You are so sweet...no wonder they call you Nightingale. Hope Sam is okay. Kitty vibes your way ((((((((vibes for Sam))))). Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  10. I don't usually eat red meat, not a PC issue, just don't like it much...but every once in a while we go to a great place with awesome steaks...then I pig out and enjoy... I recently got so frustrated with my fall rate, decided to gain weight, very easy. It worked too, actually went low on a couple formations. But now my new container with weight pockets is in so gotta lose the weight and put it on the rig...
  11. I work out everyday a couple hours and have never had a personal trainer. I think it is a waste of money. You set your routine and do it. Unless you are one of these people who can't do anything without someone tellling you what to do, you will be fine. Just decide what to do, maybe running a half hour, then a half hour weights, half hour on the biclyle, etc. But you decide. No use paying a personal trainer for something you can do on your own, and use that money for jumps. Just my 2 cents. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  12. Yeah, I'm with whoever said Sudafed. I eat them like candy when I'm jumpin. Allergies don't bother me much usually, but my head gets totally stopped up when I jump If I don't take Sudafed ahead of time. Just me 2 cents. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  13. I am so looking forward to my next weekend of firsts... 1) Jumping my brand new gear for the first time 2) jumping at a new DZ 3) first boogie 4) first helicopter jump 5) first balloon jump I am sooo excited!! Glad your firsts went well. Congratulations! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  14. Awesome! Now is he gonna do AFF? I did my first jump at 50. That's when life began for me! Good luck to your dad, hope me continues. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  15. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  16. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    LOL. I'm way too naive. Thanks Rosa and Jeanne! . Sometimes I think it would be more fun not to be married....oh well...what's aftershock?? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  17. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    Nope. But I'll be in Perris the following weekend if ya have any left over! No, won't be in Perris the next weekend, have to go to Oregon...where I've heard jumping is not good...maybe hop and pops if the weather clears Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  18. They told me that since the air is pretty choppy in the tunnel, that if I could hold it in the tunnel I could easily hold it in the air. Just have to get in the air and do it! And I am a light weight. Even though the air is slower in the Vegas tunnel, don't think they ever even got it to maximum for me. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  19. No...but I will if you want to try...lol. I have a feeling we'll be a little queasy from the night before. LOL. I've never been to a boogie before, but maybe I can get my exercise dancing on the tables and not need to jog in the morning. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  20. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    A CASE of wine is even better! Ed Yay...Are you gonna be there to help drink it? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  21. So Rosa, you wanna go for a jog around the DZ with me Sunday morning? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  22. No, I learned to sit fly in the Vegas tunnel. My friend Katie who is an instucter there, and has flown the Perris tunnel and is a kick ass freeflyer told me the Vegas tunnel is the easiest place to learn to sit fly...maybe cuz the air is not as fast and you don't have to worry about hitting the walls, just fall onto the cushions if you get out of the air. But their progression is different. You don't do backflying first, just go straight to a sit. So yeah, I probably will try some coached FF in the Perris tunnel. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  23. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    Yeah...that I know, but since I don't drink beer I'm bringing wine. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  24. Evelyn

    FIRST Boogie

    I will be attending my FIRST boogie...Chicks Rock at Elsinore. I am so excited! Can't wait to see my skysisters who I haven't seen for a while and meet skysisters who I've only met on DZ.com, as well as see skysisters I usually jump with. I'm prepared to have a great time! Since I've never been to a boogie before, anyting I need to be aware of (other than beware of golf carts, yeah I've read post about other boogies). Thanks Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  25. Yeah, I've gotta have music when I run. I love to run to Tom Petty. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller