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Everything posted by Evelyn

  1. Was just filling out a questionnaire about Square One's Demo Program and thought I'd post a thread. Don't know how many DZ's have a gear store that offers a demo program, so don't know how many people can actually take advantage of this type of program, but wanted to share my experience with others who may be considering participating in a gear demo program. As a new jumper I didn't want to buy gear - new or used until I tried different gear and downsized canopies to something that I could use for a long time, but at the same time I didn't want to spend a lot on renting gear. By participating in the demo program at Square One I was able to demo a variety of containers and canopies over a 9 month period (150 jumps) until I got to the point where I was ready to buy, without spending much on rental (think I spent $100 during this period). I am now the proud owner of a custom rig that fits me perfectly in colors that I chose. I couldn't be happier and would highly recommend this program to anyone considering buying new gear but unsure of what to get. I didn't mention specifics because I imagine different gear stores may have different terms. As I said, I did the demo program at Square One and they are awesome. They were always there to help me decide if I should downsize, they'd even go out and watch my landings, they never pressured me, even though I took a long time deciding what to buy. When I did finally buy they made sure I got exactly what I wanted, even though I added weight pockets after I'd already ordered. So kudos to Square One and the gear demo program in general. I am one very happy skydiver. Gotta go now and admire my new rig. Thanks Brenda, Dave, Celeste, Blue (you were there for me in the beginning) and everyone else at Square One. You're awesome! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  2. I learned to pack as a student and did it about 40 times because they made me...and I hated it. It took me forever to get those big ol student canopies into the bag. By the time I was finished I'd be really frustrated. Once I got my license I started using packers, but had planned to start packing myself when I downsized to a smaller canopy. But I got lazy, plus I did a lot of coaching jumps and camps where they encouraged me to use a packer so I could spend more time training. Now that I finally have my own gear, I want to start packing, but not until I've put about 50 jumps on it. I watched the packers this weekend getting that brand new slippery thing into the bag and it did not look like fun. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  3. 0:7:lots! First time jumping my new gear, first time jumping at Elsinore, first boogie, first helicopter jump, first time meeting some awesome people from DZ.com! Great weekend! Chicks Rock ROCKED!!! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  4. Evelyn


    LOL....No, he is very intelligent. I am just a little smarter... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  5. Evelyn


    If they'll let me use a rig, and he's willing, I'll take him.
  6. Evelyn


    LOL. Don't if know I'd want my hubby hangin out with you, you're just way too cute, and while he's been married 26 years...he's a guy . Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  7. Evelyn


    Unfortunately, I am totally serious. If he knew what I really spend he'd have a fit. Yeah, the weather is clearing up. YAY!!!! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  8. Evelyn


    No, he wasn't comfortable with me driving the RV alone for the first time, but when he heard there was a party, he was there. He'll be driving the RV down after his golf tournament. He's very social, I'm very shy, guess opposites attract. LOL Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  9. Evelyn


    My husband is going to come party with us at Chicks Rock, but he has no idea how much I really spend on skydiving. So if you happen to meet him or talk to him, his name is Tom and he's very outgoing so he'll probably be talking to everyone...just let him think that packers are like $3 and that you have to use them for a boogie, that tunnel/RW camps only cost jump tickets, that tunnel time is free if you go to a special session, that used gear comes with your ititials embroidered on it. etc. Just try to convey skydiving as an inexpensive sport. Thanks. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  10. Yeah, forget the second tandem...start your AFF training. It's so much more fun. You get to control your own chute but you're on radio so it's no big deal. First AFF is much more fun than tandem, IMO. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  11. I prolly still have welt marks on my ass from the belt. My dad was great. He resented my mom saying "wait until your dad gets home" and then expecting him to dole out the punishment. So we had a routine...he'd hit the bed with his belt and I'd scream like I was being beaten. My mom never figured it out. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  12. Decided to celebrate my 50th birthday with a tandem jump, since skydiving was something I'd always wanted to do. It was supposed to be a one time thing, but loved the tandem jump so much decided to do an AFF jump. It obviously didn't turn out to be a one time thing. I've been jumping for a year and a half, 230 jumps. Before I started skydiving my life had become pretty dull and routine. Felt like I was just kind of cruising through life in a fog, going through the motions but without much enthusiasm. Now that I've found something I'm passionate about I am a much happier person, and as a result all aspects of my life have improved. Although I no longer talk about skydiving 24/7 I still think about it 24/7 and cannot imagine a life without skydiving. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  13. I did my first tandem, student jumps and all my jumps so far at the same DZ. I will only venture out this weekend to a different DZ for a boogie. I am comfortable staying at the same DZ, but that's just me. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  14. I do not yet have a skydiving necklace so I am gonna buy one from Kris. And I think I will also ask her to make a skydiving teddy bear for me to give to my mom who was a bear collection, like 200 bears but not one skydiving bear. Kris rocks! Nice post BTW even though it doesn't involve sex. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  15. Last year at the L.A. county fair they had a canopy control simulator at one of the exhibits. You actually got into a harness and then controlled your canopy while watching your flight on a computer screen. At the end of the flight they gave you a print out that showed your flight. I found it very confusing and did terrible. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  16. I totally agree and will gladly donate to the fund. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  17. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  18. [replyI've seen men dance without pants on those same tables, but I've yet to see nude women dance on those tables! Well, there's always the weekend... (Btw, I love Kris.
  19. Hey...cheese would be great!! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  20. [replyA nice Shiraz is what we like! :^) ltdiver Lori, I will bring you a bottle as thanks for diagnosing my shoulder thing which the doctor said the exact same thing as you did. Since I hate doctors it was nice to have the second opinion going in
  21. Evelyn

    Driving an RV

    Thanks Darcy. If I can just drive the darn thing I don't even need hook ups cuz the heater runs without being hooked up and I can run the generator if I want to use the microwave or TV. Just have to be able to drive it. I think I can if I just take it slow. And if I do bring the RV I will have sleeping places for a couple people so if I do bring it and you don't want to pitch your tent you'd be welcome to stay with me in the RV. Just gotta talk to my husband and see if he'll let me take it. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  22. Evelyn

    Driving an RV

    Yes I've seen it. It was hysterical!! Not renting though, we own one, I just don't usually drive it, but see no reason why I shouldn't. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  23. Evelyn

    Driving an RV

    How hard can it be? I was planning to pitch a tent for the Chicks Rock boogie, but now am thinking maybe the ground will be wet from the rain, maybe it will be cold. I have an RV, but I'm not sure if I can drive it. I actually drove it once, but since I'm used to driving my Vette I kind of took off too fast and took the corners too sharp. Things were flying around and my husband was having a fit. That was about 5 years ago, I haven't driven it since. But I'm thinking if I drive slowly maybe I'd be okay. So how hard is it to drive one of these things? It's not that big, only 23 feet. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  24. I've never been in the Pub. What's it about? Who goes there? Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller
  25. I actually used to drink the box stuff. It was somewhere in my progression from gallon jugs to screw top bottles . Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller