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Everything posted by unclecharlie109

  1. A Phoenix Fly prototype and an S3 crossed the fjord Mucho BASE j
  2. see my post about the heli boogie on the BASE forum
  3. Just got back from the Kjerag Heicopter Boogie and I'd just like to say a big: THANK YOU to Stein, Kim, Karen, Tore and Vibeke everyone @ Stavanger BASE Klub. The event was well organised and despite the bad weather everyone managed a reasonable number of jumps. (Does anyone one know the total number of jumps?) In the end 80+ jumpers attended from the following countries: Norway :p Australia, Mexico, France, Belgium, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, USA, Sweden, Holland, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland .. and some more that I have forgotten... Some of the world's most accomplished BASE jumpers were there and it was great to share the exit point with them and be able to ask advice from them afterwards in the bar The highlights for me: - watching Jeb "man in black" perform some incredible aerials - seeing Petter fly his wingsuit from exit #6 to the other side of the Fjord - the womens world record being set - 9 way - watching Paul track (yes track) to the landing area from #6 using the new Phoenix-fly track pants Robert Pecnik (the former designer of the birdman wingsuits / track pants) caused minor rioting when he distributed demo pairs of his new Phoenix-fly tracking pants for the jumpers to try. Last Heli Boogie a porno moustached Norwegian tracked to the shore in smoke pants - this year people were tracking over (and beyond) the landing area using the new pants. I was also lucky enough to try one of the prototype Phoenix-fly wingsuits (new wing profiles, bigger wing surface area, higher forward speed, better glide & longer delay than on my suit!) Until next year!!! Mucho BASE J
  4. Hey manbird A ws pin rig with a 220 flik - is a "normal" base rig IMO! It can be jumped off pretty much anything you have the bollox for ;) You may choose to go for jumps with larger LZs if you are low experience. Spud s is a good place to consolidate experience in short space of time. Are you coming to Europe on this trip of yours? Italy? Then let me know long flights, j
  5. i hear that guy from Paraguay is going Maybe someone else can confirm - but I hear that all the slots are taken (120!?) Mucho BASE J one could assume it will be jolly chocka block with sceptics chaps :p
  6. ermm Diablopilot do you have any vested interest in positive correspondance regarding said article?
  7. Thanks to Bart, Crazy Tommy and Ivan for the fun jumps in the valley. The Yellow Moose exit is beautiful *cough* Until the next time, Mucho BASE J and Les Italians
  8. Landing at 20h00 in Stavanger on Thursday night (17th) Flying back Monday morning (21st) at 7h00 If your flights coincide, or there abouts and you want to share the cost of a hire car, let me know. 3 slots remaining. [email protected] c-ya there! J
  9. Hey Yuri, which "rocks" you talking about? - mushroom risotto in CH? Or them tall bits of granite in northern europe? :) Mushroom season in August for me :) cya! j
  10. Terminal North Italian wall 13th / 14th June - if your interested in meeting up let me know. long flights, J
  11. Re. MTR-1 suit The suit seems very similar to the original Loic Crossbow design. Build quality is ok, I think with the MTR-2 the durability wrinkles have been ironed out. We made some practice flights together before the 9000m load to get footage for Czech TV. With my S3 I was having to brake to stay with them! But like with canopies a lot depends on the pilot. J
  12. Hi all, I would just like to say thank you to all those people who took time to respond to my original post. Your advice really paid off. (British humour mode -Off-) Last weekend I made a flight of 4m 25sec, covering approximately 7.5 miles horizontal distance over the ground. My exit altitude was 29,000ft so my performance wasn't so good but all things considered I am satisfied with my flight. (It was my first high alt. jump) If you're thinking this is another joke posting - nope, no joke, I'll send you GPS plot if you desire. I jumped an S3, but flew well below my usual performance (obtained at much lower altitudes!). 29000ft is a pretty hostile environment, that takes your attention away from your body position! My flight was not problem free, my visor was covered in ice for the first 2 minutes of my flight, so i flew the wrong way. I also experienced severe discomfort trying to equalise my ears. If anybody else is thinking about doing high alt ws flights with bailout oxygen and has specific questions for me - please feel free to ask. Either here or by email. Blue Skies, long flights James -Edited to add photo of myself and my team mates Michal and Marketa who both flew well over 3min using Mtr suits. Congratulations to Michal and Marketa for breaking the Czech National altitude record! (British humour mode -On-)
  13. NEW PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT After 3 years of intensive development Rigging Evolutions is proud to present the Multi Mega Clamp to the BASE community. The Mega Multi Clamp (or MMC) is a revolutionary product that uses state of the art micro-technology to make a packing clamp that is not only 5 times as effective as your current clamp - but also incorporates a unique special safety system. You know how it goes, you're packing in the dark after drinking a 6 pack of Bud and you don't notice that one of your clamps is inside the packjob. A normal clamp would go undetected and could cause you to carry excessive weight to the exit point - leading to physical exhaustion and possible injury. In this situation, thanks to its state of the art micro-technology safety system, the MMC will activate an automatic visual alert which notifies your jump buddies there is problem. See image 'patented_technology.jpg' There really is no comparison between a regular clamp and MMC, just check out the comparison image 'comparison.jpg' Not only is the MMC safer and more effective than your current clamps - it is also useful when the jumping day is over, see 'multi_purpose.jpg' Buy your MMC set today! only $49.99 (per clamp) Contact Rigging Evolutions Today at: 1-800-SORE-NIPS
  14. Hi, I'm looking for some advice from the experienced birdmen flockers out there. i have been flying wingsuit for a while but no matter how hard I try I just can't do more than 65sec freefall from 12k. i have tried everything... flying with my head down flying with my arms back flying de-arched flying real steep flying with the suit as tense as possible Nothing seems to help. I even tried hypnosis, watching birds and thinking "light" thoughts in freefall, but to no avail. Any help greatly appreciated, just can't work out what makes my performance suck... Blue Skies, J ps, check out my way cool funky suit
  15. Please don't post further details or video. It is against "said" jumpers wishes. Please leave it for him to post details. J
  16. Gonna BASE the suit? Yes, then get LQRS. Used mine twice with low openings/line twists. For mobile object jumping, less critical but nice to have as a backup. Blue Skies, long flights J
  17. Re. time to open zippers. With time you'll get real fast at unzipping your arms! (practice with your eyes closed) If you are jumping an SF or S3 you can land with your leg wing on. Hence saving time in your 10 second canopy ride to release the toggles and flare See some of the videos Obi posted on blinc wingsuit forum a while back. long flights, J
  18. Hi, I emailed Stane on this issue and received the following response: "The method we use is common in aviation: wing span x chord. When the canopy is inflated, the wing span shrinks about 12 to 15 %. We'll use the PIA system in the future. " Mucho BASE, James
  19. unclecharlie109

    UK BASE board

    ditto, not found???? bsbd AfroJ
  20. Further to my original post: I continued my Wingsuit BASE line twist recovery testing schedule at a large terminal wall in Europe this weekend. By placing my tail pocket in the centre of the container I achieved the following results. (see photo attached) I have postponed further testing until I have examined all the major test parameters: packing / body position / container corners long flights, james
  21. Do any of the experienced WS BASErs out there have any advice to reduce the chance of line twists / off heading openings? I recently jumped a 550m wall in Europe, made an 18sec flight but suffered a 180° off heading with 3 line twists I lost a lot of time getting out of the twists and as a result had to land on a narrow track in the forest. Not cool. Happy to walk away un-hurt & undamaged. I only have a handful of WS BASE jumps but I have had line twists twice. I deploy at "full speed", my packing is reasonable and my body position feels symmetrical. (38" zp, large mesh, nose folded, in-direct) What do you do at pull time? Long flights, soft on heading openings james
  22. Come on, you could squeeze a few days in before Christmas! I might head down for a few days, won't be the same without ya Just me and Jamie.... WS might be limited to the Porter again during the main boogie days, limiting potential flock sizes. I'll be surprised if there are that many experienced birds anyway (based on past 4 years). jb
  23. Just to clarify, the video shows Unclecharlie slowing down to let Craig catch up. Honest Respect to Craig for making the landing area. Does anybody else have experience with "end of flight stalling" ? It seems strange that it affected all 3 wingsuit flyers (2 skyflyer, 1 crossbow) towards the end of the flight on nearly every jump. My initial thought was that it was wind or turbulence at low altitude. (?) Possible explanations: - fatigue, body position goes to sh*t after 30+secs - fear(!) as you get closer to the ground body position goes to sh*t - stalling the suit out, after using the "momentum" of the exit to get flying we sub-consciously trim the suit back gradually throughout the flight until we stall, after which it is hard to get flying again. Any other ideas? Inreasing air density ? Long flights! jb