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Everything posted by Zep

  1. Zep

    resturant etiquette

    How many of you would go to a resturante at 15.30 and expect the chief to greet you with a smile. I'm talking about a resturant not "Joe's greasy spoon" I told them to fuck off and return tomorrow between 12.30 and 15.00. Their attitude was one disbilife, mine was I start preparing lunch at 07.00 and if they can't make the effort to arrive at a normal hour Fuck em I don't want to serve them. Rant over. Gone fishing
  2. 3 2 1 off to the barnfire with you. The SC is for serious discussion not mediocre entertainers Gone fishing
  3. Whats not to like on the ride to altitude, it's a time to snooze, reflect, rehearse, and chill out whilst waiting for the certain death that will follow if you don't save yourself. Gone fishing
  4. I'm a Capricorn and to stuborn to die, not that the old man with the scythe hasen't tried to collect me more than a few times. Gone fishing
  5. Neither, I'm going to blame Quade and the Jackson porn video he linked. Gone fishing
  6. or even worse to be an Indian female http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6161691.stm just a thought isn't Shah from that region. Gone fishing
  7. I know it's not the festive season yet but this one always makes me laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEe55NxFSSU NSFW if you have speakers Gone fishing
  8. Here's some good news. Couple of months ago I rescued a CH kitten that was only a couple of weeks old, nobody thought it would survive but it did. Now it's a little bundel of joy and I get hours of fun playing with it. Gone fishing
  9. You don't need a gun for a crime spree, just look at the ceo's bankers, lawyers and politicians, they do it on a daily basis without guns. Gone fishing
  10. My opinion is that royal family and members of the royal family are public domain, all the time they draw public funds they are not entitled to a private life. they can suck it up or step down. Gone fishing
  11. So if Marbella gets wiped off the map by fire maybe just maybe I shall return to the fold. Modern day Sodom and Gomorrah http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-19433715 Gone fishing
  12. You got that right, you should see yourselves at foreign airport check in's Good manners go out the window. Gone fishing
  13. You got a car that fucks Gone fishing
  14. Zep

    New Video Edit

    Don't know why but the music made me think of early Thin Lizzie. Song and music were great, video's not bad either. Gone fishing
  15. Zep

    RunAway SUV

    Loads just google runaway Renault Vel satis France Here's one. http://www.kuna.net.kw/ArticlePrintPage.aspx?id=1491987&language=en What is interesting is that in all the reports the police said that the driver was terrified and believe his account. Renault on the other hand say that after checking the car their was no evidence of a problem. Sort of makes you wonder. Gone fishing
  16. Zep

    RunAway SUV

    Sounds like a similar case in France some time ago with a Renault. The driver called the police when his car kept accelerating, he couldn't turn the ignition off and the gearbox was locked in drive. The police cleared the highway ahead of him and he just kept going till the car ran out of gas. When the car was inspected by Renault it drove normally and they could find no faults. Shit happens. Gone fishing
  17. "I think anyone who has tried that has eventually discovered that the crap comes back with a vengence... " Where were you when I needed advice 20 years ago. Have you ever considerd doing a Dear ... advice column (no sarcasm intended) Gone fishing
  18. I voted yes but I have a very closed point of view. I think all recreational drugs should be legal but none should be covered by insurance or social security. You take any drug not prescribed by a legal practitioner deal with it or die. Commit an offense whilst under the influence of non prescribed drugs (including alcohol) minimum sentence 10yrs for adults 5 yrs for minors. Oh, and the sooner we make tobacco a banned substance the better. PS, I'm an ex smoker Gone fishing
  19. Zep

    Fun little game

    to waste some time on first try got to round five 28,400 http://science.howstuffworks.com/cannon-challenge-game.htm Gone fishing
  20. Light load, I can remember jumping at Snore with just two of us in the Otter and one was a hop n pop. Gone fishing
  21. You were doing OK till you mentioned IFFY CLIFFY Gone fishing
  22. Can't believe nobody has mentioned Rainbow Back in the day Stargazer was an anthem Ronnie James Dio never forgotten. Gone fishing
  23. Then let them go through the legal channels as I did when I moved to Spain before it was a member of the European community. Gone fishing
  24. You forgot the hay runner, those things can launch baby ducks nearly into space. Gone fishing