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Everything posted by Zep

  1. It's not 'the country' that decides whether rail services will run - it's the train companies. Slippery rail conditions (caused by our damp climate and lots of line-side foliage) already cost them an estimated £50 million a year. Meanwhile Heathrow is one of the busiest airports in the world, with planes landing at the rate of more than one per minute - hence the constant push for expansion. It is frustrating to have your travel disrupted, but sometimes there really is no viable alternative. I was just joshing, When I was 15 I was an apprentice box boy at Orpington Kent back when it was British rail. Fun times then with the fog and the detonators. Gone fishing
  2. Sounds about right for good old blighty, For a country that uses the excuse of leaves on the rails to cancel the rail service what can you expect. I live in a third world country and apart from terrorist attacks everything runs nearly to the minute. Gone fishing
  3. That your village obviously appreciates you and doesn't want you getting lost on your motorcycle. You know you took all the fun out of the answers with your disclaimer Gone fishing
  4. Hmm. must change my glasses I keep seeing double. Gone fishing
  5. Actually it was Elvis sitting atop a double Decker bus chatting to Dr Who. Gone fishing
  6. As a European I'd like to know how is that NSFW, It's not pornographic there's no bad language just a topless woman sitting atop a wing flyer having a good time. Do you blush every time you see a topless woman? Gone fishing
  7. Of course that has nothing to do with the Welsh and Clay having a breed of willing Sheep called "Shelves" Gone fishing
  8. No I think he means "life in prison" That's humorous in a funny sort of way. Gone fishing
  9. Zep

    Bond 007

    Is it just me or do others think that Daniel Craig is just totally unsuitable for the part. Bond should have a certain "Je ne sais quoi" Craig to me is just flat and droll and has ruined my enjoyment of the last three films I vote Stratham as the next Bond Gone fishing
  10. And the Catholic church. Mother and child DEAD. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-20321741 "When asked by the BBC if he thought his wife would still be alive if the termination had been allowed, Mr Halappanavar said: "Of course, no doubt about it." You sanctimonious bunch of rejects. Gone fishing
  11. Haha, the same here in Spain, I still use the old green toilet paper British license held together with tape. The police take one look and can't be bothered. Also the advantage of the old British license is that I don't have to renew it till I'm 65. Gone fishing
  12. Ha Ha mine too, my sister was 12 I was 14 the woman was 34. My Mother went ballistic and my Father had a kind of wry smile. Gone fishing
  13. Zep

    RIP XH558

    Back in the 80's I was lucky enough to see them flying and blame my partial deafness for being to close to the end of the runway. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-19952395 Gone fishing
  14. Sorry, I was under the impression that Apple inc was an American multinational corporation from Cupertino Calif. that seems to think that it could own the world by taking to court all those who have a better product whilst still depending heavily on the technology of those who produce a better product. So please forgive my ignorance and this fucking stupid post. Gone fishing
  15. We all know in the USofA they can do no wrong. But at least one English Judge see's them for what they are. Be interesting to read the affidavit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20165664 Gone fishing
  16. Yet I still have two in daily use Gone fishing
  17. their not whelks either Gone fishing
  18. Ahh, how I miss a good plate of whelks and making perrywinkle sandwiches. Gone fishing
  19. Do you shave? Do you bleach? Gone fishing
  20. Zep

    resturant etiquette

    Well if a lot of people don't realize that, then you can't really hold it against them or be mad at them for it. For me, I would think...ok, the doors are open, this place must be open. Let's eat! That's just typical woman's logic As I said it was a rant. I needed to escape and blow up at someone other than my hard working kitchen staff. what better place than the Bonfire. And no I didn't actually tell them to f**k off I was more tactful, the funny thing is that the party actually returned today at a more civilized hour. They had a typical Catalan salad followed by slowly braised pigs cheeks with a brandy sauce and duchess potatoes then topped off with home made ricotta cheese with local honey. Gone fishing
  21. Zep

    resturant etiquette

    For this part of the country lunch is from 13.00 to 15.00 I try to close the kitchen at around 15.15, when people turn up at past 15.30 I tend to get a little irate. What a lot of people don't realise is that keeping a kitchen open or having to reopen the kitchen for just a few late commers is very expensive. Gone fishing
  22. Zep

    resturant etiquette

    Actually the Catalan sense of humour is similar to English humour so I can getaway with a certain amount of sarcasim. Gone fishing
  23. I hope you tip well and open the door wearing something sexy. Gone fishing