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Everything posted by Zep

  1. What the hell, for the past weeks it's been all over the press the security company that was meant to control the Olympics couldn't deliver and despite assurances from the Government that the games would be secure. Ha Ha well what do you know, now GBNI is awash (will be) with illegal immigrants. As I've said all along their isn't a single government (worldwide) that is capable of organizing a piss up in a brewery. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19167033 Gone fishing
  2. SGAE (Spain's General Society of Composers and Publishers) complained about pirating. The governments answer was to implement a royalty levied on all and any medium capable of recording, be it analog or digital. The royalty is paid to SGAE. I don't give a dam what SGAE does with the royalties I've paid them. I know it's six years old but nothing has changed SGAE backed the government into a corner and now regrets it. http://slashdot.org/story/06/06/27/2156220/spain-adds-copyright-tax-to-blank-media Gone fishing
  3. I live in Spain, I've already paid any royalties due for any thing I down load. So NOT stealing. Gone fishing
  4. Demonoid is down after after some cowardly shits instigated a DDOS attack, looks like it'll take a few months to be back up and running. Gone fishing
  5. I just spoke to shah and he said, without your glasses you're as blind as a bat Gone fishing
  6. No not really, I just think NZ is way ahead than most "civilized" country's. Gone fishing
  7. Zep

    When I'm feeling blue

    This video has always cheered me up I know it's not new, but just seems the epitome of skydiving. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSTH1Cx52XQ Gone fishing
  8. Zep

    New Olympic sport

    Hare coursing, Pikeys have the right to be represented too. Gone fishing
  9. Zep


    Ahh sigh, you guys never cease to amaze us Europeans Gone fishing
  10. Why is it a crappy thread? Over the years I've supported you guys through thick and thin. Come on learn to lose with a little grace like the rest of us. If it turns out that she did actually take an "illegal" substance I'll eat humble pie., but till then... Gone fishing
  11. A little Chinese girl beat the best you got by more than seven seconds (in that event) and you cry foul, come on you're better than that. Gone fishing
  12. While they execute thieving bankers, the western world would make them politicians or presidents or prime ministers. Is their sentence over the top or is it time to make an example of people in trusted positions. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-19045737 Gone fishing
  13. I agree. Don't waste too much of your time fighting the heathens that post here. Keep in mind that everyone will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ. Some will do it as a choice and some will do it as a consequence. Well if I have the bad luck to stand before your Lord Jesus Christ I'll give him a swift kick in the bollocks and hope I'll get sent some where warm and away from all you religious heathens. Can you really imagine the boredom of being trapped in a place with all those self righteous pillars of society. Gone fishing
  14. FAIL I've cut up loads of barrels but never once with out washing them out or filling them with sand. Gone fishing
  15. Agreed apart from the whole episode being a total waste of tax payers money a faint glimmer of justice for all can now be seen on the horizon. A precedent has been set. Gone fishing
  16. Zep

    Peeves ...

    Posting a post about Peeves in the barnfire. Knowing that their is no way that the mods will accept my answer. Gone fishing
  17. I know that the world these days is full of PC IDIOTS. and for those of us who have who at least still have a sense of humour the world can be a dangerous place, it's nice to see that at least some of our peers are still in contact with reality. reality check As I've thought all along Magistrates live in their little world of suburbia. Gone fishing
  18. happy vagina Vaginas are vaginas their is no getting away from it, some are works of art some are really ugly, such is the nature of the beast. So ladies would you pay up to 3,000$ € or Pounds to have your vagina (labia) reshaped. Of course if you think that your labia is photogenic, post photos, Gone fishing
  19. That would be going too far. Instead we should convince as many people as we can to carry and conceal small, unmarked gasoline containers wherever they go, so that they can protect us from crazy people with gasoline. You mean like the zippo refill gas cans with the flip top. Gottcha, didn't think of that. Gone fishing
  20. Gas cans, as they can be filled with ammonia nitrate and diesel (ANFO), get a bigger bang for your buck. Gone fishing
  21. Me too, so "Give me crack and anal sex" Gone fishing
  22. As a good European atheist I shall be praying to the God that does not exist, that come Nov 6th The good people of the USA never have to suffer another government of Democrats Gone fishing