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Everything posted by pccoder

  1. i'd like to think i would land off with them, however at my low jump numbers, I am not sure it would be wise for me to land off on purpose. PcCoder.net
  2. how excited my little girl (9 yr old) gets every time I take her to the wind tunnel. she is getting so much better and if I can have my way.... she'll be brainwashed eventually.!!!!!! ha ha ahha ha (evil laugh) PcCoder.net
  3. i don't mind so much not using it, just happy to know it's there for when i do need it. PcCoder.net
  4. That's what I was thinking, ya think she is ready for a 'land' 3 way? PcCoder.net
  5. At a minumum you need at least 2 10-minute sessions with a long enough break between them to go over what you did/learned etc. Otherwise, you aren't getting enough to really be helpful, only to have fun. PcCoder.net
  6. I think it's the atmosphere, the stories, the videos, the sharing, the challenges, the feeling of family, the trying to fly like a bird, etc. I do it for all those reasons and more. I love this sport and hate to think how much I would have missed had I never got into it. PcCoder.net
  7. I agree. I have two girls which I had prior to getting into this sport. You can't just go through life like those parents who would have you believe they make every decision based on how it will affect their child. If that was true, our divorce rate wouldn't be what it is in this country. Let's get real! Anyway, don't quit because you become a parent; instead be a parent who can better educate their child about the dangers and enjoyment of this sport so we can start raising a more educated generation without so many biases towards what we do. Enjoy. PcCoder.net
  8. Thanks for all the responses. Just serving my own curious spirit. Thanks again. PcCoder.net
  9. Is it possible to flare a wingsuit to the point of completely losing any fall rate, if even only for a second? This is curiosity speaking, because if it is possible I can imagine you are aware of the next question, and how long before someone actually does it. PcCoder.net
  10. That's really cool that even people that are at the top of the social order (jeez did I actually say that) don't sway from this wonderful event in which we all take part. PcCoder.net
  11. I agree, I believe that is exactly it. PcCoder.net
  12. I did 2 bungee jumps back around 1992. From my recollection, it was alot scarier than skydiving has ever been. PcCoder.net
  13. thanks man, thanks for breaking it down for me.
  14. Hey, didn't you post this very same thing in Safety and Training? PcCoder.net
  15. Only at the begninning. Now most people (friends included) give the whole "don't want to watch you kill yourself" totally canned sell out excuse for their own fears. PcCoder.net
  16. I feel for you. I remember the first time I reached back and couldn't find it (even though it was probably in my hand). I was wearing gloves for the first time. PcCoder.net
  17. I agree with you too. However I don't jump with an RSL so it's not even a consideration. PcCoder.net
  18. You, just like me, do not have enough experience to determine his readiness for a greater than 1.1:1 wingloaded canopy at 50 jumps. However, I would assume from other threads on this same topic that he isn't making the 'greatest' decision putting himself at 1.21:1 at such a low number of jumps; unless of course I am mistaken and he has had numerous disasters occur under canopy in those 50 jumps which resulted in his enormous level of natural canopy ability that enabled him to push the envelope and display mad skills in order to save his life. Because guess what?? As soon as he has a major problem under that canopy, that's what he is going to need. PcCoder.net
  19. yea, that spinning number has got to be wrong PcCoder.net
  20. I'm suprised noone has responded with "Yes". We've had numerous threads about this very issue. Seems like to much wingloading for such a small number of jumps. I am at 65 jumps, weigh 160 and jump a 170 Spectre. I won't be downgrading until I am alot more experienced. PcCoder.net
  21. Not that I am aware, just wondering if this has ever occurred and what was the outcome PcCoder.net
  22. Has anyone ever heard of a situation where the TM has passed out (for whatever reason) and the student has had to pull/fly canopy/land? PcCoder.net
  23. get a shitload of money together and then you can do this PcCoder.net